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  • Curso Literacia Digital para o Mercado de Trabalho
    Publication . Lopes, Nádia; Barbas, Maria Potes; José, Mário; Matos, Pedro
    O presente artigo pretende abordar o primeiro curso, não conferente de grau, no Ensino Superior em Portugal, destinado a jovens com dificuldade intelectual e desenvolvimental com um grau de incapacidade igual ou superior a 60%, e quais os resultados do primeiro ano. Serão mencionados os argumentos da pertinência e relevância da construção deste curso. No final falaremos sobre a ação que estamos a construir destinada à empregabilidade, destinada a este público alvo. Em 2017/2018, o número de crianças e jovens com necessidades educativas com programa educativo individual (Decreto-Lei n.º 3/2008), em todo o sistema, era de cerca de 87000. Cerca de 12500 destes estudantes tiveram CEI (Currículo Específico Individual).
  • Uma experiência em ensino superior: a unidade curricular de Relações Laborais antes e durante a pandemia COVID-19
    Publication . Barbas, Maria Potes; Matos, Pedro
    O atual paradigma educativo veio alterar-se. A forma como o ensino é facultado aos estudantes teve a sua mudança e adaptação. Devido ao fenómeno pandémico, COVID-19, as instituições de ensino tiveram de tomar as devidas estratégias e medidas. Estas, que fossem capazes de garantir a segurança dos seus estudantes, assim como, de assegurar a continuidade de um ensino baseado na qualidade e excelência. Deste modo, foram aplicadas estratégias de ensino a distância e aprendizagem online, garantindo um acesso equitativo, acessível e intuitivo a todos os estudantes, de modo a que pudessem continuar os seus estudos e respetiva participação nas diferentes unidades curriculares. Assim, este artigo foca um estudo de natureza qualitativa, observacional e permeável a vários agentes (estudantes, professores, tutores, pais, etc.), sobre a participação de estudantes com dificuldades intelectuais, do curso Literacia Digital para o Mercado de Trabalho, na unidade curricular de Relações Laborais.
  • Did.Value: a Project Focused on Developing A Holistic Model For Inclusion of Disadvantaged Communities internships and Jobs
    Publication . Barbas, Maria Potes; Matos, Pedro
    As society keeps expanding and growing as a whole, tackling new challenges and disrupt alternatives in order to generate new jobs, educational offers, technological services, health and lifestyle opportunities and other aspects that constitute this large community, it is important to guarantee proper solutions and answers to the needs of those who are at a more disadvantaged background. In this case, we talk about people with disabilities or other communities who suffer from exclusion or face low opportunities scenarios. It is important to ensure that these groups can be included in society and be part of its several systems (employment, education, social affairs, equity, access to technologies, among other aspects). Therefore, The DID. VALUE project is a European action, combining the strengths and experience of three main partner countries (Portugal, Croatia, Cyprus) and other associated partners, that seeks to define and implement a holistic model that facilitates, through disruptive methodologies, innovative integration methods and learning mechanisms adapted to the needs of young people with disabilities and other disadvantaged communities, the social and professional inclusion of these target groups towards internships and jobs. In this sense, this work will describe the processes and strategies that led this comprehensive and integrated model to a deeper understanding of how these target groups can be included in society and on its several layers of composition. This way, generating new knowledge and good practices on which methods and resources can be used as key guidelines to solve these problems in a systemic way.
  • The usage of a social media network to create a “COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE”.The potentialities of using Reddit as a digital tool for a project about European young learners with down syndrome
    Publication . Barbas, Maria Potes; Matos, Pedro; Raminhos, Ricardo; Casimiro, Elsa
    The present work consists in demonstrating the usage of a social media network as a digital solution for the development of a community of practice. Basedon this idea it is important to understand the concepts of “social media network” and “community of practice” and how can these two be merged into a result. This community of practice was based in a set of activities that were under a European Project. This project aimedat providing e-skills for European young citizens with down syndrome promotingcultural and touristic activities.The social media network in use was Reddit since it was the best online digital solution to create, operate and establish a community of practice for a broad target audience. Thus, it will be presented,through an analytic description, the different elements that composed this community of practice
  • "Flavours in Ead" an Innovative Concept and Approach for an Intuitive and Effective E-learning Course
    Publication . Barbas, Maria Potes; Matos, Pedro
    E-learning has changed significantly since the pandemic. In the early months of 2020, our whole educational framework suffered from several side effects that needed to be corrected to ensure an effective and alternative way of teaching. Therefore, new methods and methodologies needed to be outlined to address the students’ learning needs. Regarding Higher Education, students and teachers were used to a more traditional way of teaching, yet strategies had to be implemented to maintain teaching in a higher level of performance. Thus, a methodology called “Flavours in EaD” was developed. This strategy comprised several actions and steps on how to build a robust, intuitive, and flexible E-learning course in the COVID-19 Pandemic time. What will be presented and analysed in this work as a way of disseminating the research and methodological process related to the “Flavours in Ead” strategy is based on the thought process involving the preparation, verification, development and implementation phase.
  • The T21 Project: a european initiative for young people with special educational needs
    Publication . Potes Barbas, Maria; Matos, Pedro; Novo, Cristina; Maurício Dias, José; Loureiro, Ana
    Awareness raising for the inclusion of the citizen with Trisomy 21 has been increasing slowly thanks to a series of measures an d actions taken at national and European level. The European Parliament adopted a declaration on children with Down syndrome in 2012, encouraging the Commission, the Council and the Member States to contribute to their social inclusion through awareness - raising campaigns. The EU also promotes its inclusion in society through the European disability strategy, but much more can and must be done. The work in this area is still mainly carried out by non-profit organizations and social entities with very few resources. Thus, the project T21 aims to make a positive difference in the area of support for children such as Down syndrome.
  • Training in digital literacy for labour market: e-learning for young people with disabilities
    Publication . Barbas, Maria Potes; Matos, Pedro
    The present paper consists in demonstrating a good practice experience on how distance learning can be a beneficial learning aspect for young people with disabilities through the implementation of an innovative training course in digital literacy for the labour market. Therefore, it presents the structural thought behind the development of the training, the adopted e-learning model and how these elements provided an adapted and flexible pedagogical environment for the aforementioned target group.
  • DID.VALUE: an international project focused on building an open digital framework for educational resources on inclusive jobs and traineeships for young people with disabilities
    Publication . Matos, Pedro; Barbas, Maria Potes
    The study in question focuses on the development of a digital and open framework, with the objective of being an educational resource for young adults over the age of 18 years and with intellectual disabilities. This project is part of an international initiative called DID. Value and aims to empower young adults for inclusive internship and employment scenarios. This framework consists of an adapted model of digital training, in which the adopted methodology goes through a phased process, step-by-step and using the various digital tools, to make the learning experience the most intuitive possible. Furthermore, this model used two resources widely utilised in online education, Perusall and Moodle to establish a platform rich in interactive content. In addition, other features such as H5P, interactive manuals, videos and virtual scenarios were used to enable a unique experience for participants, including real-life contexts, with challenges, activities and exercises that would lead participants to have an active and contributory position. Thus, we will analyse the building model of this framework, understand the best practices achieved in terms of content and structure for online teaching and training. In addition, we will make a brief analysis of the use of some specific digital resources and why they are best suited for this type of target audience.
  • Study of the innovative training module "communication and customer service" in a pioneer training course: "Digital Literacy for Labour Market"
    Publication . Barbas, Maria Potes; Matos, Pedro; DA SILVA, Ana
    This case-study researched disabled students’ practices, experiences and transferable knowledge attained through a specific training module, communication, and customer service. The name of this innovative course is “Digital Literacy for Labour Market”, which is a pilot training opportunity implemented in a HEI (Higher Education Institution). This type of initiative has already been implemented in other higher education institutions, such as the case of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, where a special programme for young students with intellectual disabilities, The Promentor Programme, was established. The aim of this project is the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in universities through several pedagogical and methodological processes (Gasset & Herrero, 2016). This paper presents the outcomes of students with intellectual disabilities who were included in an innovative and adapted learning environment, and were taught to develop soft and hard skills, namely key competencies related to communication, costumer service and basic concepts of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). In addition, this study exposes the views of the trainers, as well as other results and adopted best practices, in order to fully understand the students’ learning curve. Finally, concerning the methodological processes used to monitor this experience, a systematic approach was adopted, in which the following approaches were applied: (i) representation of different social situations through role play techniques that allowed different communicative capacities to be put into practice; (ii) customer or user service techniques adapted to the students’ knowledge in order to understand different cases or scenarios; (iii) strategies and techniques of communication adapted to the content to be presented to the students, with the purpose of including the characteristics of the receivers and ensuring efficiency in the communication processes. In conclusion, further studies that adopt these types of learning experiences and specific target groups will need to adopt even more alternatives that understand and approach every pedagogical need that these learners may have.
  • MOOC SK4e - Skills for employability
    Publication . Pinto, Paula; Potes Barbas, Maria; Matos, Pedro
    This Massive Online Open Course aims to facilitate the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills important to meet the needs of today’s professional environment and maintain work-life balance. The course is structured in three modules: Module 1 - Soft skills in professional environment; Module 2 - Self-leadership; Module 3 - Communicate efficiently. Completion of all activities is achieved in seven weeks, after which, the participant earns a certificate. The design of the course was based on project TRANSPEER: A transnational skills programme to enhance the employability of researchers (site: