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Quedas, Maria de Fátima

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  • A question of segregation: ‘ GM - free’ maize bread in Portugal
    Publication . Quedas, Maria de Fátima; Ponte, João; Trindade, Carlos; Punt, Maarten; Wesseler, Justus
    We describe the maize supply chain in Portugal for maize bread, a traditional bread type. As this bread is not labelled as ‘contains genetically modified organisms’ it should not contain more than 0.9 per cent genetically modified ingredients. On the basis of interviews we identify a general lack of documentation of the presence or absence of genetically modified ingredients along the complete supply chain (farmers, traders, mills and bakeries). Part of this deficiency is probably driven by a lack of awareness of the labelling rules at the end of the supply chain.
  • Caracterização química de acessos de tomateiro do BPGV
    Publication . Quedas, Maria de Fátima; Lopes, Maria; Pinto, Paula; Diogo, Maria; Santana, Antonieta; Matos, Anabela; Reis, Ana; Torgal, Isabel
  • Na via da valorização do germoplasma regional de abóbora
    Publication . Veiga, I.; Dandlen, S.; Marreiros, A.; Quedas, Maria de Fátima; Leitão, J.
    Durante os últimos 3 anos tem vindo a ser implementado o projecto n.° 58, acção 8.1 do programa Agro: Recursos Genéticos de Cucurbitáceas - abóboras e melancias; que tem como objectivo central a valorização dos recursos genéticos nacionais de Cucurbitáceas, promovendo a sua utilização directa pelos produtores e a sua utilização indirecta em programas de melhoramento genético. No âmbito deste projecto em que participam a Direcção Regional de Agricultura Entre Douro e Minho (DRAEDM), a Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Algarve (DRAALG), a Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém (ESAS) e a Universidade do Algarve (UALG), tem vindo a ser efectuada a caracterização e avaliação do germoplasma do género Cucurbita (abóboras) existente na colecção nacional, gerida pelo Banco Português de Germoplasma Vegetal (BPGV), e na colecção regional, organizada e mantida pela DRAALG. Em particular, o germoplasma colhido pela DRAALG visa preservar e valorizar as populações locais de Cucurbitáceas "apuradas" pelos produtores ao longo dos anos através da selecção dos melhores exemplares e recolha das respectivas sementes. Para a avaliação da variabilidade genética no interior destas colecções utilizaram-se marcadores-DNA, recorrendo a três técnicas diferentes: RAPD, ISSR, AFLP. Com base nos resultados das análises biomoleculares uma amostra de acessões que consideramos representativa da variabilidade existente, foi seleccionada para ensaios de campo. Durante estes ensaios que envolveram 28 acessões seleccionadas com base nas análises de variabilidade genética e 8 acessões adicionais de C. máxima, foram efectuadas análises biométricas e de caracterização morfológica qualitativa que resultaram na identificação de alguns genótipos com interesse para a produção. As análises de marcadores moleculares permitiram identificar várias amostras que se encontravam incorrectamente classificadas. Múltiplas acessões, erroneamente classificadas como C. pepo foram identificadas como pertencendo a uma espécie diferente, C. moschata. Adicionalmente, as análises biomoleculares permitiram estabelecer três padrões de marcadores-DNA inequivocamente identificativos de cada uma das 3 espécies em estudo: C. pepo, C. moschata e C. máxima.
  • A quinquennium of coexistence in portugal
    Publication . Quedas, Maria de Fátima; Carvalho, P. C.
    Portugal is one of the few European Union countries that experience the “coexistence” of a coexistence legal framework with a regular coexistence practice. Since 2005, Bt maize crops have been grown in different regions—either in small or large farms—in compliance with a law that envisages coexistence procedures for either individual farmers or groups of farmers that agree to establish the so called “production zones.” The monitoring of Bt maize crops is annually run and reported by the Ministry of Agriculture. Here we report on the first quinquennium of coexistence in Portugal, bearing down on regional distribution and evolution, farm sizes, coexistence measures, GM farmers’ profile and their assessment of Bt crops and coexistence rules, and Bt maize destination. Opportunities and constraints are also pointed out.
  • Portuguese Cucurbita spp. and Citrullus lanatus: conservation, evaluation and breeding
    Publication . Rocha, F.A.; Barata, A.M.; Quedas, Maria de Fátima; Lopes, Maria de Fátima; Marreiros, A.; Leitão, J.
    Cucurbitaceae is one of the most important families of vascular plants. This family includes 118 genera and 825 species. The five major cucurbit crops are Citrullus lanatus Thumb Mansf. (watermelon), Cucurbita maxima Duchesne (pumpkin), Cucurbita pepo L. (squash), Cucumis sativus L. (cucumber) and Cucumis melo L. (melon). Citrullus lanatus and Cucurbita spp. are very important in the Portuguese agro-ecosystems, associated with maize, beans and cabbage. Due to the importance of Citrullus and Cucurbita spp., the Portuguese National Genebank (BPGV) has done systematic collecting missions in Portugal (Mainland and Madeira Island). Since 2001, BPGV in partnership with other National Institutions, Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, Direcção Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Algarve and Universidade do Algarve, has been carrying out activities related to preservation, characterization, evaluation and pre-breeding. In Portugal, in BPGV, the Curcubitaceae collection preserved in ex situ conditions (medium and long term) totals 573 accessions. The collection of Citrullus lanatus and Cucurbita spp. has a total of 355 accessions, representing 62% of the whole collection: (37 of Citrullus lanatus, 19 of Cucurbita ficifolia, 74 of Cucurbita maxima and 224 of Cucurbita pepo). Based upon the diagnosis of the preserved collection, further germplasm collecting missions were recommended in Algarve Region. AFLP and RAPDs markers were used to check the assignment of accessions to Cucurbita species: C. pepo, C. maxima and C. moshata. The morphological characterization followed the Curcubita spp. and Citrullus descriptors, elaborated by Bioversity International, integrated in the European Cooperative Program for Genetic Resources, Cucurbits Working Group. Characterization data are reported herein. Departing from the most homogeneous accessions of Citrullus lanatus, Cucurbita maxima and C. moschata, three cultivars, one of each species, have already been selected and registered in the National Catalogue of Varieties.
  • Avaliação de populações locais de abóboras: Cucurbita maxima Duch. Ex Lam., Cucurbita pepo L. e Cucurbita moschata Duch. Ex Poir.
    Publication . Marreiros, A.; Sousa, J.B.; Andrade, L.; Quedas, Maria de Fátima; Leitão, J.; Veiga, Í.; Marcelino, F.
  • Estudo exploratório da estimativa indireta de licopeno via análise colorimétrica de genótipos de tomateiro de acessos tradicionais frescos e refrigerados
    Publication . Lucas, H.; Torgal, Isabel; Faro, Conceição; Santana, Antonieta; Pinto, Paula; Laranjeira, Cristina; Lopes, Fátima; Quedas, Maria de Fátima; Basto de Lima, Maria Gabriela
    The collection of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Portuguese Bank of Plant Germplasm of INRB, brings together dozens of hits in characterization. This paper presents results of color versus lycopene content of tomato accessions of some Portuguese Plant Germplasm Bank (2011-2012), in order to indirectly estimate the levels of lycopene in tomato fresh/chilled accesses via colorimetric analysis. The study took place in 10 tomato accessions, fresh and chilled to 5 ° C. The changes in color /pigment during the ripening of tomato are characterized by reduced chlorophyll and a rapid accumulation of carotenoids, particularly lycopene. Sometimes, due to the convenience and ease of use of color measuring the content of lycopene in the tomato pulp can be determined without the need to conduct a chemical analysis, in that there is a good correlation between the color of the fruit and lycopene content (adapted D'Souza, et al., 1992, Arias, et al., 2000 cited by Carvalho, et al., 2005). For all this justifies the existence of quality control tools across the row, starting at the selection of genotypes in breeding programs of tomato. The homogenized pulp is considered one of the best alternatives correlation associated with the chromaticity coordinate a.------The collection of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Portuguese Bank of Plant Germplasm of INRB, brings together dozens of hits in characterization. This paper presents results of color versus lycopene content of tomato accessions of some Portuguese Plant Germplasm Bank (2011-2012), in order to indirectly estimate the levels of lycopene in tomato fresh/chilled accesses via colorimetric analysis. The study took place in 10 tomato accessions, fresh and chilled to 5 ° C. The changes in color /pigment during the ripening of tomato are characterized by reduced chlorophyll and a rapid accumulation of carotenoids, particularly lycopene. Sometimes, due to the convenience and ease of use of color measuring the content of lycopene in the tomato pulp can be determined without the need to conduct a chemical analysis, in that there is a good correlation between the color of the fruit and lycopene content (adapted D'Souza, et al., 1992, Arias, et al., 2000 cited by Carvalho, et al., 2005). For all this justifies the existence of quality control tools across the row, starting at the selection of genotypes in breeding programs of tomato. The homogenized pulp is considered one of the best alternatives correlation associated with the chromaticity coordinate a *.