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- 2nd International Congress on 21st Century Literacies: book of abstractsPublication . Loureiro, Ana (ed.lit.); Rocha, Dina (ed.lit.); Messias, Inês (ed.lit.); Oliveira, Nuno Ricardo (ed.lit.); Lopes, Rui (ed.lit.)The 2nd International Congress on 21st Century Literacies (ICCL2022) intends to promote literacy in different areas of knowledge as part of the right to education, as well as a foundation for individuals’ empowerment and inclusive development in low density and cross-borders territories, allowing a greater literacy of these populations, thus contributing to a positive differentiation of these territories. The ICCL2022 will provide an opportunity to rethink the fundamental importance of literacy as a booster to the development and integration of these populations in the challenges of the coming decades. Several themes will be addressed, namely: digital, financial, environmental, quantitative, scientific, and emotional literacies, as well as literacy in the fields of health and management, STEM, reading and libraries, cinema, media, education, and arts, but not limited to. The meeting will provide a forum for discussion and debate of ideas with interest to the scientific community in general. With this meeting new scientific collaborations among colleagues, namely new collaborations in master’s and PhD projects are expected.
- Student’s digital transformation during higher education: entrance and exit digital profilePublication . Messias, Inês; Loureiro, AnaDigital technology has entered almost all areas of our daily lives to the point that we call our own society the Digital one. In the last 2 years with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, that has forced most of us to work from our homes, connecting online, this aspect of growing more digital has accelerated. This transition to remote work reminded us, once more, of the need to empower students with the required digital skills, or e-skills, to enter the labour market that “demands highly skilled people” [1], to perform lifelong learning, and to help answering the call of the European Commission’s Digital Compass targets of developing digital competences until 2030. This paper is the first part of an ongoing research that aims to understand the Higher Education (HE) Students’ Digital Profile when they enter HE, and then assess if their existing digital profile is correspondent to the labour market´s ideal profile when they finish their studies. This research also and foremost aims to design a research model for Student’s Digital Profile, providing us with the opportunity to assess this on a yearly basis, to the students that enter HE and the ones that are finishing their studies, helping Higher Education Institutions perceive if their studies’ syllabus are adequate to empower students with the needed workforce digital competences each specific field of expertise requires. As this study is correspondent to the first part of this research, this paper will focus on the literature review and research methodology that will lead us to our first results.
- Digital open educational resources: teachers’ perceptions of the pedagogical implicationsPublication . Messias, Inês; Loureiro, AnaThe educational paradigm has been changing, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, that made witness the field’s strengths, weaknesses, and lack of readiness making the transition from traditional classroom teaching to Online Remote Teaching and Learning (ORTL). While pre-pandemic studies state that teachers were willing to change, post-pandemic studies still show that teachers have a basic or medium level of digital competencies, still feeling insecure about how to effectively and efficiently use digital tools in their educational practices. The study presented here is being conducted at a Portuguese Higher Education Institution, to students of a master’s degree in Digital Education Resources, after they were trained in the development and implementation of digital Open Educational Resources (OER). This paper presents preliminary findings concerning teachers’ perceptions about the pedagogical implications of using OER after having received specific training on how to prepare, adapt, create, and implement them. This study methodology consisted of the application of questionnaires, at the end of the unit on Digital Educational Resources. The results are preliminary, concerning the first implementation of the questionnaires. Our goal is to consistently apply them, to gain a better understanding of the knowledge gained over the course, and positive and negative implications on their pedagogical experience.
- From face-to-face to online learning: designing a pedagogical model for an higher education contextPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Messias, Inês; Rocha, Dina; Oliveira, Nuno RicardoNowadays, online and virtual platforms play a key role in contemporary society. Digital technology has become ubiquitous and indispensable to our daily routines, whereas the educational field is not an exception. Higher Education Institutions (HEI), due to the transition to emergency remote learning during CoViD-19 pandemia, had to change the way programmes were delivered. At this moment, this fact has triggered on the part of HEIs, decision-makers and the educational community in general, the need to invest in the development and redesign of Pedagogical Models, as a social responsibility of the institution, besides the legal compliance with the accreditation agencies, of courses and institutions that promote distance learning. Online learning became a methodology that was acquired and that, in some situations, prevailed on time. However, delivering online learning has its own specificities and requires certain pedagogical adaptations, to which, sometimes faculty is not aware of. According to Decree-Law 133/2019, which approves the legal system of higher education provided at a distance, certain criteria are required to be reflected in the HEIs' official documents on this teaching-learning modality. Therefore, the design and conception of a pedagogical model for online learning and distance education is crucial, since HEIs have the responsibility, regardless of the contexts, to provide quality and inclusive education. Many online programmes are available for training but HEI have a significant role in providing a formal and certified training, founded on criteria of quality, flexibility and effectiveness and based on virtual learning platforms, grounded on adapted and personalised pedagogical models. This paper aims to present the distance learning pedagogical model of a HEI which is being developed for a quality distance learning offer. An extensive literature review was carried out, which allowed to know different pedagogical models applied in diverse contexts. A comparison of the different models was made, according to a set of defined criteria that emerged from the needs diagnosed in the HEI. This resulted in a proposal for a pedagogical model, based on the following principles: quality and learning experience; ethics and academic integrity; digital inclusion and accessibility; open science and environmental sustainability; flexibility; and interaction. The model will be validated by eLearning and pedagogical experts before it can be implemented as a model in the HEI.
- Modelo Pedagógico para o Ensino a Distância e Modelo do Campus virtual (versão 1.0 _ setembro de 2023)Publication . Loureiro, Ana; Messias, Inês; Rocha, DinaNuma sociedade global em acelerado processo de transição digital, o Instituto Politécnico de Santarém (IPSantarém) está fortemente empenhado em adequar as suas práticas e modelos pedagógicos às reais aspirações e necessidades das novas gerações de estudantes. Neste sentido, constitui-se como um objetivo institucional relevante, o desenvolvimento de um ecossistema de ensino e aprendizagem digital avançado que aponte à transformação digital do IPSantarém, à luz da exploração das potencialidades das tecnologias digitais inteligentes. Este ecossistema de ensino e aprendizagem digital não se constituiu apenas como uma modalidade alternativa de ensino. Representa também uma resposta a um ensino mais inclusivo permitindo o acesso ao ensino superior a mais estudantes, incluindo aqueles que, por alguma razão, possam não ter possibilidades frequentar o ensino presencial. Por outro lado, a maior diversidade, e flexibilidade, das metodologias de ensino a distância estimula a personalização dos percursos educativos e a adequação aos ritmos de aprendizagem e condicionantes de cada estudante, essenciais para garantir a adesão dos públicos mais adultos a um processo contínuo de aprendizagem ao longo da vida. O modelo pedagógico para o ensino a distância foi desenvolvido pelo grupo de trabalho do eixo EaD do projeto SAMA #eCapacitar - Capacitar para a inclusão digital nas áreas de negócio do IPSantarém, assente no mais atual conhecimento técnico, científico e pedagógico, implicando, desta forma, uma política integrada de formação e capacitação docente para a educação digital. Este processo de transformação digital no ensino será, sem dúvida, um grande desafio para toda a comunidade académica do IPSantarém. No entanto, acredito que com toda a dedicação, vocação e paixão do nosso corpo docente, juntamente com o comprometimento dos nossos estudantes e de toda a comunidade académica, todos os desafios serão superados. Agradeço ao grupo de trabalho responsável pelo desenvolvimento deste modelo, por toda a persistência e pelo importante contributo que dão para o IPSantarém, assim como a todos os quantos contribuíram para a sua melhoria através dos seus contributos e reflexões que fizeram chegar durante o processo de consulta aos orgânicos das escolas superiores do IPSantarém. Considerando que se trata de um processo integrado, envolvente e dinâmico, com fortes implicações no desenvolvimento e aprofundamento da excelência que se pretende para o IPSantarém, convido todos os membros da nossa comunidade académica a juntarem-se a esta iniciativa, contribuindo para moldar o futuro do nosso Instituto e garantindo que o IPSantarém continue a ser uma referência de inovação, inclusão e excelência no ensino superior.
- Online Distance Learning - The Concept of a Pedagogical Model for HEIPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Messias, Inês; Rocha, DinaThis paper presents the pedagogical model designed to support distance learning programmes in a Portuguese higher education institution (HEI). The model is based on models implemented in other national and international higher education institutions, in the scientific literature and in official reports. It focuses on aspects related to teacher and student training, course design, communication and interaction, assessment, support and access to information. The model aims to contribute to the development of high quality, coherent and diversified distance learning provision, capable of reaching different audiences, thus filling a long-recognised gap in higher education. It will also respond to the guidelines issued by the National Agency A3ES regarding non-face-to-face teaching. The model has been overseen by a panel of distance learning experts, validated by the HEI's scientific and pedagogical bodies and is currently being implemented.
- Online communication and assessment practices during the Covid Pandemic: a study of the portuguese higher education students’ perceptionsPublication . Morgado, Lina; Paz, João; Pereira, Hugo; Loureiro, Ana; Messias, Inês; Cardoso, Paula; Paiva, Ana; Runa, Ana; Seco, C.; Mendes, Elisabete; Vieira, M. F.; Oliveira, Nuno RicardoThis proposal is part of an ongoing research and presents the results on the perceptions and pedagogical practices experienced by students from various higher education degrees in Portuguese higher education institutions, during the period of social confinement determined by the Portuguese Government, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of the general research was to understand how Higher Education faculty and students experienced the digital transition to emergency education and the pedagogical practices adopted during the period. The research was based on a mixed methods approach and, in order to address the research objectives and describe the pedagogical practices implemented, specific instruments were developed for data collection. A questionnaire was developed, aimed at students, and interviews aimed at both students and faculty, focusing on technological and pedagogical dimensions, as well as the assessment of the experience. Data collection was carried out after the first lockdown, at the end of the first semester of 2020, and took place in eight higher education institutions. In this paper we will present a preliminary analysis of Questionnaire results related to two dimensions: online communication and assessment.
- Do ensino presencial ao ensino a distância: desenho e conceção do e-Campus do IPSantarémPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Rocha, Dina; Messias, InêsNeste poster, iremos apresentar o e-Campus do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém (IPSantarém). Este campus virtual surge da necessidade sentida na Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) de ministrar cursos a distância, de forma a poder inovar e diversificar a sua oferta formativa, chegando assim a públicos diferenciados.
- Fostering Sustainability Competencies in Higher Education: a Multimodal Approach Through Time2Act@SD MOOCPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Leal, Susana; Bernardes De Oliveira, Sandra Margarida; Messias, Inês; Barradas, Luís Cláudio; Tekerek, Adem; Güzel, Alper; Piki, Andriani; Gonçalves, Catarina; Simons, Joke; Mongelli, Tito; Gelfgren, Veronica; Michiels, XanderThe Time2Act@SDG Erasmus+ project aims to give higher education institutions the know-how and expertise they need to tackle the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) head on. The project offers three MOOC on the environment, the economy, and social issues. They provide a comprehensive approach to sustainability education that aligns with the principles of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The MOOC use new and creative ways to teach, including interactive content, digital tools, and hands-on learning. This helps students to think critically, solve problems, communicate, and work together. This paper looks at how the MOOC are designed and taught to see how they help students at HEIs to develop the skills they need to achieve the SDGs.
- Learning in Knowledge Society: the different roles of VLEs & PLEsPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Messias, Inês; Potes Barbas, MariaIn the connected world we live in today, people no longer look for information only in formal places. The internet has become a place of choice to gather information. Social networks are no longer only used for pleasure and maintaining contact with friends, and have grown to became platforms where knowledge is created, shared and where connectivity and collaboration are natural. Many people look at the web as a place for learning and use it to create a network which allows them to gather, select, share opinions, reshape ideas and create knowledge to then share on social networks. Students’ learning profile is becoming more proactive in the search for information and constructing valid knowledge.