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  • Conteúdo dos objetivos para a prática de exercício físico e vitalidade subjetiva na população idosa - Análise de medição das necessidades psicológicas básicas
    Publication . Couto, Nuno; Antunes, Raúl; Monteiro, Diogo; Vitorino, Anabela; Cid, Luis
    Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a associação entre os conteúdos dos objetivos para a prática de atividade física e a vitalidade subjetiva numa população idosa portuguesa, bem como analisar o efeito de medição das necessidades psicológicas básicas (NPB). Recorreu-se a uma amostra de 299 idosos (234 femininos, 65 masculinos), residentes em Portugal continental, com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 90 anos (M=68.43; SD=6.48) e procedeu-se a uma análise de medição simples através do modelo quatro do Process Macro para o SPSS versão 3.5. Através dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que todos os objetivos apresentam uma associação significativa com a satisfação global das NPB e com a vitalidade subjetiva (neste caso, com exceção do objetivo reconhecimento social). Verificou-se ainda que as NPB medeiam a relação entre o conteúdo dos objetivos para a prática de atividade física, saúde, desenvolvimento de capacidades, imagem e a vitalidade subjetiva.
  • Effects of exercise on quality of life in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease: systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
    Publication . Mendes, Mariana; Correia, Érica; Vitorino, Anabela; Rodrigues, José; Cid, Luis; Bento, Teresa; Antunes, Raul; Monteiro, Diogo; Couto, Nuno
    Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that progressively affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It can interfere with daily activities and lead to a decline in cognitive abilities over time. Exercise-based interventions can complement Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Exercise is a valuable tool in all healthcare settings and has shown promise as an effective cognitive improvement intervention for people with cognitive impairments. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to analyze the effect of physical exercise on the QoL of subjects with Alzheimer’s disease. A search was performed with the help of the electronic databases PubMed and Web of Science. Randomized controlled trials with exercise-based interventions were selected. Four studies met the inclusion criteria, which included interventions based on exercise. The effects were summarized using standardized mean differences (95% confidence intervals) using random-effect models. The results showed that exercise had no significant effect on the QoL of subjects with Alzheimer. Thus, the effect of exercise interventions on the QoL of patients with Alzheimer’s disease is not conclusive. More research is needed about this topic and the way in which the QoL is assessed; the necessity to conduct an objective way to assess the QoL in this population is mandatory.
  • Influence of physical fitness on the perception of physical well-being and quality of life in individuals with Intellectual Disability
    Publication . Jacinto, Miguel; Oliveira, Rafael; Brito, João; Simões, Cristina; Vitorino, Anabela
    Physical capacities, health and quality of life (QOL) are improved through physical exercise in individuals with Intellectual Disability (ID). The aim of the present study was to verify the association of physical fitness with the perception of physical well-being and QOL in individuals with ID. Sixteen individuals with ID were evaluated by bioimpedance, functional tests (“6-minute walk test” (6MIN), “Timed Up and Go” (TUG), “30-s Chair Stand” (L/S), and “medicine ball throw”) and isokinetic dynamometer (lower limbs [LL]). The Personal Outcomes Scale (POS) was used to measure “Physical Well-Being” and “Total QoL”. Pearson and Spearman correlations were applied (p< 0.05). Correlations were found only in the female gender between the muscular strength in the extension/flexion of the LL (60º/s) and the responses of the reference technicians in the domains of “Physical Well-Being” (respectively, r= 0.729, p= 0.026; r= 0.802, p= 0.009) and “Total QOL” (respectively, r= 0.706, p= 0.033; r= 0.767, p= 0.016). It was found that strength, endurance and aerobic capacity do not seem to be associated with the physical well-being and QOL of the sample.
  • Age and sex differences in physical activity of portuguese adults and older adults
    Publication . Bento, Teresa; Mota, Maria P.; Vitorino, Anabela; Monteiro, Diogo; Cid, Luis; Couto, Nuno
    This study aims to explore data on objectively measured physical activity from a sample of adults and older adults and to investigate the achievement of the minimum physical activity required for health benefits. Participants, 257 women (age 58.99 ± 18.93 years, BMI 26.75 ± 4.57 kg·m−2 ) and 178 men (age 49.22 ± 20.39 years, BMI 26.81 ± 3.51 kg·m−2 ), wore an accelerometer for 4 to 7 days. Approximately 40% of the time was spent daily in sedentary behaviors during waking hours. Our results do not sustain the suggestion that adult men are more physically active than women. The results indicated a decrease in intensity of physical activity with age, in men and women, but not in successive age groups. Around 75% of adults and 30% of older adults accumulated the minimum daily physical activity for health benefits, in periods shorter than 10 min, above moderate intensity. The number of steps taken per day revealed that most men and women (except the oldest) attained or exceeded the lower threshold for deriving health benefits. To obtain relevant health benefits, future physical activity interventions should aim at reversing the amount of sedentary behaviors, emphasizing increments in, at least, the lower levels of PA, and maintaining walking habits.
  • Influence of physical fitness on the perception of physical well-being and quality of life in individuals with intellectual and developmental difficulties
    Publication . Jacinto, Miguel; Oliveira, Rafael; Brito, João; Vitorino, Anabela
    Physical capacities, health and quality of life (QOL) are improved through physical exercise (PE). Some studies corroborate these effects in individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Difficulty (IDD). In this sense, the objective of the study was to verify the association of physical fitness with the perception of physical well-being and quality of life (QOL) in individuals with IDD. Sixteen individuals with IDD (mean ± standard deviation, age, 34.2 ± 10.61 years; body mass, 72.42 ± 18.23 kg; height, 158.3 ± 9.17 cm) were assessed in body composition by bio impedance method, InBody S10 (Biospace Co, Ltd, Seoul, Korea), in the 30-second chair stand test, Timed Up And Go (TUG), 6-minute walking test (6-min) (Rikli & Jones, 1999), medicine ball throwing (3kg-ball) (Harris et al., 2011) and lower limb strength (LMS) using the HUMAC2015®/NORM™ (Tosca Drive, Stoughton, USA). “Physical Well-Being” and “Total QOL” were assessed using the Personal Outcomes Scale (Claes et al., 2010; Loon et al., 2010; Simões et al., 2016), through self-reported responses (individuals and technicians). Pearson and Spearman correlations were applied for p<0.05. In the female gender, there were associations between the tests for assessing muscle strength in the extension and flexion of LMS (angular velocity of 60º) and the responses of the technicians in the domains of “Physical Well-Being” (respectively, r=0.729 , p=0.026; r=0.802, p=0.009) and “Total QoL” (respectively, r = 0.706, p = 0.033; r = 0.767, p = 0.016). It was found that strength, endurance and aerobic capacity do not seem to be associated with physical well-being and QOL. According to the results, it is necessary to carry out studies with larger and more representative samples of each gender and degree of disability.
  • Passion for sport as a mediator between the basic psychological needs and life satisfaction of athletes with disabilities
    Publication . Rodrigues, Filipe; Vitorino, Anabela; Cid, Luis; Bento, Teresa; Jacinto, Miguel; Antunes, Raul; Teixeira, Diogo; Monteiro, Diogo
    The present study examined the potential impact of basic psychological needs and passion for the practiced sport on the life satisfaction of athletes with disabilities. A mediation model was tested, hypothesizing that autonomy, competence, and relatedness are associated with athletes' life satisfaction through their passion (harmonious and obsessive) for the sport. One hundred thirty-one athletes participated in this study, ranging in age from 15 to 59 years (M = 27.78; SD = 9.31). Athletes completed questionnaires regarding their satisfaction of basic psychological needs in sports, their passion for the sport, and overall life satisfaction. Perceptions of competence and relatedness were associated with harmonious passion (β = 0.37, p < 0.01; β = 0.21, p < 0.05, respectively), while perceptions of autonomy were linked to obsessive passion (β = 0.39, p < 0.05). Furthermore, harmonious passion was linked to life satisfaction (β = 0.40, p < 0.01), and only the indirect effect of competence on life satisfaction through harmonious passion was significant. The results suggest that autonomy satisfaction does not necessarily translate into higher levels of harmonious passion. However, competence and relationships play a significant role in the life satisfaction of athletes who have a harmonious passion for their sport.
  • Aptidão física e qualidade de vida em indivíduos com deficiência intelectual e de desenvolvimento
    Publication . Jacinto, Miguel; Brito, João; Oliveira, Rafael; Martins, Alexandre; Francisco, Ruben; Vitorino, Anabela
    A maioria dos indivíduos com Deficiência Intelectual e de Desenvolvimento (DID) adota um estilo de vida sedentária e inativa, tendo consequentemente fraca capacidade funcional e de composição corporal, apresentando uma relação com o seu estado de saúde. Avaliar a composição corporal e averiguar a sua influência com a capacidade funcional/aptidão física, numa população com DID. 16 indivíduos com DID avaliados na composição corporal por bio impedância multifrequência, capacidade funcional e força dos membros inferiores, com recurso a dinamómetro isocinético. Não se verificaram diferenças, na capacidade funcional e nas variáveis da composição corporal, entre grupos com diferentes gras de deficiência. Verificou-se correlações entre o género diferenças significativas, na capacidade funcional e nas variáveis da composição corporal, entre grupos com diferentes graus de deficiência. Verificaram-se correlações entre o género e as variáveis da composição corporal, apresentando o género masculino valores mais favoráveis nas variáveis percentagem de massa gorda (%MG) (r= -0,758; p=0,001), gordura visceral (GV) (r= -0,589; p=0,016), massa celular corporal (MCC) (r= 0,625; p=0,010), água extra celular (AEC) / água corporal total (ACT) (r= -0,607; p=0,013) e no ângulo de fase (AF) a 50khz (r= 0,529; p=0,035). O rácio ACT/massa isenta de gordura (MIG) e o rácio AEC/ACT apresentam valores de indivíduo saudável, respetivamente, 73,26±0,36% e 0.36-0.39%. O AF foi menor no género feminino e nas idades mais avançadas, bem como com o aumento da %MG. O grau de deficiência parece não influenciar a capacidade funcional e as variáveis da composição corporal, nesta amostra. De salientar, o AF que reflete a boa integridade celular relacionado à proporção de AEC e de água intracelular, apresenta valores dentro dos parâmetros normais, ainda que baixos.
  • The dualistic model of passion in adapted sport: a double-serial mediation analysis on satisfaction with life
    Publication . Teixeira, Diogo; Rodrigues, Filipe; Vitorino, Anabela; Cid, Luis; Bento, Teresa; Evmenenko, Anastasiia; Macedo, Rita; Morales-Sánchez, Verónica; Monteiro, Diogo
    Adapted sports practice has increased in recent years, and has now put an additional demand on research to further explore and understand the characteristics of this field of practice. The main aim of this study was to examine the serial mediation effects of motivation and affective activation in relationships between passion and satisfaction with life in adapted sports athletes. The study sample comprised 143 adapted sports athletes (male = 107) aged between 15 and 59 years (M = 29.21; SD = 10.45) enrolled in distinct modalities. Double serial mediation models were developed according to hypothetical associations, and were analyzed using PROCESS macro v. 3.3. In both models, no direct effect between the types of passion and satisfaction with life emerged. However, positive indirect effects through self-determined motivation have emerged in the harmonious and obsessive passion models, as for a distinct and positive effect of relatedness in satisfaction with life.