Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022"
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- Consanguinidade no cavalo Puro-sangue LusitanoPublication . Carolino, Nuno; Vicente, António
- Efeito dos diferentes tipos de poda no rendimento da casta Trincadeira-Preta e sua influência na qualidade final da uvaPublication . Domingos, André Alexandre Campos; Mira, HelenaO objetivo deste trabalho foi apurar as diferenças quantitativas e qualitativas, de três tipos de poda distintos, poda a talão (T), Guyot (G) e Vara (V) na casta Trincadeira-Preta, na região do Tejo. Foram avaliadas as respostas das videiras de cada modalidade, aos fatores impostos pelos tipos de poda, e pelas condições edafoclimáticas da região. Parâmetros como a produção, a maturação e o produto final, foram o foco principal em análise. O campo de ensaio foi instalado na Raposa, concelho de Almeirim, no distrito de Santarém, numa vinha propriedade da empresa Falua, Sociedade de Vinhos, SA. O ensaio foi instalado na parcela de Trincadeira-Preta, onde foram marcadas e sujeitas a análise 90 videiras. Da totalidade de videiras, 30 foram sujeitas a poda T, 30 a poda G, e as restantes a poda V, sendo que em todas as modalidades foi deixada uma carga à poda de 16 olhos. Foram realizados blocos casualizados, de cada modalidade, composto cada um por 10 videiras. Após o tratamento estatístico, concluiu-se que as videiras sujeitas à poda T produziram menos, contudo os cachos produzidos apresentaram peso superior e maior número de bagos. Do ponto de vista qualitativo, o vinho produzido a partir dessas uvas apresentou valores superiores de intensidade de cor, de índice de polifenóis totais, teor em antocianinas e em taninos do que qualquer outra modalidade. As videiras da modalidade V, produziram cerca do dobro das outras modalidades, com um número superior de cachos e um peso médio de bagos inferior. Do ponto de vista da qualidade, resultou um vinho com menor intensidade de cor, e níveis inferiores de polifenóis totais, antocianinas e taninos. Da poda G os cachos foram de peso inferior em relação aos cachos da poda T, no entanto, os seus cachos possuíram um menor número de bagos, mas de peso superior aos das outras modalidades. Do ponto de vista enológico, resultou num vinho menos concentrado, com menor intensidade de cor, menos polifenóis totais, antocianinas e taninos, aproximando-se do vinho da modalidade V.
- Teacher's Manual in Civic Education - Secondary SchoolPublication . Torres, Ana Luísa Mateus Oliveira Chança; DA SILVA, Ana; Maurício Dias, José; Lazarova, Elena; Tsvetanska, Silviya; Timologou, AnastasiaThe Teachers’ Manual in Civic Education is a guide for teachers that includes 48 training sessions on Human Rights, Diversity, Identity and Active Citizenship. The publication is created within the European project "My Europe – Your Europe – Your Say" (ME-YOU-US), which includes six organizations: Prosveta-Sofia Foundation, Instituto Politecnico de Santarém (Portugal), Center for non-formal educationAENAO (Greece), Społeczna Akademia Nauk (Lodz, Poland), Inspectoratul Scolar Jud.Dolj (Craiova, Romania), AltiusFrancisco De Vitoria Foundation (Spain). The project is implemented within the Erasmus + program, according to Grant Agreement No. 018-1-BG01-KA201-047913 with Human Resources Development Center, the Erasmus+ National Agency for in Bulgaria.
- Proposal of a technological cluster to support eLearning platformPublication . Cardoso, Filipe; Godinho, Filipe; Rosado, J.; Caldeira, Filipe; Sá, FilipeDue to the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, educational institutions are immediately faced with a new challenge to adapt, forcing the transition from face-to-face teaching to distance learning in a short period. Distance education supported by technology is a challenge for educational institutions based on binomial technology/teaching. This paper presents a proposal for an e-learning technology structure, supported by a cluster of servers capable of responding to the requirements of distance learning based on the premises of High Availability, High Performance, Load Balancing. The beginning of this study consisted of a literature review to find the various existing technologies, a way to combine them and create a system capable of providing the necessary functionalities, and whose performance could host all the users of an institution simultaneously. The implemented system results from this combination of technologies and allows its capacity to be scaled at any moment according to momentary needs. In technological terms, the solution was based on a free Linux distribution, the Ubuntu Server installed inside a cluster of servers with VMware ESXi, and a cluster of database nodes based on Gallera technology. The eLearning platform used in this study was Moodle because it is one of the resources most used by institutions. The aspects of teaching, provision of content and execution of evaluation tests, were explored. With the implementation of the presented scenario, it was possible to guarantee the High Availability and load balancing of the platform and guarantee a high performance of the whole solution.
- Cidadania e bem-estar animal no 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino básico: estudos de caso com o modelo dos 7EPublication . Ferro, Vânia; Linhares, ElisabeteCom o objetivo de conhecer as conceções de alunos sobre o bem-estar animal e compreender o impacto de atividades com orientação CTSA e/ou orientadas para o ativismo na formação cívica e no desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico dos alunos em relação ao bem-estar animal, foi realizado um estudo de caso em duas turmas, uma de 4.º ano e outra de 6.º ano. Os dados obtidos através de questionários, notas de campo e análise documental permitiram verificar o desenvolvimento de competências de atuação em relação à problemática, nomeadamente, analíticas, dialéticas e de cooperação. O presente documento encontra-se organizado em quatro secções: enquadramento teórico, metodologia, resultados e conclusões.
- Tecnologia cultural no local definitivoPublication . Grego, José; Marques, António; Lopes, Fátima; Martins, Guilherme; Saraiva, Raquel
- Within- and between-mesocycle variations of well-being measures in top elite male soccer players: a longitudinal studyPublication . Oliveira, Rafael; Ceylan, Halil İbrahim; Brito, João; Martins, Alexandre; Nalha, Matilde; Mendes, Bruno; Clemente, Filipe ManuelBackground: The aims of this study were to describe the variations of training monotony (TM), training strain (TS), and acute:chronic workload ratio (ACWR) through Hooper Index categories (fatigue, stress, DOMS, and sleep quality) and to compare those variations between player status and player positions. Methods: Seventeen male professional soccer players participated in this study. Considering player status, participants were divided in nine starters and eight non-starters. Additionally, participants were divided by playing positions: three wide defenders, four central defenders, three wide midfielders, four central midfielders, and three strikers. They were followed during 40-week in-season period. TM, TS, and ACWR were calculated for each HI category, respectively. Data were grouped in 10 mesocycles for further analysis. Results: Results showed variations across the mesocycles. In general, starters showed higher values for TM, TS, and ACWR calculations than non-starters, although there were some exceptions. Regarding player positions, significant differences were found in stress between wide defenders vs central midfielders for TM (p = 0.033, ES = 5.16), central defenders vs wide defenders for ACWR (p = 0.044, ES = 4.95), and in sleep between wide defenders and strikers for TM (p = 0.015, ES = 5.80). Conclusions: This study revealed that an analysis of players’ well-being parameters according to player status and positions can provide clear information to the coaches and their staff to complement the tasks of training monitoring.
- BAD Plastics | Relato de uma atividade IBL sobre a problemática dos plásticosPublication . Nunes, Joana; D´Oliveira, Mafalda; Rucha, Raquel; Ferro, Vânia; Cavadas, Bento; Linhares, Elisabete; Branco, NeusaA manutenção do equilíbrio dos oceanos é um desafio comum a várias nações do mundo, encarando-se como uma prioridade de ação por estes constituírem uma chave para o futuro (Parlamento Europeu, 2018). As escolas podem contribuir para esse desafio devido ao seu papel no desenvolvimento de competências dos alunos, levando-os a serem capazes de tomar decisões conhecedoras e prudentes em relação aos oceanos e aos seus recursos (Sea Change, 2015). No âmbito das unidades curriculares de Didática das Ciências Físico-Naturais II e Didática da Matemática II do curso de Mestrado em Ensino do 1º CEB e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2º CEB, da Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, foi implementada a proposta de trabalho CreativeLab_Sci&Math | BAD Plastics (Linhares & Cavadas, 2018), com o objetivo de contribuir para a formação das futuras professores sobre as causas, consequências e medidas de remediação da poluição por plástico e microplástico no meio ambiente.
- Assessment in sport and exercise psychology: considerations and recommendations for translation and validation of questionnairesPublication . Cid, Luis; Monteiro, Diogo; Teixeira, Diogo Santos; Evmenenko, Anastasiia; Andrade, Ana; Bento, Teresa; Vitorino, Anabela; Couto, Nuno; Rodrigues, FilipeTranslating and validating measurement instruments in sport and exercise psychology is not an easy task. Rather, it is a task that requires effort and time, for the process is not limited to a simple translation to translate words from one language to another, just in order to make valid and reliable measure. All researchers should be aware that the only proper way is to adopt rigorous and robust methodologies to conduct the process from the preliminary stage of translation to reaching the validation stage of the psychological variable. Only so is it possible to avoid creating fragile and inadequate psychological assessment instruments that can jeopardize the entire investigation to be held with its use. Thus, the main objective of this work is to promote reflection and discussion on the subject by presenting some considerations and recommendations about translation and validation of questionnaires for psychological assessment applied to sport and exercise domain.
- Arm–leg coordination during the underwater pull-out sequence in the 50, 100 and 200 m breaststroke startPublication . Olstad, Bjørn; Gonjo, Tomohiro; Conceição, Ana; Seifert, Ludovic; Šť astný, JanObjectives: To investigate the arm–leg coordination from different perspectives of motor control during the underwater start sequence to understand whether differences exist between the three competitive breaststroke swimming events. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Forty-one breaststroke races (with race times relative to the world record): 50-meter (n = 14, 87.6%), 100-meter (n = 14, 88.5%) and 200-meter (n = 13, 85.4%) were recorded. A race analysis system tracked the two-dimensional displacement of the head. Key points from the underwater start sequence were obtained from notational analysis in order to compute seven time-gaps and four phases to assess the arm–leg coordination and timing of the dolphin kick. A one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc correction was used to assess differences between the time gaps and phases for the three events. Results: Differences between the three events were found for total underwater glide, and the first (T0) and second (T1) major glide phase. No differences between the events were found in relative duration and distance for the time gaps related to arm–leg coordination (T1–3, T4, T6) and timing of the dolphin kick (T4–5) during the underwater start sequence. Conclusions: The arm–leg coordination and timing of the dolphin kick showed no difference between the events, but the total underwater glide duration was longer in both the 100- and 200-meter compared with the 50-meter start. This shows that swimmers did not change the complex inter-limb coordination between the competitive events, but only modified the least complex movement, gliding, to adapt to the swimming speed of the respective events.