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  • Impact analysis of BPN in subjective happiness, subjective vitality and physical sctivity in an elderly portuguese population
    Publication . Couto, Nuno; Antunes, Raul; Monteiro, Diogo; Moutão, João; Marinho, Daniel; Cid, Luis
    The goal of this work is to analyze the impact of elderly Portuguese individuals’ global perception of satisfying basic psychological needs in the areas of subjective happiness, subjective vitality and physical activity through a structural equations model. The way of well-being differs according to the amount of physical activity practiced in Portuguese elderly was also analyzed. Participants included 309 elderly people (242 females, 67 males) of Portuguese nationality who practice different levels of physical activity. Their ages range from 60 to 90 years old (M=68.59; DP=6.60). The obtained results show that the perception of basic psychological needs in Portuguese elderly people’s lives are a positive predictor of subjective happiness and subjective vitality. Also, the results verified that elderly people who perceive higher levels of competence practice more physical activity. Consequently, it is also possible to conclude that elderly people who participate in more physical activities perceive greater levels of subjective happiness and subjective vitality.
  • Projeto jogamos tudo, brincamos todos: o arranque
    Publication . Antunes, Raul; Amaro, Nuno; Matos, Rui; Ribeiro, Alícia; Coelho, Beatriz; Mangas, Catarina
    O Projeto ‘Jogamos Tudo, Brincamos Todos’ tem como principal objetivo a promoção da inclusão através de jogos motores adaptados, que fomentem noções relacionadas com a educação para a cidadania e respeito pela diferença, em alunos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB). Ao longo de oito semanas serão realizadas oito sessões que seguem uma lógica de progressão e consolidação de conhecimentos, sendo cada uma constituída por quatro momentos/atividades: ‘Segue-me’ – aquecimento que simula a deslocação de uma pessoa com deficiência visual e o papel do guia; ‘BalãoBall’ – simula um movimento de uma criança com deficiência motora (falta de funcionalidade dos membros superiores); ‘Bowling Sentado’ – simula o típico jogo do bowling realizado por uma pessoa que se desloca através de uma cadeira de rodas; ‘Jogo das Caixas’ - simula uma ação concretizada a partir dos sons do meio ambiente, por impossibilidade de usar a visão. Será utilizado questionário que visa verificar as atitudes de inclusão para com os pares com deficiência e, ainda, verificar a perceção das crianças sobre a competência dos seus pares com deficiência, em dois momentos (inicial e final), procurando encontrar semelhanças e diferenças que possibilitem a avaliação do Projeto. O presente artigo pretende apresentar o Projeto “Jogamos Tudo, Brincamos Todos”, incluindo uma aplicação piloto realizada em janeiro de 2020 com duas turmas (2.º e 3.º anos do 1.º CEB), procurando-se refletir sobre a operacionalização do mesmo. A partir deste processo, espera-se ajustar e reformular as planificações e as práticas no sentido de alargar o número de participantes nos próximos anos letivos.
  • Teamwork, Spirit of the Game and Communication: A Review of Implications from Sociological Constructs for Research and Practice in Ultimate Frisbee Games
    Publication . Amoroso, José; Coakley, Jay; Rebelo Gonçalves, Ricardo; Antunes, Raul; Valente-dos-Santos, João; Furtado, Guilherme Eustáquio
    Ultimate Frisbee (UF) is a non-contact, challenging, and self-promoted team sport. Its characteristics, such as the game environment and rules, appear to influence the on-the-pitch behaviour of players. This article examines the content of qualitative studies to determine if and how the unique characteristics of UF may be related to nine sociological themes, that may be identified during gameplay. These themes include the following: (a) competition and performance; (b) enjoyment; (c) communication; (d) cooperation/friendship; (e) behaviors/welfare; (f) teamwork/social skills; (g) environment/lifestyle; (h) rules/self-refereeing and (i) spirit of the Game (SOTG). The review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. A comprehensive search protocol was used to identify, screen, and select published research articles under a Qualitative Systematic Review (QSR). The search was occurred from 1 June to 30 December 2020 with no limitations regarding the year of publication. Original English-language papers that contained relevant data regarding sociological themes and UF were selected. As a result, nine papers were qualified to be included in the final version of QSR. The files analyzed were structured with MAXQDA. A total of 521 references were identified and selected for analysis. After the Screening (n = 301) and Eligibility (n = 71) phases, a total of 30 potential papers were selected and classified. Nine studies were included in the final analysis. The three most cited sociological themes in these studies were: communication, teamwork/social skills, and spirit of the game. Research suggests that UF involves patterns of interaction related to communication and the spirit of the game that encourage active lifestyles. Finally, we point out that UF is an appropriate sport to include in physical education classes in which the creation of positive relationships between students is the desired outcome. This topic should be explored further through interventional studies done in different contexts although the evidence suggests that UF offers players unique opportunities to experience a combination of physical activity and enjoyment.
  • Basic psychological needs and subjective well-being in portuguese older people
    Publication . Couto, Nuno; Antunes, Raul; Monteiro, Diogo; MOUTÃO, JOÃO; Marinho, Daniel; Cid, Luis
    The aim of this study is the validation of the Portuguese version of the Basic Need Satisfaction General Scale (BNSG-S) in a sample of Portuguese elderly, and analyze through a structural equations model the effect of the Portuguese elderly individuals’ global perception about the satisfaction of basic psychological needs on subjective well-being. Two samples of Portuguese elderly people aged between 60 and 90 years old were considered in this study. Results revealed that they Model 3 of the BNSG-S (three factors, 11 items) adjusted to the data a (χ² = 103.16, df = 41, SRMR = .05, TLI = .90, CFI = .93, RMSEA = .07, 90% CI = .05-.08). Additionally, structural model analysis, showed a positive and significante ffect between satisfaction of basic psychological needs and subjective well-being. In sum we concluded that the Portuguese version of the BNSG-S can be used as a means to evaluate the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs of the older population and, their satisfaction, has a positive effect on subjective well-being in the Portuguese older population.
  • Passion, grit, and mindset in undergraduate sport sciences students
    Publication . Frontini, R.; Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Antunes, Raul; Silva, Ana Filipa; Lima, Ricardo; Clemente, Filipe Manuel
    The aim of this study was two-fold: (i) to compare passion, grit and mindset between sexes; and (ii) to analyze the relationships between passion, grit and mindset. Fifty-eight men (age: 20.10 ± 2.70 years old) and forty-eight women (age: 19.27 ± 4.10 years old) sports sciences undergraduate students voluntarily participated in this study. A cross-sectional survey design was followed. The passion scale, grit scale and mindset scale were provided to participants. Comparisons in the passion, grit and mindset items revealed no significant differences between sexes (p > 0.05). Relationships between passion, grit and mindset were tested. Overall (both sexes considered), correlations presented small magnitudes in the pair's passion*grit (r = 0.28; 95%CI [-0.07; 0.31]; p = 0.004), passion*mindset (r = 0.203; 95%CI [0.01; 0.38]; p = 0.043) and grit*mindset (r = 0.06; 95%CI [-0.14; 0.25]; p = 0.574). As conclusions, the present study did not find significant differences in passion, grit and mindset between sexes in undergraduate sports sciences students. Additionally, it was verified that relationships between passion, grit and mindset are small in this population.
  • Translation and adaptation of the physical activity enjoyment scale (PACES) in a sample of Portuguese athletes, invariance across genders, nature sports and swimming
    Publication . Monteiro, Diogo; Nunes, Gilberto; Marinho, Daniel; Couto, Nuno; Antunes, Raul; Moutão, João; Cid, Luis
    The aim of this study was to translate and validate of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES), from Mullen et al. version in Portuguese athletes, invariance across genders and nature sports and swimming, as well as, external validity, through the Portuguese version of BRSQ. Athletes (n=1032; 273 nature sports, 759 swimming) with an average age of 18,95 ± 6,59 years participated in this study. Confirmatory factor analysis (maximum likelihood), multigroup analysis (measurement invariance) and correlation analysis were used for data analyzed. Results supported the suitability of the models (one factor which eight items) showing an adequate fit to the data in each sample (general:χ²=181,96, p=<0,01, df=20, SRMR=0,04, NNFI=0,94, CFI=0,96, RMSEA=0,07, RMSEA 90% IC=0,06-0,08; male: χ²=113,27, p=<0,01, df=20, SRMR=0,04, NNFI=0,95, CFI=0,97, RMSEA=0,07, RMSEA 90% IC=0,06-0,08; female: χ²=67,59, p=<0,01, df=20, SRMR=0,03, NNFI=0,94, CFI=0,96, RMSEA=0,07, RMSEA 90% IC=0,06-0,09; nature sports: χ²=42,32, p=0,02, df=20, SRMR=0,037, NNFI=0,96, CFI=0,98, RMSEA=0,06, RMSEA 90% IC=0,04- 0,08; swimming: χ²=130,14, p=<0,01, df=20, SRMR=0,04, NNFI=0,94, CFI=0,96, RMSEA=0,07, RMSEA 90% IC=0,06-0,08), as well as, were invariant across genders and nature sports and swimming (∆CFI≤0,01). Enjoyment was, on the one hand, found to be positively and significantly correlated with identified regulation (r=0,82), integrated regulation (r=0,62) and intrinsic motivation (r=0,90). On the other, it was negatively and significantly correlated with amotivation (r=-0,25) and external and introjected regulation (r=-0,42; -0,38), respectively. Those findings allow concluding that PACES can be used to measure enjoyment in the future studies, thus filling an existing gap to date.
  • Physical activity and affect of the elderly: Contribution to the validation of the Positive and Negative Affect Shedule (PANAS) in the Portuguese population
    Publication . Antunes, Raul; Couto, Nuno; Vitorino, Anabela; Monteiro, Diogo; Marinho, Daniel
    The concept of affect corresponds to the emotional dimension of subjective well-being (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). It is represented by two dimensions (negative affect and positive affect), which were the basis of the development of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - PANAS (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988). It was translated and validated for the Portuguese population by Galinha and Pais-Ribeiro (2005b). Nevertheless, because the Portuguese version was not validated in a sample of Portuguese elderly, the goals of this study consisted in the translation of the scale (PANAS) from the original version of 20 items and the validation of its measurement model (including a shortened version) for a sample of Portuguese elderly (n = 311), aged 60 years or older (M = 68.53; DP = 6.69); it was then tested by a confirmatory factorial analysis. The results demonstrated that the measurement model (two factors and 10 items) of the shortened Portuguese version of the PANAS presented acceptable psychometric qualities, which adjusted to the data in a satisfactory way (factorial weights ranging between .57 and .70 in positive affect and between .52 and .68 in negative affect). We also concluded that older adults who practice more physical activity perceive higher levels of positive affect F(2, 297) = 3,78, p < .05; η2 = .025, and lower levels of negative affect F (2, 297) = 6,24, p < .001; η2 = .040).
  • The Relationship Between Anxiety Levels, Sleep, and Physical Activity During COVID-19 Lockdown: An Exploratory Study
    Publication . Frontini, R.; Rebelo-Goncalves, Ricardo; Amaro, Nuno; Salvador, Rogério Paulo; Matos, Rui; Morouço, Pedro; Antunes, Raul
    Nowadays and worldwide, the attention is focused on coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and its consequences on mental health are yet to be fully understood. It is important to capture differences in anxiety levels among populations, groups, and the gender-related variation. Therefore, the present study had two main purposes: (1) to characterize the levels of state anxiety and trait anxiety by examining gender-related, sleep-related, and physical activity-related variations in a nonrepresentative sample of the Portuguese population during the first weeks of lockdown; and (2) to explore the possible relationship between trait anxiety and state anxiety and the possible role of gender as a moderator. This cross-sectional study comprised 1,332 Portuguese adults (aged 18–55 years old) recruited online during COVID-19 outbreak measures. Participants answered to sociodemographic data and the Portuguese version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Gender differences were found in both state anxiety (p = < 0.001; d = 0.385) and trait anxiety (p = < 0.001; d = 0.467) with females presenting higher values. People reporting doing more physical activity than usual during COVID-19 lockdown presented lower levels of state anxiety (p = < 0.001; d = 0.200). People reporting more satisfaction with the quality of sleep presented lower levels of both state anxiety (p = < 0.001; d = 0.701) and trait anxiety (p = < 0.001; d = 0.899). Variation associated with the physical activity level (low, moderate, and high) was significantly different among groups in both state anxiety (p = < 0.001) and trait anxiety (p = < 0.001). When analyzing in more detail separating the levels of physical activity, participants performing moderate and high physical activity showed lower values of state and trait anxiety compared to participants with low physical activity. Participants performing high physical activity also showed lower values of state anxiety compared to participants performing moderate physical activity. Higher levels of trait anxiety were related to higher levels of state anxiety, but this association was not moderated by gender. Interventions aiming to support people psychologically during this outbreak should consider anxiety as well as gender and possible behavioral changes in sleep and physical activity, for example. Health professionals should not only consider the anxiety related to the situation we are living but also address trait anxiety to help overcome COVID-19 psychological consequences.
  • Portuguese adults’ concerns on the return to indoor sports practice after confinement due to COVID-19 pandemic -mitigation strategies proposals
    Publication . Matos, Rui; Amaro, Nuno; Antunes, Raul; Rosa, Marlene
    Objective: This study aimed to get an insight of Portuguese adult people concerns about returning to physical activity and sports practice at indoor sports facilities, after confinement due to COVID-19’ pandemic. Subsequently, an additional approach to the traditional mitigation strategies was to be proposed. Methods: A total of 173 Portuguese practitioners on indoor physical activity or sports before pandemic participated in this study. A questionnaire asking how much concerned (1 – nothing, to 5 – completely) would they be on different contexts and aspects related to this return was applied. Results: respondents were considerably concerned about this theme, especially with touching on common surfaces and proximity to others. Although considerable concerned if having to travel by public transport to the training facility, using locker rooms and with features of the sports’ practice itself, the former received the highest concerns. Additionally, we have suggested modifying some objects (or creating others) that may allow their use with body parts other than hands - an important contagion source - and exploiting the possibility of using intermediate instruments on objects and sports equipment manipulation, preventing users from touching their surfaces directly. Conclusion: touching on common surfaces and proximity to others revealed high degrees of concern on the return to indoor sports practice after confinement due to COVID-19 pandemic. Alongside the rules of personal distancing, respiratory etiquette and surfaces hygiene, it is suggested that sports practitioners, whenever possible, use alternative body parts and intermediate instruments that avoid direct contact of hands with surfaces and sport objects.