Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2020-11"
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- Projeto jogamos tudo, brincamos todos: o arranquePublication . Antunes, Raul; Amaro, Nuno; Matos, Rui; Ribeiro, Alícia; Coelho, Beatriz; Mangas, CatarinaO Projeto ‘Jogamos Tudo, Brincamos Todos’ tem como principal objetivo a promoção da inclusão através de jogos motores adaptados, que fomentem noções relacionadas com a educação para a cidadania e respeito pela diferença, em alunos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB). Ao longo de oito semanas serão realizadas oito sessões que seguem uma lógica de progressão e consolidação de conhecimentos, sendo cada uma constituída por quatro momentos/atividades: ‘Segue-me’ – aquecimento que simula a deslocação de uma pessoa com deficiência visual e o papel do guia; ‘BalãoBall’ – simula um movimento de uma criança com deficiência motora (falta de funcionalidade dos membros superiores); ‘Bowling Sentado’ – simula o típico jogo do bowling realizado por uma pessoa que se desloca através de uma cadeira de rodas; ‘Jogo das Caixas’ - simula uma ação concretizada a partir dos sons do meio ambiente, por impossibilidade de usar a visão. Será utilizado questionário que visa verificar as atitudes de inclusão para com os pares com deficiência e, ainda, verificar a perceção das crianças sobre a competência dos seus pares com deficiência, em dois momentos (inicial e final), procurando encontrar semelhanças e diferenças que possibilitem a avaliação do Projeto. O presente artigo pretende apresentar o Projeto “Jogamos Tudo, Brincamos Todos”, incluindo uma aplicação piloto realizada em janeiro de 2020 com duas turmas (2.º e 3.º anos do 1.º CEB), procurando-se refletir sobre a operacionalização do mesmo. A partir deste processo, espera-se ajustar e reformular as planificações e as práticas no sentido de alargar o número de participantes nos próximos anos letivos.
- Museologia e Património Volume 3Publication . Magalhães, Fernando; Curcino, Alan; Costa, Luciana; Hernández, Francisca
- Digital literacy for the labour market: inclusive training in higher educationPublication . Barbas, Maria Potes; Lopes, Nádia; Matos, PedroUnderstanding the term “inclusion” is a challenge today. Contemporary society assumes a diversity of definitions in order to clarify the various aspects that constitute this domain. This, in an attempt to correspond to the globality that the concept of inclusion entails. However, applying “inclusion” in a real context and effectively, specifically, social and digital inclusion for students with intellectual difficulties, is a real challenge, because in addition to forcing a paradigm shift in the context where the experience is inserted, it adds a sense of responsibility and adaptability in the institutions and human resources that perform their profession in them. In this case, it is about the creation of a unique model in Portugal of training in Higher Education, to train students with intellectual difficulties who want to continue their studies, improve their social, professional and digital skills and, above all, enhance a set of skills, attitudes and behaviours essential for their social and labour inclusion in the labour market. It is further added that this model is only possible with the addition of formal and academic education to the nonformal and informal education component of each student. This means that it is necessary to ensure that this training model is fully adapted to the social, pedagogical and emotional needs of each student, and it is essential to situate and understand the importance of two agents involved in this process: (i) families, who are the starting point for the motivation of this target audience and (ii) volunteers, who are from stakeholders, technicians to trainers and other students.
- Contributo para a utilização da Escala de Braden em Angola:adaptação cultural e validação em doentes internados em UCIPublication . Pinto, Susana; Assunção, Marta; São João, Ricardo; Domingues, Tiago; Alves, Paulo; José, HelenaDescrever o processo de adaptação cultural da escala de Braden para Angola. Determinar as propriedades psicométricas da escala: sensibilidade, especificidade e ponto ótimo de corte
- Promoção da vinculação paterna nas duas primeiras horas de vida do recém-nascidoPublication . Jesus, Ana; Dias, HéliaO parto representa um momento crucial no processo de transição do homem para a parentalidade, como tal a prestação de cuidados de enfermagem especializados nos primeiros momentos de interação pai/filho é essencial. Assim sendo, é necessário a compreensão de como o contacto pele a pele tem influência na vinculação paterna. Realizou-se uma Scoping Review, segundo a metodologia Joanna Briggs Institute (2014) e partindo da questão “Qual a importância do contacto pele a pele, na promoção da vinculação paterna nas primeiras duas horas de vida do recém-nascido?”. Da pesquisa efetuada na plataforma EBSCO – Host, selecionaram-se três artigos quantitativos e ainda da literatura cinzenta foi selecionado um artigo qualitativo. Após a análise reflexiva das respostas obtidas, os resultados pretendem contribuir para a prática da enfermagem centrada na pessoa, na sua singularidade e sensibilidade às necessidades específicas do pai para que este estabeleça uma relação precoce e duradoura com o seu filho. Childbirth represents a crucial moment in the process of transition from man to parenting, as such, the provision of specialized nursing care in the first moments of parent/child interaction is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how skin-toskin contact has an influence on paternal attachment. A Scoping Review was carried out, according to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology (2014) and based on the question “What is the importance of skin-to-skin contact, in promoting paternal attachment in the first two hours of the newborn's life?” From the research carried out on the EBSCO - Host platform, three quantitative articles were selected and also from grey literature a qualitative article was selected. After reflective analysis of the responses obtained, the results intend to contribute to the practice of nursing centered on person, in his uniqueness and sensitivity to the father's specific needs for that he establishes an early and lasting relationship with his son.
- Periodização e técnicas avançadas de treino da forçaPublication . Oliveira, Rafael; Brito, JoãoA força muscular (F) é um conceito definido como a toda a capacidade de modificar o estado de repouso ou de movimento de um corpo, traduzido por um vetor, traduzindo-se pelo produto da massa (m) pela sua aceleração (a) (F = m x a). Todavia, existem diferentes formas de manifestação da força muscular. Por essa razão, é necessário em primeiro lugar efetuar uma análise estrutural das diferentes formas de manifestação da força. No entanto, no âmbito da área do treino da força, existem mais fatores a considerar como o próprio processo de treino, características dos estímulos proporcionados através do treino, princípios, organização, tipos, métodos e sistemas de treino a aplicar. Apenas controlando e dominando todas as variáveis mencionadas, juntamente com o conhecimento de outras áreas intimamente relacionadas como a fisiologia, nutrição, biomecânica, anatomia, entre outras será possível prescrever, planear e periodizar programas de treino seguros, eficientes e motivantes. Durante os últimos anos, a necessidade de desenvolver variações no treino de força começou a tornar-se mais relevante, sendo reportado que a variação do número de séries, repetições, da velocidade de execução e da intensidade da carga pode influenciar as adaptações produzidas pelo treino. O termo mais conhecido para designar estas variações é o de periodização, ou seja, a variação planeada e controlada das variáveis de um programa de treino que também será elencado neste livro.
- Sport, Education and Quality of LifePublication . Dias, Isabel Simões; Sequeira, Pedro; Barrosa, MarisaFollowing its research, the CIEQV - Life Quality Research Center mission is to contribute to the production of knowledge and inno vation to promote the improvement of the human being quality of life. In global terms, it focuses its research in the areas of food and its production (food safety and sustainable agriculture), physical activity as a condition for the citizens’ quality of life, motor behav iour and education in its various aspects, connected to the creation and use of innovative and applied technology and to the quality of life of people at work. In this way, the research promoted by the CIEQV will have a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisci plinary approach to knowledge in the mentioned domains in order to promote innovation and scientific excellence. The book “Sport, Education and Quality of Life” is an extraordinary document as it brings together the CIEQV mission. Our society tends to associate Quality of Life with the presence or absence of diseases or pathologies. However, the concept of Quality of Life is much broader and supported by several researchers. In this mind set, this book and its various chapters clearly demonstrate how Education and Sports contribute to Quality of Life. The differen tiated approaches to diverse themes and issues help to under stand the concept of Quality of Life, which I consider an important milestone in the development of our society. There are concrete proposals that contribute to the improvement of the Quality of Life, clues to deepen the themes and reflections that may raise new re search topics. Readers will have a book that meets different types of interests. For readers outside this area, the book will certainly help raising awareness thereof. For readers who want to under stand how the Education and Sport areas race for Quality of Life, this book presents different perspectives. For readers who are re searchers in these or similar areas, this book will be a great tool to aid in their current and future researches. Finally, for casual or out dated readers, this book’s easy reading will stimulate them on the importance of Quality of Life in our society as it directly contributes to the survival of the human being. My thanks to all CIEQV researchers and colleagues who have come forward to write this book and thus assist the Center in its mission. I wish you a wonderful reading!
- Enfermagem e hipertensão arterial - Um projeto de intervenção comunitáriaPublication . Nóbrega, Tercio; Figueiredo, Maria do Carmo (preferencial)A hipertensão arterial é uma doença crónica, sendo o principal fator de risco de doença cardiovascular, causando elevada mortalidade a nível mundial. Pretende-se analisar a experiência realizada no estágio de Enfermagem Comunitária. Desenvolveu-se uma Scoping Review, com a questão: quais as intervenções de enfermagem no empowerment aos idosos com hipertensão arterial? Nas evidências obtidas identificou-se o empowerment como intervenção de enfermagem aos idosos com hipertensão arterial. Tendo como base a metodologia do Planeamento em Saúde, e como estrutura de abordagem comunitária para as intervenções, o modelo sistémico de Betty Neuman, elaborou-se o diagnóstico de enfermagem, que levou à intervenção comunitária “Hiper(A)tensão ao seu Coração” com o objetivo de aumentar os conhecimentos face à hipertensão arterial e a potencial adoção de comportamentos saudáveis, nos idosos com 65 ou mais anos de um bairro social. Os resultados apontam um aumento de conhecimentos médio de 22%, demonstrando o impacto positivo do projeto
- Performance Appraisal Criteria of Coaches According to the Age Group of the Athletes and the Level of Sports CompetitionPublication . Antunes, Hélio; Soares, Jorge; Rodrigues, José; Velosa, SílvioThe purpose of our study was to analyse how coach performance appraisal frequency and criteria vary according to the age group of the athletes and the level of sports competition. To that end we surveyed a sample of 223 coaches of voluntary sports clubs in Madeira, Portugal, using an individual and anonymous questionnaire. Although in general coach performance appraisal was not treated as a systematic and structured process by the sports clubs, we did find significant differences between coaches of young athletes and coaches of adults, and between coaches at the regional level and coaches at the national/international level, with respect to the importance of sports results as a coach evaluation criterion. The study suggests applying structured practices in coach performance appraisal and a different approach to assessment according to the age group and specific context of the competition.
- The role of workers' motivation and commitment in educational management:the case of a Brazilian higher education institutionPublication . Leal, Susana; Souza, JovitaThis work investigates how the motivation and commitment of people at work influence the management of educational institutions. Additionally, the role of the manager in the context of school administration is also studied. To achieve the objectives of this work, the case study method was applied to a Brazilian public higher education institution (HEI). The data were obtained through a questionnaire survey, which included three scales: (a) motivation for work, following Herzberg's conceptual framework; (b) organizational commitment, following Meyer and Allen's conceptual framework; and (c) management roles, following Mintzberg's conceptual framework. A sample of 61 workers was obtained, corresponding to 65% of the population of the higher education institution. Among all the respondents, 38 (62%) were women, 31 (51%) were under 40 years of age, 42 (69%) were married, a large majority, 59 (97%), had higher education qualifications, and 29 (48%) were professors. Regarding motivation at work, the professionals of the HEI studied feel professionally fulfilled, consider their work challenging and interesting, have professional growth, have been promoted, and have a good interpersonal relationship with the management. However, they do not feel that their work gives them status, nor do they feel that their work is recognized by managers. The three items that generates the greatest professional satisfaction are professional achievement, professional recognition, and salary. Regarding organizational commitment, HEI employees have a high affective commitment, moderate normative commitment, and low continuance commitment. As far as the roles of the manager are concerned, the roles most frequently played are those of figurehead, liaison, disseminator, spokesperson, entrepreneur, resource allocator, and negotiator. The case study carried out allowed to identify areas for improving the management of educational organizations, particularly in the human resources management domain. Clues for future research are also identified.