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Following its research, the CIEQV - Life Quality Research Center
mission is to contribute to the production of knowledge and inno vation to promote the improvement of the human being quality of
life. In global terms, it focuses its research in the areas of food and
its production (food safety and sustainable agriculture), physical
activity as a condition for the citizens’ quality of life, motor behav iour and education in its various aspects, connected to the creation
and use of innovative and applied technology and to the quality of
life of people at work. In this way, the research promoted by the
CIEQV will have a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisci plinary approach to knowledge in the mentioned domains in order
to promote innovation and scientific excellence.
The book “Sport, Education and Quality of Life” is an extraordinary
document as it brings together the CIEQV mission. Our society
tends to associate Quality of Life with the presence or absence of
diseases or pathologies. However, the concept of Quality of Life is
much broader and supported by several researchers. In this mind set, this book and its various chapters clearly demonstrate how
Education and Sports contribute to Quality of Life. The differen tiated approaches to diverse themes and issues help to under stand the concept of Quality of Life, which I consider an important
milestone in the development of our society. There are concrete
proposals that contribute to the improvement of the Quality of Life,
clues to deepen the themes and reflections that may raise new re search topics. Readers will have a book that meets different types
of interests. For readers outside this area, the book will certainly
help raising awareness thereof. For readers who want to under stand how the Education and Sport areas race for Quality of Life,
this book presents different perspectives. For readers who are re searchers in these or similar areas, this book will be a great tool to
aid in their current and future researches. Finally, for casual or out dated readers, this book’s easy reading will stimulate them on the importance of Quality of Life in our society as it directly contributes
to the survival of the human being.
My thanks to all CIEQV researchers and colleagues who have come
forward to write this book and thus assist the Center in its mission.
I wish you a wonderful reading!
sport Quality of Life
Life Quality Research Centre (CIEQV); Polytechnic of Leiria; Polytechnic of Santarém