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São vários os agentes que modelam a participação e envolvimento cívico por parte dos jovens: a família, a escola, os pares, organizações não governamentais, os media. Baseando-se no facto de as organizações não governamentais (doravante - NGO) poderem representar um papel importante na promoção do envolvimento e participação dos jovens, os resultados do projecto estão focados no fomento da participação, aplicando actividades com elementos de gamification como um novo, atractivo e inovador método para o trabalho com jovens.
De acordo com o Conselho Europeu e com os representantes dos Governos dos Estados Membro, “para apelar aos jovens e assegurar um maior impacto nas suas vidas, devem ser criados novos cenários onde os jovens invistam o seu tempo, tais como infraestruturas citadinas modernas e espaço virtual, tal como novas abordagens utilizando inovadoras ferramentas online e offline tais como a gamification”.
Estas novas abordagens necessitam de ser enraizadas nas actividades do trabalho com jovens no sentido de revelar e desenvolver o potencial dos jovens. Um dos métodos que necessitam de maior atenção e reconhecimento é a implementação da gamification.
Gamification é a aplicação de elementos de jogos e técnicas de design de jogos digitais em problemas não relacionados com jogos, tal como desafios de impacto empresarial ou social. Esta é uma abordagem baseada em psicologia e na motivação para aumentar a motivação, o envolvimento e o contributo do público alvo, assim como atingir os resultados necessários através da sua participação activa1. Durante o projecto “Digital gamification for youth engagement” foi efectuada pesquisa sobre elementos e ferramentas de gamification e foram utilizadas diferentes abordagens de forma a obter a informação mais relevante, resultando na criação do manual “Como obter sucesso com gamification digital para os jovens “ para a educação em organizações juvenis. As directrizes vão cobrir os seguintes tópicos:
• O que é a gamification?
• Porque é importante?
• Quais são os melhores exemplos de gamification?
• Como utilizar a gamification (digital)?
• Como criar o jogo através da utilização de modelos e aplicações já existentes?
• Como envolver e educar um considerável número de jovens em tópicos diversos tais como, mas não limitados a, democracia, desemprego, participação cívica, sustentabilidade, promoção da paz, meio ambiente, comunidades locais, etc.
O manual está preparado para ONG, trabalhadores jovens e outros stakeholders. O projecto irá melhorar a compreensão de gamification digital como uma abordagem pedagógica em educação não formal e irá reforçar formas inovadoras de ensinar, introduzindo esta abordagem como uma ferramenta integradora e atractiva entre os jovens.
Different agents shape youth’s civic participation and engagement: family, school, peers, non-governmental organizations, media. Based on the fact, that non-governmental organizations (hereinafter – NGO) can play important role to promote youth engagement and participation, project results are focused to foster participation, applying activities of gamification elements as a new, attractive and innovative method for youth work. According to the European Council and representatives of the Governments of the Member States, “to appeal to young people and to ensure greater impact on their lives, new settings where young people spend their time, such as modern city infrastructure and virtual space, as well as new approaches using innovative online and offline tools such as gamification”. New approaches need to be engrained in youth work activities to uncover and develop the potential of young people. One of the methods that requires larger attention and acknowledgement is gamification implementation. Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This is a psychology and motivation-based approach to increase the motivation, engagement and contribution of the target audience, as well as achievement of the necessary results through their active involvement1. During the project “Digital gamification for youth engagement” research was made about elements and tools of gamification and different approaches used to collect most relevant information, resulting in the creation of handbook “How to succeed with digital gamification for youth” to educate youth organizations. The guidelines will cover following topics: • what is gamification? • why it is important? • what are best cases of gamification? • how to use the (digital) gamification? • how to create the game by using of existing free templates and applications? • how to involve and educate a greater number of young people on various topics such as, but not limited to, democracy, unemployment, civic engagement, sustainability, peace building, environment, local community etc. Handbook is prepared for NGOs, youth workers and others stakeholders. The project will improve the understanding of digital gamification as pedagogical approach in non-formal education and reinforce the innovative way of teaching, introducing it as an attractive and integrating tool among youth.
Different agents shape youth’s civic participation and engagement: family, school, peers, non-governmental organizations, media. Based on the fact, that non-governmental organizations (hereinafter – NGO) can play important role to promote youth engagement and participation, project results are focused to foster participation, applying activities of gamification elements as a new, attractive and innovative method for youth work. According to the European Council and representatives of the Governments of the Member States, “to appeal to young people and to ensure greater impact on their lives, new settings where young people spend their time, such as modern city infrastructure and virtual space, as well as new approaches using innovative online and offline tools such as gamification”. New approaches need to be engrained in youth work activities to uncover and develop the potential of young people. One of the methods that requires larger attention and acknowledgement is gamification implementation. Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This is a psychology and motivation-based approach to increase the motivation, engagement and contribution of the target audience, as well as achievement of the necessary results through their active involvement1. During the project “Digital gamification for youth engagement” research was made about elements and tools of gamification and different approaches used to collect most relevant information, resulting in the creation of handbook “How to succeed with digital gamification for youth” to educate youth organizations. The guidelines will cover following topics: • what is gamification? • why it is important? • what are best cases of gamification? • how to use the (digital) gamification? • how to create the game by using of existing free templates and applications? • how to involve and educate a greater number of young people on various topics such as, but not limited to, democracy, unemployment, civic engagement, sustainability, peace building, environment, local community etc. Handbook is prepared for NGOs, youth workers and others stakeholders. The project will improve the understanding of digital gamification as pedagogical approach in non-formal education and reinforce the innovative way of teaching, introducing it as an attractive and integrating tool among youth.
O apoio da Comissão Europeia à produção desta publicação não constitui um endosso do conteúdo que reflete apenas as opiniões dos autores, e a Comissão não pode ser responsabilizada por qualquer uso que possa ser feito das informações nele contidas.
gamificação empreendedorismo e empregabilidade ambientes de aprendizagem métodos de ensino aprendizagem não formal e informal gamification entrepreneurship and employability learning environments non-formal and informal learning teaching methods