In the connected world we live in today, people no longer look for information only in formal places. Internet has become a place of choice to gather information. Social networks have grown from places for socialization to platforms where knowledge is created and shared, where connectivity and collaboration are natural. Many people look at the web as a place for learning, using it to create a network which allows them to gather, select, share, reshape ideas and create knowledge to then replicate on social networks. Students' learning profile is becoming more proactive in the search for information and constructing valid knowledge. The demands of the information age raise the necessity of students to acquire different skills and competences – 21st century skills. This chapter aims to present the different students' learning profiles and the type of learning environments available online.
21st century skills digital literacy social web personal learning network virtual learning environment i-generation digital age learning profile
Loureiro, A., & Messias, I. (2016). Competences and Learning Profiles of Digital Age's Students. In M. Pinheiro, & D. Simões (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Engaging Digital Natives in Higher Education Settings (pp. 171-191). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0039-1.ch008
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