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O procedimento tradicional de controlo da estabilidade microbiológica no vinho consiste na adição de dióxido de enxofre (SO2), que atua como agente antimicrobiano e também antioxidante. A procura de métodos alternativos de controlo microbiológico é importante e necessária, dado que o dióxido de enxofre é um potencial alérgeno e os consumidores procuram cada vez mais produtos saudáveis e livres de conservantes. A radiação ultravioleta tem sido estudada como uma tecnologia inovadora que pode auxiliar na redução do teor de dioxido de enxofre em enologia. O objectivo deste trabalho foi optimizar as condições do processo, face aos resultados já obtidos anteriormente, e avaliar a eficiência na estabilização microbiologica, e a sua influência nos parâmetros fisico-quimicos, na composição fenólica, e nas caracteristicas sensoriais. Assim, o vinho tinto com teor muito baixo em SO2 foi submetido a radiação UV-C com duas doses diferentes, 424J/L e 778J/L, e procedeu-se ainda à preparação de um controlo, a que foi adicionado 30 mg/L de dióxido de enxofre. Os vinhos (UV0, UV1 e UV2) foram analisados ao longo do tempo (de 0 a 4 meses). Os resultados mostram que o tratamento com menor dose é eficaz no controlo microbiológico do produto. A análise sensorial mostrou que o tratamento com radiação UV-C não afectou o aroma e o sabor dos vinhos, inclusivamente estes vinhos foram mais pontuados no descritor intensidade da cor.
The traditional procedure for the control of the microbiological stability of wine consists of the addition of sulfur dioxide (SO2), which acts as an antimicrobial agent and also as an antioxidant. The search for alternative methods of microbiological control is important and necessary, since SO2 is a potential allergen and consumers are increasingly looking for healthier and preservative free products. Ultraviolet radiation was tested as an innovative technology that can help reduce the amount of sulphur dioxide used in winemaking. The object of this study was to optimize the process conditions compared to the results obtained previously, and to evaluate the efficiency of microbiological stabilization and its influence on the physico-chemical characteristics, the phenolic composition and sensory profile. Thus, red wine with very low content of sulphur dioxide was subjected to UV-C radiation in two different doses 424J/l e 778J/l, and the preparation of a control wine was carried out to which 30 mg/l sulfur dioxide was added. The wines (control=UV0, UV1 and UV2) were analyzed over time (from 0 to 4 months). The results show that treatment with a lower dosage is effective in the microbiological control of the product. The wines subjected to treatment with UV-C showed an increase in intensity of colour, and the treatment does not affect the flavour and taste of the wine.
The traditional procedure for the control of the microbiological stability of wine consists of the addition of sulfur dioxide (SO2), which acts as an antimicrobial agent and also as an antioxidant. The search for alternative methods of microbiological control is important and necessary, since SO2 is a potential allergen and consumers are increasingly looking for healthier and preservative free products. Ultraviolet radiation was tested as an innovative technology that can help reduce the amount of sulphur dioxide used in winemaking. The object of this study was to optimize the process conditions compared to the results obtained previously, and to evaluate the efficiency of microbiological stabilization and its influence on the physico-chemical characteristics, the phenolic composition and sensory profile. Thus, red wine with very low content of sulphur dioxide was subjected to UV-C radiation in two different doses 424J/l e 778J/l, and the preparation of a control wine was carried out to which 30 mg/l sulfur dioxide was added. The wines (control=UV0, UV1 and UV2) were analyzed over time (from 0 to 4 months). The results show that treatment with a lower dosage is effective in the microbiological control of the product. The wines subjected to treatment with UV-C showed an increase in intensity of colour, and the treatment does not affect the flavour and taste of the wine.
Vinho tinto Estabilidade Radiação ultravioleta Propriedade físico-química Propriedade oraganoléptica Composto fenólico Côr
Matias, F.; Pinto, A.F ; Torgal, I.; Alves, M.; Gracio, J. & Mira, H (2016). The Ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) for the microbiological stabilization of red wine. Bio Web Conferences, 7, 02013
EDP Sciences