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Este estudo procura investigar os desafios enfrentados pelos professores do
1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1º CEB) ao integrarem o Pensamento Computacional (PC)
nas suas práticas pedagógicas, considerando a inclusão desta capacidade no currí culo nacional da Matemática. A pesquisa apresenta uma experiência de formação
que visa abordar o PC com professores e apoiá-los na prática pedagógica.
A integração curricular do PC implica o conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo
e o conhecimento tecnológico dos professores, dada a estreita relação desta capaci dade com o uso da tecnologia, em especial com a programação visual e tangível.
A metodologia adotada segue uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa e inter pretativa, com alguns dados quantitativos descritivos. Os dados foram recolhidos por
meio de inquéritos por questionário e entrevistas semiestruturada.
Os resultados indicam que, após a experiência, os participantes ainda apre sentam fragilidades no conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo. No entanto, observa se uma evolução positiva no uso da tecnologia como suporte ao PC. Destaca-se ainda
a necessidade de formação relacionada com as práticas associadas ao PC, as mu danças na metodologia do ensino da Matemática, incluindo a avaliação de alunos
This study aims to investigate the challenges faced by teachers in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (1st CEB) when integrating Computational Thinking (CT) into their pedagogical practices, considering the inclusion of this skill in the national Mathemat ics curriculum. The research presents a training experience aimed at addressing CT with teachers and supporting them in pedagogical practice. The curricular integration of CT implies teachers' pedagogical knowledge of content and their technological knowledge, given the close relationship of this skill with the use of technology, especially with visual and tangible programming. The adopted methodology follows a qualitative and interpretative approach, with some descriptive quantitative data. Data were collected through questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that, after the experience, participants still exhibit weak nesses in pedagogical content knowledge. However, there is a positive evolution in the use of technology as support for CT. There is also a highlighted need for training related to practices associated with CT, changes in the methodology of teaching Math ematics, including student assessment.
This study aims to investigate the challenges faced by teachers in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (1st CEB) when integrating Computational Thinking (CT) into their pedagogical practices, considering the inclusion of this skill in the national Mathemat ics curriculum. The research presents a training experience aimed at addressing CT with teachers and supporting them in pedagogical practice. The curricular integration of CT implies teachers' pedagogical knowledge of content and their technological knowledge, given the close relationship of this skill with the use of technology, especially with visual and tangible programming. The adopted methodology follows a qualitative and interpretative approach, with some descriptive quantitative data. Data were collected through questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that, after the experience, participants still exhibit weak nesses in pedagogical content knowledge. However, there is a positive evolution in the use of technology as support for CT. There is also a highlighted need for training related to practices associated with CT, changes in the methodology of teaching Math ematics, including student assessment.
pensamento computacional aprendizagens essenciais de matemática formação e desenvolvimento do professor TPACK computational thinking essential learning objectives for mathematics teacher training and development