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O estudo da motivação para o trabalho e do comprometimento organizacional no serviço
público visa analisar o papel, o perfil e as qualidades básicas do gestor púbico. A realização
desta pesquisa baseia-se na percepção de dificuldades no Campus Planaltina ocasionadas
por falta de motivação dos servidores, conforme demonstrado em pesquisas internas
realizadas no Campus. Adotou-se a técnica de estudo de caso de natureza aplicada, de
caráter exploratório-descritivo, abordagem quantitativa. A metodologia de recolha de dados
empregada foi a aplicação de questionário com questões fechadas. O contexto da pesquisa
é o Campus Planaltina, tendo como público-alvo os 112 servidores efetivos. A análise de
dados baseou-se na teoria dos dois fatores, de Herzberg; dos componentes do
comprometimento organizacional, de Meyer e Allen; e das qualidades básicas para o
sucesso gerencial, de Mintzberg. Os resultados encontrados são apresentados em cinco
partes: motivação, comprometimento, gestor público, perfil do servidor e implicações
práticas. Por fim, a conclusão do estudo sugere que os gestores do Campus Planaltina
possam acompanhar as mudanças e os itens que possam vir a interferir na motivação e no
comprometimento organizacional, bem como entender o perfil e as qualidades básicas que
os servidores desejam em um gestor público.
The study of work motivation and organizational commitment in the public service aims to analyze the role, profile and basic qualities of the public manager. The realization of this research is based on the perception of difficulties in the Planaltina Campus caused by the lack of motivation of the employees, as demonstrated in internal surveys carried out on the Campus. The applied case study technique of an exploratory-descriptive nature, with a quantitative approach, was adopted. The data collection methodology used was the application of a questionnaire with closed questions. The research context is the Campus Planaltina, with the target audience of 112 effective employees. Data analysis was based on Herzberg’s two-factor theory; the components of organizational commitment, by Meyer and Allen; and the basic qualities for managerial success, by Mintzberg. The results found are presented in five parts: motivation, commitment, public manager, employee profile and practical implications. Finally, the conclusion of the study suggests that Campus Planaltina managers can follow changes and items that may interfere with motivation and organizational commitment, as well as understand the profile and basic qualities that employees want in a public manager.
The study of work motivation and organizational commitment in the public service aims to analyze the role, profile and basic qualities of the public manager. The realization of this research is based on the perception of difficulties in the Planaltina Campus caused by the lack of motivation of the employees, as demonstrated in internal surveys carried out on the Campus. The applied case study technique of an exploratory-descriptive nature, with a quantitative approach, was adopted. The data collection methodology used was the application of a questionnaire with closed questions. The research context is the Campus Planaltina, with the target audience of 112 effective employees. Data analysis was based on Herzberg’s two-factor theory; the components of organizational commitment, by Meyer and Allen; and the basic qualities for managerial success, by Mintzberg. The results found are presented in five parts: motivation, commitment, public manager, employee profile and practical implications. Finally, the conclusion of the study suggests that Campus Planaltina managers can follow changes and items that may interfere with motivation and organizational commitment, as well as understand the profile and basic qualities that employees want in a public manager.
Mestrado em Ciências da Educação/Administração Educacional
motivação para o trabalho comprometimento organizacional comportamento organizacional papel perfil e qualidades básicas do gestor público work motivation organizational commitment organizational behavior role profile and basic qualities of the public manager