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Este relatório é uma proposta, que resulta de um estudo sobre a inclusão social e o seu percurso histórico, para melhor corresponder à expectativa do projeto da Academia de Jovens com Necessidades Educativas Especiais.
A Academia de Jovens com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, espaço de integração de todo o cidadão, propõe criar um impacto e, ao mesmo tempo, criar um retorno para os estudantes do Ensino Superior na sua interação com os jovens com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (Trissomia 21, T21). A interação entre esses jovens com T21 e os estudantes do Ensino Superior tem por objetivo incluir, interagir e estimular num espaço de ocupação lúdica, técnica, pedagógica e científica, no enquadramento do mundo do saber, ponto principal de toda a Academia.
Contudo, a Academia deverá servir de alicerce para construir um projeto de continuidade onde a contribuição de todos será imprescindível e ao mesmo tempo um espaço de integração.
Palavras-chave: Academia, Inclusão e Necessidades Educativas Especiais
This report is a proposal, which results from a study on social inclusion and its historical course, to better match the expectation of the Youth with Special Educational Needs Academy project. The Youth with Special Educational Needs Academy, an integration space for all citizens, proposes to make an impact and, at the same time, to be a return for University Students that interact with young people with Special Educational Needs (Trisomy 21, T21). The interaction between these young people with trisomy and university students aims to include, interact and stimulate the first on a playful, technical, educational and scientific space, framed in a world of knowledge, main point of the whole Academy Project. However, the Academy should serve as a foundation to build a continuity project where everyone's contribution is indispensable and, at the same time, an area of integration.
This report is a proposal, which results from a study on social inclusion and its historical course, to better match the expectation of the Youth with Special Educational Needs Academy project. The Youth with Special Educational Needs Academy, an integration space for all citizens, proposes to make an impact and, at the same time, to be a return for University Students that interact with young people with Special Educational Needs (Trisomy 21, T21). The interaction between these young people with trisomy and university students aims to include, interact and stimulate the first on a playful, technical, educational and scientific space, framed in a world of knowledge, main point of the whole Academy Project. However, the Academy should serve as a foundation to build a continuity project where everyone's contribution is indispensable and, at the same time, an area of integration.
Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em educação e Comunicação Multimédia
academia inclusão necessidades educativas especiais academy iInclusion special educational needs