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Os objetivos do estudo são a caracterização e comparação da comunicação
(comportamento pedagógico) emitida pelos instrutores de Fitness nas aulas de Localizada em
função da experiência profissional e a relação com clima motivacional percecionado pelos
Relativamente à amostra esta foi constituída por 15 instrutores de aulas de Localizada e
145 praticantes. A amostra dos instrutores foi dividida em três grupos de experiencia profissional,
grupo A (menos de 3 anos de experiência), grupo B (mais de 3 e menos de 5 anos de experiência)
e grupo C (mais de 5 anos de experiência).
Foi utilizado o sistema de observação SOCIF (Franco,2009) com os critérios Instrução,
Interação, Atividade, Controlo, Organização e Outros Comportamentos, adicionando os critérios
Forma e Direção de outros autores (Piéron, 1999; Sarmento, et. Al., 1998; Simões & Franco,
2006). Como instrumento foi também utilizado a versão Portuguesa do Questionário de Perceção
do Clima Motivacional no Exercício (PMCEQp) de Cid, Moutão, Leitão, Alves e Thomas
desenvolvido por Thomas e Barron (2006).
Relativamente aos comportamentos pedagógicos (comunicação) dos instrutores podemos
concluir que, de uma forma geral, a maioria da comunicação dos instrutores é dedicada a
comportamentos de Instrução e Controlo, seja qual for o grupo de experiência profissional.
Ao compararmos os 3 grupos de instrutores de Fitness, existem diferenças significativas
nos critérios Forma, na categoria Auditivo e categoria Misto-Visual, no critério Interação, na
categoria Pressão e no critério Atividade, na categoria Exercício Independente. Tanto na
categoria Auditivo, como na categoria Misto Auditivo-Visual, encontrámos diferenças
significativas entre o grupo com menor experiência profissional (Grupo A) e o grupo com maior
experiência profissional (Grupo C). Também no critério Interação, mais especificamente na
categoria Pressão encontramos diferenças significativas entre o grupo B e o Grupo C. Já na
categoria Exercício Independente, as diferenças significativas encontradas foram entre o grupo
A e o Grupo B. Assim, a hipótese 1 foi parcialmente aceite.
Em relação à hipótese 2, esta foi parcialmente aceite, já que quando foi comparado o
clima motivacional percebido pelos praticantes, em função da comunicação (comportamentos
pedagógicos) e da experiência profissional dos instrutores, verificou-se que existem diferenças
significativas entre o grupo A e o grupo C, na dimensão Mestria do clima motivacional. Quando
Mestrado em Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício
analisadas as médias das dimensões do clima motivacional, foi a dimensão Mestria que se
A hipótese 3 foi parcialmente aceite já que apenas se verificou existir correlação entre a
experiencia profissional dos instrutores e 3 constructos, a dimensão mestria, o critério instrução
e o critério organização, bem como entre a dimensão mestria e a dimensão Performance e o
critério Outros Comportamentos
Relativamente à dimensão mestria e experiência profissional, foi considerada uma
associação linear muito baixa, no entanto, e pelo facto de ser negativa, significa que quanto maior
for a experiência profissional dos instrutores de Fitness de aulas de Localizada, menos orientadas
para a mestria são as suas comunicações.
Em relação à experiência profissional dos instrutores e o critério Instrução, verificamos
que esta é uma associação linear positiva moderada, o que significa que quanto maior for a
experiência profissional do instrutor de aulas de Localizada, maior será a utilização do critério
Instrução. Existe também uma correlação negativa entre a experiência profissional e o critério
Organização, que é considerada uma associação linear moderada e pelo facto de ser negativa,
significa que quanto maior for a experiência profissional dos instrutores de Fitness de aulas de
Localizada, menos frequentemente os instrutores utilizam o critério organização para se dirigir
aos praticantes. Constatou-se que há uma correlação fraca negativa (-0.374) entre a mestria e a
performance, com um nível de significância de 0,000. Ao analisarmos esta associação
verificamos que, quanto mais a perceção dos atletas sobre a comunicação (comportamento
pedagógico) dos instrutores for orientada para a Mestria, menor será a orientação percebida para
a Performance. Verificou-se ainda que existe uma correlação entre a dimensão mestria e o critério
Outros Comportamentos, com um nível de significância de 0,037 e um R igual a 0,542. Ao
analisarmos esta associação verificamos que esta é uma associação linear positiva moderada, isto
é, quanto mais orientada para a mestria for a comunicação dos instrutores (pela perceção dos
praticantes), maior será a adoção de outros comportamentos na forma de comunicação do
The purpose of this study is the characterization and comparison between the communication (pedagogical behavior) given by the Fitness instructors during Resistance Training, in function of their experience, and the perception of motivation by the practitioners. The study’s sample consisted of 15 resistance training instructors and 145 practitioners. The instructors were divided into three groups based on their professional experience: group A (less than 3 years of experience), group B (more than 3 and less than 5 years of experience) and group C (more than 5 years of experience). We’ve used the SOCIF observation method (Franco, 2009) with the Instruction, Interaction, Activity, Control, Organization and Other Behaviors criteria, additionally, we’ve used the Form and Direction criteria from other authors (Piéron, 1999;.. Sarmento, et al, 1998 ; Simões & Franco, 2006). We’ve also used the Portuguese version of the Motivational Perception during Exercise survey (PMCEQp) Cid, Moutão, Piglet, Alves and Thomas developed by Thomas and Barron (2006). Regarding the instructor’s pedagogical behaviors (communication) we can conclude that, most of the instructor’s communication is dedicated to Instruction and Control behaviors, regardless of their professional experience. Comparing the three groups of fitness instructors, significant differences arise in the following criteria: Form from Auditory and Mixed Audio-Visual categories; Interaction in the Pressure category and, finally, Activity in the Independent Exercise category. Furthermore, we’ve found significant differences in the Audio category, as well as in the Mixed Audio-Visual category, between the groups with less experience (Group A) and the group with the longest professional experience (Group C). Additionally, we’ve found that for the Interaction criteria, specifically in the Pressure category, there are significant differences between the group B and Group C. In the Independent Exercise category, the most significant differences were between group A and Group B. Thus, the first hypothesis was partially accepted. The second hypothesis, was partially accepted, since when we compared the motivational environment perceived by practitioners in terms of communication (pedagogical behaviors) and the professional experience of the instructors, we’ve found that there are significant differences between Group A and the group C in the Mastery dimension of the motivational environment. When we’ve analyzed the results of the average motivational environment, it was the Mastery dimension that stood out. 11 Mestrado em Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício Hypothesis 3 was, again, partially accepted because there was only correlation between the professional experience and 3 constructs, the Mastery dimension, Instruction criteria and the Organization criteria, as well as between the dimensions Mastery and Performance and Other Behaviors criteria. Regarding the Mastery dimension and professional experience, we considered a very low linear association, however, since it was negative, this means that the longer the experience of the Fitness instructors, the less oriented to Mastery the communication is. In regards to the professional experience of the instructors and Instruction criteria, we found that this is a moderate positive linear association, which means the instructor’s professional experience is directly proportional to the use of the Instruction criteria. There is also a negative correlation between the experience and the Organization criteria, which was considered a moderate linear association, being it negative means that, the instructor’s experience is inversely proportional to the use of the Organization criteria to address the practitioners. We’ve observed that there was a weak negative correlation (-0374) between the Mastery and Performance dimensions, with a significance level of 0.000. When analyzing this association, we’ve found that the more the athletes perceive the communication (pedagogical behavior) of the instructors as mastery oriented, the lower the perception for the Performance dimension it’ll be. It was also found that there is a correlation between the Mastery criteria and Other Behaviors, with a significance level of 0.037 and an R value of 0.542. When analyzing this association, we found that this is a moderate positive linear association, that is, the more oriented to mastery the instructor’s communication is, the greater the adoption of Other Behaviors will be, in the instructor’s communication.
The purpose of this study is the characterization and comparison between the communication (pedagogical behavior) given by the Fitness instructors during Resistance Training, in function of their experience, and the perception of motivation by the practitioners. The study’s sample consisted of 15 resistance training instructors and 145 practitioners. The instructors were divided into three groups based on their professional experience: group A (less than 3 years of experience), group B (more than 3 and less than 5 years of experience) and group C (more than 5 years of experience). We’ve used the SOCIF observation method (Franco, 2009) with the Instruction, Interaction, Activity, Control, Organization and Other Behaviors criteria, additionally, we’ve used the Form and Direction criteria from other authors (Piéron, 1999;.. Sarmento, et al, 1998 ; Simões & Franco, 2006). We’ve also used the Portuguese version of the Motivational Perception during Exercise survey (PMCEQp) Cid, Moutão, Piglet, Alves and Thomas developed by Thomas and Barron (2006). Regarding the instructor’s pedagogical behaviors (communication) we can conclude that, most of the instructor’s communication is dedicated to Instruction and Control behaviors, regardless of their professional experience. Comparing the three groups of fitness instructors, significant differences arise in the following criteria: Form from Auditory and Mixed Audio-Visual categories; Interaction in the Pressure category and, finally, Activity in the Independent Exercise category. Furthermore, we’ve found significant differences in the Audio category, as well as in the Mixed Audio-Visual category, between the groups with less experience (Group A) and the group with the longest professional experience (Group C). Additionally, we’ve found that for the Interaction criteria, specifically in the Pressure category, there are significant differences between the group B and Group C. In the Independent Exercise category, the most significant differences were between group A and Group B. Thus, the first hypothesis was partially accepted. The second hypothesis, was partially accepted, since when we compared the motivational environment perceived by practitioners in terms of communication (pedagogical behaviors) and the professional experience of the instructors, we’ve found that there are significant differences between Group A and the group C in the Mastery dimension of the motivational environment. When we’ve analyzed the results of the average motivational environment, it was the Mastery dimension that stood out. 11 Mestrado em Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício Hypothesis 3 was, again, partially accepted because there was only correlation between the professional experience and 3 constructs, the Mastery dimension, Instruction criteria and the Organization criteria, as well as between the dimensions Mastery and Performance and Other Behaviors criteria. Regarding the Mastery dimension and professional experience, we considered a very low linear association, however, since it was negative, this means that the longer the experience of the Fitness instructors, the less oriented to Mastery the communication is. In regards to the professional experience of the instructors and Instruction criteria, we found that this is a moderate positive linear association, which means the instructor’s professional experience is directly proportional to the use of the Instruction criteria. There is also a negative correlation between the experience and the Organization criteria, which was considered a moderate linear association, being it negative means that, the instructor’s experience is inversely proportional to the use of the Organization criteria to address the practitioners. We’ve observed that there was a weak negative correlation (-0374) between the Mastery and Performance dimensions, with a significance level of 0.000. When analyzing this association, we’ve found that the more the athletes perceive the communication (pedagogical behavior) of the instructors as mastery oriented, the lower the perception for the Performance dimension it’ll be. It was also found that there is a correlation between the Mastery criteria and Other Behaviors, with a significance level of 0.037 and an R value of 0.542. When analyzing this association, we found that this is a moderate positive linear association, that is, the more oriented to mastery the instructor’s communication is, the greater the adoption of Other Behaviors will be, in the instructor’s communication.
comunicação comportamentos pedagógicos instrutores de ginástica localizada clima motivacional experiência profissional communication pedagogical behavior resistance training instructors motivational environment professional experience