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O treinador tem de assumir vários papéis e possuir diversas competências, tendo
a sua formação um impacto considerável na evolução desportiva dos jovens, consoante
o seu escalão etário.
O ensino do conteúdo específico só terá valência didática se existir um
conhecimento pedagógico especializado por parte do treinador. A sua intervenção
pedagógica, sendo uma forma de conhecimento, é decisiva na evolução do atleta, desde
que se considerem envolvidas todas as componentes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem (Farias, 2007).
Desta forma, o presente estudo pretende caracterizar e comparar a intervenção
pedagógica do conteúdo de treinadores de futebol com formação inicial (Grau I), nos
escalões de Escolas e Infantis, durante o processo de treino.
Foram filmados e analisados 12 treinos (6 de Escolas e 6 de Infantis) nos
distritos de Santarém e Leiria, identificando: a intervenção pedagógica do conteúdo; a
natureza das tarefas instrucionais; o nível de explicação na apresentação das tarefas
instrucionais; o tipo de exigência do sistema de responsabilização dos praticantes na
apresentação das tarefas instrucionais.
O sistema de observação adoptado é o S.A.P.C.I. (The Systematic Analysis of
Pedagogical Content Interventions), construído por Gilbert, Trudel, Gaumond, e
Larocque (1999) na modalidade de hóquei no gelo, adaptados os seus conteúdos a
Queiroz (1983), Garganta (1997) e Pacheco (2001).
Os resultados obtidos demonstram que não existem diferenças entre os
treinadores de Escolas e os treinadores de Infantis. Emitem em média 3,83 Unidades de
Informação por minuto (UI/Min.). As intervenções pedagógicas de conteúdo são
transmitidas nos momentos de ação motora, recaem sobre os conteúdos de ordem
Psicológico, conteúdos de categoria Técnica com carácter Ofensivo (Passe, Remate e a
Condução). As instruções são de carácter geral prescrevendo comportamentos e ações
relacionadas com o jogo, direcionadas ao atleta de forma auditiva. A natureza das
tarefas, é informativa, alusivas ao cumprimento do objectivo-geral, centradas na participação, empenho e esforço.
ABSTRACT The coach has to take on multiple roles and have different skills. The coach training has a substantial impact on the sports evolution among the youth, according to their age group. The teaching of a specific content only has didactic importance if the coach has specialized pedagogical knowledge. His pedagogical intervention, being a way of knowledge, is crucial in the evolution of the athlete, if all the components belonging to the teaching and learning process have been taken in consideration (Farias, 2007). Therefore this study intends to characterize and compare the pedagogical intervention of the football coaches with certification level I, during their training process, with young athletes, in two levels of Infant Schools. It was filmed and analyzed twelve sessions (six from each level of Infant Schools) in the districts of Santarém and Leiria, identifying: the pedagogical content interventions; the instructional tasks’ nature; the enlightenment level during the presentation of instructional tasks; the level of demand requires by the accountability system of the practitioners while presenting instructional tasks. The observation system adopted was S.A.P.C.I. (The Systematic Analysis of Pedagogical Content Interventions), built by Gilbert, Trudel, Gaumond, and Larocque (1999) to the ice hockey, adjusted their content to Queiroz (1983), Garganta (1997) and Pacheco (2001). The results showed no differences between the coaches. They gave on average 3,83 units of information per minute (UI/Min). The pedagogical content interventions was transmitted in the motor action, fall on psychological contents, technical contents about how to attack (pass, punch line, and ball driving). The instructions were general prescribing behaviors and actions related to the game, targeted to the athlete in a way that they can hear. The tasks nature was informative, referring to general accomplishment, centered in participation, work and effort.
ABSTRACT The coach has to take on multiple roles and have different skills. The coach training has a substantial impact on the sports evolution among the youth, according to their age group. The teaching of a specific content only has didactic importance if the coach has specialized pedagogical knowledge. His pedagogical intervention, being a way of knowledge, is crucial in the evolution of the athlete, if all the components belonging to the teaching and learning process have been taken in consideration (Farias, 2007). Therefore this study intends to characterize and compare the pedagogical intervention of the football coaches with certification level I, during their training process, with young athletes, in two levels of Infant Schools. It was filmed and analyzed twelve sessions (six from each level of Infant Schools) in the districts of Santarém and Leiria, identifying: the pedagogical content interventions; the instructional tasks’ nature; the enlightenment level during the presentation of instructional tasks; the level of demand requires by the accountability system of the practitioners while presenting instructional tasks. The observation system adopted was S.A.P.C.I. (The Systematic Analysis of Pedagogical Content Interventions), built by Gilbert, Trudel, Gaumond, and Larocque (1999) to the ice hockey, adjusted their content to Queiroz (1983), Garganta (1997) and Pacheco (2001). The results showed no differences between the coaches. They gave on average 3,83 units of information per minute (UI/Min). The pedagogical content interventions was transmitted in the motor action, fall on psychological contents, technical contents about how to attack (pass, punch line, and ball driving). The instructions were general prescribing behaviors and actions related to the game, targeted to the athlete in a way that they can hear. The tasks nature was informative, referring to general accomplishment, centered in participation, work and effort.
Dissertação apresentada com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto, Especialização em Treino Desportivo, de Nuno Vieira Vicente. Orientador: Professor Doutor José de Jesus Fernandes Rodrigues
Instrução Futebol Treinador Formação Instruction Football Coach Training
Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior