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O presente Relatório de Estágio integra e reflete experiências e vivências resultantes de um
percurso de aprendizagens efetuadas no decorrer dos estágios decorridos na Prática de
Ensino Supervisionada em 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico no decorrer de quatro
Numa primeira parte é apresentada a contextualização dos estágios e a reflexão do
desenvolvimento pessoal e investigativo.
De seguida é feita uma contextualização teórica do percurso investigativo, de modo a
aprofundar o conhecimento sobre pedagogia diferenciada e sobre o modo como os
docentes do 1º e 2º ciclo do ensino básico a concretizam na sua prática pedagógica.
Recorrendo a um processo de entrevistas a docentes de ambos os ciclos de modo a
verificar o que os mesmos entendem por pedagogia diferenciada e como procedem na
aplicação da mesma no decorrer das suas aulas.
Por último, uma análise reflexiva de todo o trabalho, onde se pretende refletir sobre as
respostas dos docentes fazendo-o uma análise comparativa com estudos realizados sobre o
This Training Report integrates and reflects the experiences and the living of a learning journey that resulted from the internships held in terms of Supervised Teaching Practice in 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education which occurred over four semesters. In the first part, it is expressed a contextualisation of the internships, a presentation and a reflection of personal and investigative development. After that, a theoretical context of investigative route will be made, in order to increase knowledge of differentiated learning and on how teachers of both levels of education apply it in their teaching practice. Using a process of interviews with teachers from both cycles to see what they mean by differentiated learning and how to proceed in applying it in the course of their classes. Finally, there’s a reflective analysis of all the work, which aims to reflect on the responses of teachers making it a comparative analysis with studies on the subject.
This Training Report integrates and reflects the experiences and the living of a learning journey that resulted from the internships held in terms of Supervised Teaching Practice in 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education which occurred over four semesters. In the first part, it is expressed a contextualisation of the internships, a presentation and a reflection of personal and investigative development. After that, a theoretical context of investigative route will be made, in order to increase knowledge of differentiated learning and on how teachers of both levels of education apply it in their teaching practice. Using a process of interviews with teachers from both cycles to see what they mean by differentiated learning and how to proceed in applying it in the course of their classes. Finally, there’s a reflective analysis of all the work, which aims to reflect on the responses of teachers making it a comparative analysis with studies on the subject.
Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
pedagogia diferenciada prática pedagógica 1º ciclo ensino básico 2º ciclo ensino básico differentiated learning teaching practice 1st cycle of basic education 2nd cycle of basic education