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O presente relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular Investigação na Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, sendo esta parte integrante do plano de estudos do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, da Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém. A investigação decorreu em contexto de creche, com um grupo de 15 crianças de idades compreendidas entre os 11 meses e os 2 anos de idade.
Com base nas dinâmicas observadas nos contextos de creche onde decorreram os estágios de intervenção, mais precisamente com base na organização temporal levada a cabo pelas duas educadoras, surgiu a necessidade de desenvolver um estudo em que se analisassem a relação das rotinas instituídas e o bem-estar das crianças em idades de creche. Assim, foram definidas as seguintes questões de investigação i) Como surgiu a rotina atual da sala?; ii) A rotina pedagógica da sala é adequada às necessidades das crianças?; iii) Existe relação entre a inadequação da rotina e o bem-estar das crianças?; iv) De que modo a gestão da rotina da sala influencia as práticas educativas das adultas?; v) Quais as conceções de outros educadores acerca das rotinas em creche?.
No processo de recolha de dados, foram utilizadas várias técnicas, nomeadamente: análise documental; observação direta participante e não-participante e entrevistas semi-diretivas. Os dados recolhidos foram tratados e analisados qualitativa e quantitativamente.
As conclusões do estudo apontam para uma relação entre a inadequação de determinados momentos da rotina pedagógica do contexto estudado e o bem-estar das crianças do grupo. Da mesma forma, os resultados do estudo revelam que o facto da rotina da sala não ser, em determinados momentos do dia, flexível, condicionou as práticas pedagógicas das adultas responsáveis.
The following report emerges within the subject “Investigation in Supervised Professional Practice”, included on the study plan of the master’s degree in Pre-School Education, in Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém. This investigation took place in a Day-care center, with a group of 15 young children between the ages of 11 months and 2 years. The need to carry out an investigation on the relation between the routine instituted and the well-being of young children emerged from the observation period at both Day-care centers, where the internships took place. More specifically, emerged from the observation of the daily routines implemented by both educators. Based in this, the following research questions were defined: i) What is the source of the current daily routine implemented by the responsible educator?; ii) Is the current daily routine adjusted to the children’s individual needs?; iii) Is there any connection between the inadequacy of the routine and the children’s well-being?; iv) How does the schedule’s management influences the educator’s educational practices?; v) What are the thoughts of other pre-school educators on day-care daily routines?. Throughout the data collection, several techniques were used to gather information, such as documentary analysis, non-participant and participant observation of the studied context and several interviews. The collected material was analysed according to qualitative and quantitative approaches. The obtained results reveal that, during de observation period, the inadequacy of certain fractions of the implemented routine were reflected in the children’s well-being. In addition, the results point to a connection between the non-flexible moments of the class’s routine and the pedagogical practices of the adults, which ended up being compromised.
The following report emerges within the subject “Investigation in Supervised Professional Practice”, included on the study plan of the master’s degree in Pre-School Education, in Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém. This investigation took place in a Day-care center, with a group of 15 young children between the ages of 11 months and 2 years. The need to carry out an investigation on the relation between the routine instituted and the well-being of young children emerged from the observation period at both Day-care centers, where the internships took place. More specifically, emerged from the observation of the daily routines implemented by both educators. Based in this, the following research questions were defined: i) What is the source of the current daily routine implemented by the responsible educator?; ii) Is the current daily routine adjusted to the children’s individual needs?; iii) Is there any connection between the inadequacy of the routine and the children’s well-being?; iv) How does the schedule’s management influences the educator’s educational practices?; v) What are the thoughts of other pre-school educators on day-care daily routines?. Throughout the data collection, several techniques were used to gather information, such as documentary analysis, non-participant and participant observation of the studied context and several interviews. The collected material was analysed according to qualitative and quantitative approaches. The obtained results reveal that, during de observation period, the inadequacy of certain fractions of the implemented routine were reflected in the children’s well-being. In addition, the results point to a connection between the non-flexible moments of the class’s routine and the pedagogical practices of the adults, which ended up being compromised.
Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
rotina pedagógica flexibilidade necessidades individuais das crianças respeito pelo tempo e ritmos próprios das crianças. daily routine flexibility children’s individual needs respecting the children’s personal rhythms and schedules