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A produção de tomate fresco em estufa apresenta uma relevância crescente no mercado.
A eficiência de utilização de recursos e o desenvolvimento de frutos de elevada qualidade,
constituem o foco deste estudo. Acompanhou-se o ciclo de inverno da cultura de tomate
da variedade Bigram, num estudo de caso à escala real, na região do Oeste. A variável
independente definida foi a temperatura: temperatura ambiente vs. climatizada e, as
variáveis dependentes foram as referentes à qualidade do tomate. As condições
agronómicas do ensaio foram acompanhadas em tempo real. A análise de fluxos de
materiais foi realizada através do software STAN 2.6, onde a estufa climatizada apresentou
maior eficiência do uso de água e fertilizantes. O peso, calibre e matéria seca foram
significativamente superiores na estufa climatizada. O sistema de monitorização alcançou
o pleno funcionamento, revertendo dados fidedignos e relevantes. Os resultados revelam
a viabilidade técnica do aquecimento em horticultura hidropónica.
The production of fresh tomatoes in greenhouses has an increasing relevance in the market. The efficiency in the use of resources and the development of high-quality fruits were the focus of this study. The winter cycle of a tomato culture (variety Bigram) was monitored in a full-scale case study in the West region (Oeste) of Portugal. The defined independent variable was temperature: room temperature vs. acclimatized, and the dependent variables were those related to tomato quality. The agronomic conditions of the essay were monitored in real time. The analysis of material flows was performed using the STAN 2.6 software, where the acclimatized greenhouse showed greater efficiency in the use of water and fertilizers. Weight, size, and dry matter were significantly higher in the acclimatized greenhouse. The monitoring system was fully operational, providing reliable and relevant data. The results reveal the technical feasibility of heating in hydroponic horticulture.
The production of fresh tomatoes in greenhouses has an increasing relevance in the market. The efficiency in the use of resources and the development of high-quality fruits were the focus of this study. The winter cycle of a tomato culture (variety Bigram) was monitored in a full-scale case study in the West region (Oeste) of Portugal. The defined independent variable was temperature: room temperature vs. acclimatized, and the dependent variables were those related to tomato quality. The agronomic conditions of the essay were monitored in real time. The analysis of material flows was performed using the STAN 2.6 software, where the acclimatized greenhouse showed greater efficiency in the use of water and fertilizers. Weight, size, and dry matter were significantly higher in the acclimatized greenhouse. The monitoring system was fully operational, providing reliable and relevant data. The results reveal the technical feasibility of heating in hydroponic horticulture.
Dissertação de Mestrado na área da Tecnologia Alimentar, apresentada na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém
Tomate hidroponia dados em tempo real análise de fluxos de materiais eficiência de recursos parâmetros de qualidade, Lycopersicon esculentum tomato
Jesus, João Pedro Gomes de (2021). Inovação de produto e de processo no tomate de estufa. Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Tecnologia Alimentar, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém. 79p. Disponível em: