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- YourPEL - TIC aplicada à saúdePublication . Dias, Hélia; Madeira, Filipe; Amendoeira, José; Spínola, Ana; Figueiredo, Maria; André, Clara; Godinho, Celeste; Duarte, JosuéAs TIC aplicadas à Saúde - uma área de atuação que mostra a difusão da informação como um dos os eixos do Plano Nacional de Saúde, possibilitando a criação de ferramentas e canais de comunicação suportados na web. O desenvolvimento de atividades voltadas à inovação, faz uso do potencial criativo que a atual geração jovem possui neste domínio.
- Your PEL - Promover e Empoderar para a Literacia em saúde na população jovem - Da investigação à açãoPublication . Dias, Hélia; Amendoeira, José; Spínola, Ana; Figueiredo, Maria do Carmo; Godinho, Celeste; André, Clara; Madeira, Filipe; Ferreira, Manuela; Quaresma, José Carlos; Ferreira, Mónica; Simões, Teresa; Duarte, Josué; Pintor, Marta; Ferreira, MadalenaBackground The “Your PEL - Promote and empower for literacy in health in young people” project focus on a health approach, supported by the new technologies, including three different areas: feeding, harmful consumption and sexuality. It is based on scientific evidences of health pro-motion, on which the need to refocus the action on the results implies the development of appropriate interventions [1, 2]. It is a multi-regional project outlined in the national strategy of smart specialization ,in a partnership between IPSantarém–ESSS and ESGT, IPLeiria–ESSLeIPViseu–ESSV, the Agrupamento de Escolas da Chamusca, the Agrupamento de Escolas da Golegã and ACES Lezíria–UCC Chamusca/Golegã. The students’ participation reveals itself in the project construction, framed in the curricular program and valued by the knowledge mobilization and by the skill gaining on real context. Objective Develop a tool for impact evaluation of health education programs for school in the feeding, harmful consumption and sexuality areas, at ages between 12 to 15 years old and monitoring the health determinants and the effectiveness of the developed strategies. Methods A research-action study divided in three phases: I) construction of the data collection tool and web communication platform; II) evaluation of the intervention needs of the students, development and implementation of the intervention program using the web platform; and III) evaluation of the impact of the program developed. The valuation of the knowledge generated by the project is based on a plan of actions different from the diffusion and dissemination of results, involving the institutions plots and adapted to the very essence. Results The project strategic impact is situated at two levels. One, evaluated after execution, corresponding to the expected results: tool development for impact measurement of the program and intervention pro-gram creation, supported by the web platform. The other, longer in time, that will be evaluated by health gains of the populations in the future. Conclusions The project’s relevance and originality support themselves on scientific evidence, reviling the monetarization as an essential component of the promotional health program [3, 4], valorising the innovation and sustentation of the action on the results, including more suitable interventions for the young population on a school environment. The scientific and technological knowledge impact generated and disseminated by the project will contribute for regional and national valorisation, on a logic translation of knowledge. References 1. Amendoeira J, Carreira T, Cruz O, Dias H, Santiago MC. Programas de educação sexual em meio escolar: Revisão sistemática da literatura”, Revista da UIIPS. 2013;1(4):198-211. 2. André C, Amendoeira J. Intervention programs for the prevention ofsmoking in children and adolescents: A systematic literature review. Atención Primaria. 2013;45(Especial C):23. 3. Matos M, Simões C, Camacho I, Reis M. A Saúde dos Adolescentes Portugueses em tempos de recessão. HBSC; 2015. Acedidoem:www.aventurasocial.com 4. Ministério da Saúde. Plano Nacional de Saúde - Orientações estratégicas para 2012-2016. Lisboa, Portugal: DGS; 2012.KeywordsHealth promotion, Empowerment, Health literacy, Young population.
- NURSING IN THE EMPOWERMENT OF THE FAMILY CAREGIVER OF THE AGED IN HOME CONTEXT: A SCOPING REVIEWPublication . Nóbrega, Tercio; Gaspar, Sílvia; Inácio, Marina; Braz, Tânia; Figueiredo, Maria do Carmo; Godinho, Celeste; Spínola, Ana; Ferreira, SaleteIntroduction: The demographic aging and the changes of the epidemiological pattern are leading to new necessities in terms of health. Most of the times, it is the family caregiver who assures the care delivery. It is imposed, therefore, an evaluation that intertwines family, the caregiver and the person who needs to be taken care of. Objective: Identify the nursing strategies in the empowerment of the family caregiver of the aged person in the home context. Methods: A scoping review was developed with the following question: what are the nursing strategies in the empowerment of the family caregiver to the aged person in the home context? Population: family caregiver of the dependent aged person; Concepts: nursing; empowerment; family caregiver; dependent aged person; Context: home. The studies to be included are quantity, quality and mixed. The research was accomplished with the MeSH descriptors intertwined by the Boolean AND as well as OR combining the following research strategy: Nurs* AND Empowerment OR Aged AND Caregivers. It proceeded the research of primary and secondary articles, published in ProQuest and PubMed databases and in the EBSCOhost platform: CINAHL Complete, Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive, MEDLINE Complete and Mediclatina, with its regulators: full text, published between 01/01/2014 and 31/11/2018, human beings, age group: 19+ years and any author who is a nurse. Results: The study selection process was developed according to the PRISMA, proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute, assuring the methodological quality of it. In these results arises the necessity of using new and innovated strategies to support the caregivers, promoting their empowerment and enabling them for the care. Conclusions: The obtained evidences indicate that the intervention of the nurse at home encourages the empowerment of the family caregiver, reducing the anxiety and stress, improving the general domains of physical and mental health, enabling them to care.
- Development process of a web platform to promote health literacy among young people – Your PELPublication . Dias, Hélia; Amendoeira, José; Spínola, Ana; Figueiredo, Maria; André, Clara; Godinho, Celeste; Duarte, JosuéThe project Your PEL - Promote and Empower Literacy in health in the young people in the areas of healthy diet, sexuality and tobacco and alcohol use, presenting the "ICT applied to Health" as an area of activity, shows the information diffusion as one of the axes of the National Health Plan, enabling the creation of tools and communication channels supported on the Web. The activities development aimed to innovation, makes use of the creative potential that the presente generation young people have in this domain.
- Projeto YourPEL – Promover e Empoderar para a Literacia em Saúde na População Jovem: Um Projeto de Investigação-AçãoPublication . Spínola, Ana; Dias, Hélia; Amendoeira, José; Figueiredo, Maria; Godinho, Celeste; André, Clara; Madeira, Filipe; Ferreira, Manuela; Quaresma, José Carlos; Ferreira, Mónica; Simões, Teresa; Martins, Rosário; Duarte, Josué; Ferreira, MadalenaO projeto “Your PEL Promover e Empoderar para a Literacia em saúde na população jovem” foca-se numa abordagem da saúde, suportada pelas novas tecnologias, agregando três áreas: alimentação, consumos nocivos e sexualidade. Alicerça-se em evidências científicas em promoção da saúde, onde a necessidade de recentrar a ação nos resultados, implica o desenvolvimento de intervenções adequadas (Amendoeira, et al., 2013; André & Amendoeira, 2013; Godinho et al., 2017). Trata-se de um projeto multiregional perfilado com a estratégia nacional de especialização inteligente, numa parceria entre os IPSantarém - ESSS e ESTG, IPLeiria - ESSL e IPViseu - ESSV, dois Agrupamento Escolares e o ACES Lezíria - UCC da Chamusca/Golegã. Releva-se a participação de estudantes, na construção do projeto, enquadrada no plano curricular e valorizada pela mobilização de saberes e pela co construção de competências em contexto real. Objetivos: desenvolver um instrumento de avaliação do impacto dos programas de educação para a saúde desenvolvidos em meio escolar nas áreas da alimentação, consumos nocivos e sexualidade ao nível do 3º ciclo do ensino básico e monitorizar os determinantes de saúde e a efetividade das estratégias desenvolvidas. Metodologia: estudo de investigação-ação caraterizado por três fases: – construção do instrumento de colheita de dados e da plataforma web de comunicação; – avaliação das necessidades de intervenção no 3º ciclo do ensino básico; criação e implementação do programa de intervenção com recurso à plataforma web e – avaliação do impacto do programa desenvolvido. A valorização do conhecimento gerado pelo projeto assenta num plano de ações diverso de difusão e divulgação dos resultados, com envolvimento das instituições parceiras e adequado à essência do mesmo. Resultados: O impacto estratégico do projeto situa-se a dois níveis. Um, avaliado após a sua execução correspondente aos resultados esperados: criação do instrumento de medida do impacto do programa e, a criação de um programa de intervenção, sustentado numa plataforma web. Outro mais amplo no tempo, que será avaliado pelos ganhos em saúde no futuro. Conclusão: a pertinência e originalidade do projeto suporta-se em evidências científicas, relevando a monitorização como uma componente essencial de um programa de promoção da saúde (Ministério da Saúde, 2012; Matos et al., 2015), valorizando a inovação e a sustentação da ação nos resultados, incluindo as intervenções mais adequadas à população jovem em meio escolar. O impacto do conhecimento científico e tecnológico gerado e disseminado pelo projeto contribuirá para a valorização regional e nacional, numa lógica de translação do conhecimento.
- INTERVENÇÕES DO ENFERMEIRO PROMOTORAS DO AUTOCUIDADO DA PESSOA IDOSA COM HIPERTENSÃOPublication . Figueiredo, Maria do Carmo; Spínola, Ana; Godinho, Celeste; Ferreira, Salete; Maduro, Ângela; Regente, Jacinta; Coelho, SóniaIntroduction: The prevalence of hypertension is attributed to population growth and aging, as well as risk factors associated with behaviors, such as an unhealthy diet, salt abuse, lack of physical activity, overweight, alcohol abuse and smoking. Promoting a culture of citizenship that encourages citizens' literacy and empowerment so that they become more autonomous and responsible for their health and the health of those who depend on them is a challenge for nurses. The importance of carrying out actions to promote literacy centered on health promotion and disease prevention measures, is demonstrated by the scientific evidence embodied in the Portuguese National Health Plan 2020. Objective: To identify nursing interventions that promote self-care in elderly people with Arterial Hypertension. Material and Method: Scoping review based on the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology. Inclusion Criteria; Participants: Elderly People with Arterial Hypertension; Context: Population group of elderly people with hypertension; Concepts: Health promotion, interventions of the nurse specialist in community nursing, self-care, management of the therapeutic regimen, arterial hypertension; Types of studies: Qualitative and quantitative. For the expression of research, the Booleans of AND and OR were used, articulating with the MeSH descriptors. It was carried out on 13/11/2018 in the published and unplublished databases. Results: The methodological evaluation was performed through PRISMA flowchart 2009. Three studies were included, one with a quantitative drawing and two with a mixed design, with qualitative predominance. Sensitive areas were identified for nursing intervention, resistance to drug treatment, absence of health-disease control, positive desire for lifestyle changes, and trust in the health system proved to be important for the adherence to the therapeutic regimen . Conclusion: The evidence analyzed highlights the importance of information as a fundamental dimension for the elderly to acquire knowledge about their illness and the established therapeutic regimen, allowing the minimization and prevention of complications in their health.
- Your PEL – Implementação e MonitorizaçãoPublication . Dias, Hélia; Amendoeira, José; Spínola, Ana; Figueiredo, Maria; André, Clara; Godinho, Celeste; Madeira, Filipe; Ferreira, Manuela; Quaresma, José CarlosMonitorização do estudo de investigação-ação caraterizado por três fases: – construção do instrumento de colheita de dados e da plataforma web de comunicação; – avaliação das necessidades de intervenção no 3º ciclo do ensino básico; criação e implementação do programa de intervenção com recurso à plataforma web e – avaliação do impacto do programa desenvolvido.
- Your PEL questionnaire development - evaluation of the impact of health education programs in schools.Publication . Dias, Hélia; Amendoeira, José; Spínola, Ana; Figueiredo, Maria; André, Clara; Madeira, Filipe; Ferreira, Manuela; Quaresma, José Carlos; Duarte, Josué; Godinho, CelesteThe Your PEL project emerged in response to requests from regional school groups and community care units that have identified the need to assess the impact of interventions on developing attitudes and behaviors that reflect health gains. In this context, the need to construct an instrument for the impact evaluation of health education programs in schools in the areas of healthy diet, tobacco and alcohol use, and sexuality at the the secundary school level of education, which allows to monitorize the determinants of health and the effectiveness of the strategies developed.
- HEALTH LITERACY IN DIABETES OF FAMILY CAREGIVERS: A scoping reviewPublication . Figueiredo, Maria do Carmo; Spínola, Ana; Godinho, Celeste; Ferreira, Salete; Frazão, Inês; Pascoal, Dina; Galante, RosárioIntroduction The prevalence of diabetes in Portugal is the highest in Europe (OECD, 2017). This disease may result in complications that increase dependency, requiring a family member to act as an informal caregiver for the patient with diabetes. This requires an adequate level of health literacy for decision-making related to the care to be provided. Objective To identify the level of health literacy in diabetes of the family caregivers. Methods This scoping review addresses the question: What is the level of health literacy in diabetes of informal caregivers? Participants: family caregivers; Concepts: health literacy, caregivers and diabetes; Context: domicile. The research was developed with MeSH descriptors interconnected by the...