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  • Shiitake mushroom (Lentinola edodes) spread creams
    Publication . Lima, Maria Gabriela Basto de; Henriques, Marília; Lúcia da Mata Silvério Ruivo, Paula; Mota de Oliveira, Maria Adelaide; Torgal, Isabel; Faro, Maria da Conceição; A., Macedo; Brandão, Carlos; Guerra, Maria
    This work is part of Agrio et Emulsio project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023583), the main goal is formulating and design an innovative food emulsion based on processed Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes), through sustainable methodologies with potential application in certain markets such as gourmet, diet and vegan [1]. Shiitake mushroom is a fungus of the phylum Basidiomycota and Lentinus gender. It is the second most cultivated edible mushroom in the world, currently accounting for around 25% of world production of edible mushrooms. Its importance nowadays, due to lifestyles and habits from Asian countries. It is considered a high-quality food with high content of protein, vitamins and minerals and low content in calories and fat [2]. An emulsion is a multiphase system consisting of two immiscible phases, one aqueous phase and a lipid phase, in which one phase is dispersed in another in the form of spherical drops. System stability depends on the membrane that holds the drops and varies over time. Spreads creams are water-in-oil emulsions which lipid phase is a mixture of vegetable oils and / or oils and animal fats, containing natural colorants, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavourings, antioxidants, lecithin and liposoluble vitamins. The aqueous phase comprises skimmed milk proteins, and small amounts of other ingredients such as salt, preservatives, thickeners and water-soluble vitamins [3]. The methodology involved the experimental technological development with articulated microbiological assays, proximal and physico-chemical and sensory analysis. Two final prototypes were selected, one of them vegan with aqueous phase of vegetal origin, and another lacto-vegetarian with aqueous phase of animal origin, whey protein concentrate of goat's milk. These final prototypes were submitted to microbiological stability, proximal and physicochemical analyses, as well as food pairing & food design trials.
  • New In Vitro studies on the bioprofile of Genista tenera antihyperglycemic extract
    Publication . Batista, D.; Falé, P.L.; Serralheiro, M.L.; Araújo, M.E.; Madeira, P.J.A.; Borges, C.; Torgal, Isabel; Goulart, Margarida; Justino, Jorge; Martins, A.; Rauter, A.P.
    The inhibition of a-glucosidase and glucose-6-phosphatase, two enzymes involved in the carbohydrate metabolism, is an important target to control glycaemia on individuals with type 2 diabetes. In this work we report for the first time the inhibition of both enzymes by the antihyperglycemic n-butanol extract from Genista tenera (Fabaceae). This extract decreased a-glucosidase and glucose-6-phosphatase activities to 0.97 and 80.25 %, respectively, being more effective than acarbose, and phlorizin, the positive controls, which reduced enzymes activities only to 17.39 and 96.06 %. Once inflammation and oxidative stress are related to diabetic impairments, the anti-inflammatory activity of the extract was also evaluated, through its inhibitory activity over COX-1 enzyme (47.5 % inhibition). Moreover, after induction of oxidative stress by UV radiation, the viability of irradiated rat liver hepatoma cells exposed to the extract was significantly higher (67.82 %) than that promoted by ascorbic acid, the positive control (45.05 %). In addition, the stability of the extract under gastrointestinal conditions was evaluated by HPLC–DAD-ESI–MS/MS. Flavonoid diglycosides were identified as the main constituents of the extract, and no alterations in the chemical composition nor in the antioxidant activity were observed after in vitro digestion with artificial gastric and pancreatic juices.
  • Desenvolvimento de um novo vinagre espirituoso de origem vínica.
    Publication . Laranjeira, Cristina; Alves, Marco; Mira, Helena; Torgal, Isabel; Orvalho, Tânia; Basto De Lima, Maria Gabriela; Canas, Sara; caldeira, ilda
    O vinagre é um produto com tradições milenares. Muito enraizado nas culturas gastronómicas mediterrânica, atlântica e asiática, a sua definição não é consensual, internacionalmente; contudo, na UE, “vinagre” obtém-se exclusivamente por dupla fermentação alcoólica e acética de substâncias de origem agrícola (EN 13188:2000). A sua produção é um exemplo clássico de sustentabilidade no uso de recursos sub-aproveitados, posicionando-se no fim da fileira de transformação agroalimentar. Recentemente, a valorização dietética deste género alimentício hipocalórico e funcional, influenciada também pela Nouvelle Cuisine e por preocupações com a alimentação na saúde, tem-se traduzido numa maior diferenciação e prestígio do produto e na procura de novos produtos vinagreiros. O protótipo do novo vinagre espirituoso, além de ácido acético, acetoína e etanol residual - compostos cuja presença conjunta é necessária para assegurar a genuinidade enquanto produto obtido de dupla fermentação alcoólica e acética - contém outros compostos secundários relevantes na definição do seu perfil de composição, nas características organoléticas e como garantia de autenticidade. Inovador e conveniente – com longa vida útil e múltiplas aplicações alimentares - a sua tecnología é sustentável, possibilitando o aproveitamento de excedentes estruturais de vinho, destilados vínicos ou aguardentes e assegurando também as boas práticas vinagreiras e a segurança alimentar.
  • Physical-chemical and rheological characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) of Algarve
    Publication . Basto De Lima, Maria Gabriela; Dias, Igor; Oliveira, Margarida; Torgal, Isabel; Faro, Maria; Matos, A.; Reis, A.
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the physico-chemical and rheological characteristics of two tomato varieties, Vimeiro and Runner, grown in Algarve - Portugal - in five case studies (A, B, C, D and E), during the harvest season. The samples were submitted to analysis: weight, caliber, moisture, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity, lycopene, color and hardness. When considering the factors producer X variety significant differences were observed for all parameters, excepted for color coordinates a* and H° and hardness. For weight and caliber no differences were observed between varieties. Concerning Runner variety, the producer A achieved heavier and higher caliber tomatoes compared to producer E. For total soluble solids it was verified that producer C was the one that cultivated fruits with the highest concentration for both varieties and presented a higher total titratable acidity value. These results were more evident in the Vimeiro variety. For lycopene, the highest average value was found in fruits cultivated by producer A in the Vimeiro variety. The fruits that presented the highest luminosity (L*) and higher mean values of b*, in general, were the Vimeiro variety, led by producer A. It means that the fruits have more yellowish tones than the Runner variety. The Vimeiro variety, independently of the producer, also presented higher values of C*, which means that the color of the fruits of this variety was stronger and brighter.