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Compreender os desafios e perspetivas da Gestão por Processos no âmbito da Diretoria de Educação a Distância do Instituto Federal de Brasília é o objeto desta investigação. O objetivo geral consistiu em investigar como transcorre a implantação do mapeamento dos fluxos dos processos no âmbito dessa Diretoria a partir da escuta dos intervenientes, tendo em vista que o aprimoramento constante das práticas de gestão é primordial no campo educacional. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados incluem estudo de caso e utilização da pesquisa de natureza aplicada e exploratória. Optou-se pelo levantamento de fontes relacionadas à temática e análise bibliográfica e documental. Quanto à forma de abordagem, foi utilizada a investigação qualitativa e recorreu-se ao focus group como técnica de recolha de dados para validação do guião de entrevistas semiestruturadas que foram realizadas com 13 gestores. Para a análise de conteúdo, investiu-se na utilização do software MAXQDA, que permitiu uma maior confiabilidade dos dados. As análises apontam à necessidade de uma visão integrada, necessidade de padronização dos processos e adequação da abordagem de gerenciamento BPM pois os colaboradores consideram que a resistência às mudanças é expressiva. Ao final, com base na análise pormenorizada dos resultados alcançados, foram identificados os contributos que transcorrem da implantação dessa disciplina gerencial. Assim, surgiu a proposta de um plano de intervenção que possibilitará à gestão o foco na melhoria contínua dos processos de forma estratégica, que possa refletir na qualidade do processo educacional e na prestação de serviços públicos que atendam os anseios da sociedade.
The object of this research is to explore the understanding of the challenges and perspectives of the Process Management in the scope of the board of directors of Distance Education in the Federal Institute of Brasília. The general objective consisted of investigating how the implementation of the mapping process flows within the scope of this Board of Directors, keeping in mind that the constant improvement of management practices is primordial in the educational field. The methodological procedures adopted include a case study and the use of research of an applied and exploratory nature. It was chosen by the survey of sources related to the thematic and bibliographical and documentary analysis. As for the approach, qualitative research was used and the “focus group” was used as a data-collecting technique for validation of the script of semi-structured interviews that were carried out with 13 managers. For content analysis, we invested in the use of MAXQDA software, which allowed a greater reliability of data. The analysis point towards the need of an integrated vision, and the need for standardization of processes and the adequacy of the BPM management approach because employees consider that resistance to change is significant. In the end, based on the detailed analysis of the results achieved, the contributions that came from the implementation of this managerial discipline were identified. Thus, a proposal for an intervention plan has emerged that will enable management to focus on the continuous improvement of processes in a strategic way, which may reflect on the quality of the educational process and the provision of public services that meet the aspirations of society.
The object of this research is to explore the understanding of the challenges and perspectives of the Process Management in the scope of the board of directors of Distance Education in the Federal Institute of Brasília. The general objective consisted of investigating how the implementation of the mapping process flows within the scope of this Board of Directors, keeping in mind that the constant improvement of management practices is primordial in the educational field. The methodological procedures adopted include a case study and the use of research of an applied and exploratory nature. It was chosen by the survey of sources related to the thematic and bibliographical and documentary analysis. As for the approach, qualitative research was used and the “focus group” was used as a data-collecting technique for validation of the script of semi-structured interviews that were carried out with 13 managers. For content analysis, we invested in the use of MAXQDA software, which allowed a greater reliability of data. The analysis point towards the need of an integrated vision, and the need for standardization of processes and the adequacy of the BPM management approach because employees consider that resistance to change is significant. In the end, based on the detailed analysis of the results achieved, the contributions that came from the implementation of this managerial discipline were identified. Thus, a proposal for an intervention plan has emerged that will enable management to focus on the continuous improvement of processes in a strategic way, which may reflect on the quality of the educational process and the provision of public services that meet the aspirations of society.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação/Administração Educacional.
administração estratégica gestão por processos gestão da qualidade educação a distância strategic management process management quality management distance education