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Esta investigação teve como objectivo geral conceber e implementar um programa de
intervenção na Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico de Gama Barros (situada no
Concelho de Sintra) e, consequentemente, conhecer a aptidão física associada à saúde de
todos os alunos que frequentam o 3º Ciclo (7º, 8º e 9º Anos), e avaliar os efeitos do exercício
físico no controlo do excesso de peso/composição corporal e na melhoria da aptidão física dos
Para concretizar o objectivo referido realizou-se uma avaliação da composição corporal
(peso/altura, índice de massa corporal, perímetro da cintura e % massa gorda) de todos os
alunos do 3º Ciclo (465). Os alunos realizaram, também, alguns dos testes de aptidão física da
bateria de testes do Fitnessgram, em particular os testes de resistência (vaivém) e de força e
resistência abdominal. Todos os alunos que se encontravam com o índice de massa corporal
maior ou igual a 24 Kg/m
foram referenciados com excesso de peso e encaminhados para o
programa de intervenção de exercício físico, denominado PEPA. Este consistiu no acréscimo de
uma aula de 45 minutos semanais às duas aulas de Educação Física já existentes no currículo
Nacional, perfazendo assim um total de 180 minutos de exercício por semana. Dos 72 alunos
referenciados (15,5% da amostra) apenas 14 integraram o programa PEPA de forma regular.
Os resultados foram considerados bastante relevantes na melhoria da aptidão física e na
diminuição da massa gorda dos alunos em geral. No entanto, no que concerne à variável índice
de massa corporal, as alterações não foram tão significativas, uma vez que alguns alunos
Os trabalhos práticos desenvolvidos em contexto escolar são bastante úteis e fundamentais
para uma maior sensibilização, consciencialização e prevenção da problemática do excesso de
peso entre os jovens.
Abstract - This research had as its main aim to conceive and to implement an intervention program in “Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico de Gama Barros” (situated in a region near Sintra) and, consequently to know the physical fitness connected with health of all the pupils who attended the secondary school (7 th , 8 th and 9 th grades) and to assess the effects of the physical exercises in the control of overweight/body composition and in the improvement of the physical fitness among adolescents. In order to achieve the mentioned goal, it was carried out an evaluation of the composition of the body (weight/height, body mass index, perimeter of waist and % of fat mass) of all pupils of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades (465). The pupils also carried out some physical fitness tests from the set tests of Fitnessgram, in particular the endurance tests (to-and-fro) and the strength and abdominal endurance tests. All the pupils who were with the body mass index higher or equal to 24kg/m 2 were referred as overweight and were put on the physical exercises intervention program, called PEPA. This consisted of the addition of a 45 minute lesson (weekly) to the two lessons of Physical Education already contemplated in the current National Curriculum; thus, adding up to a total of 180 minutes of physical exercises a week. From the 72 pupils who were analyzed (15,5% of the sample), only 14 pupils took part in the PEPA’s program in a regular way. The results were considered quite relevant in the improvement of the physical fitness and in the decrease of the pupils’ fat mass, in general. However, in what concerns to the variable body mass index, the changes were not considerable, once some pupils increased their fat mass. The practical works, which were developed in school environment, are quite useful and essential to a higher raising of awareness and consciousness and prevention of the overweight problem among young people.
Abstract - This research had as its main aim to conceive and to implement an intervention program in “Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico de Gama Barros” (situated in a region near Sintra) and, consequently to know the physical fitness connected with health of all the pupils who attended the secondary school (7 th , 8 th and 9 th grades) and to assess the effects of the physical exercises in the control of overweight/body composition and in the improvement of the physical fitness among adolescents. In order to achieve the mentioned goal, it was carried out an evaluation of the composition of the body (weight/height, body mass index, perimeter of waist and % of fat mass) of all pupils of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades (465). The pupils also carried out some physical fitness tests from the set tests of Fitnessgram, in particular the endurance tests (to-and-fro) and the strength and abdominal endurance tests. All the pupils who were with the body mass index higher or equal to 24kg/m 2 were referred as overweight and were put on the physical exercises intervention program, called PEPA. This consisted of the addition of a 45 minute lesson (weekly) to the two lessons of Physical Education already contemplated in the current National Curriculum; thus, adding up to a total of 180 minutes of physical exercises a week. From the 72 pupils who were analyzed (15,5% of the sample), only 14 pupils took part in the PEPA’s program in a regular way. The results were considered quite relevant in the improvement of the physical fitness and in the decrease of the pupils’ fat mass, in general. However, in what concerns to the variable body mass index, the changes were not considerable, once some pupils increased their fat mass. The practical works, which were developed in school environment, are quite useful and essential to a higher raising of awareness and consciousness and prevention of the overweight problem among young people.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Desporto com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto, especialização em Educação Física Escolar, por Cláudia Alexandra Danif Félix Vaz. Orientadora: Profª. Doutora Rita Santos Rocha
Adolescentes Excesso de Peso Aptidão Física Índice de Massa Corporal Adolescents Physical Fitness Overweight Body Mass Index
Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior