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A dor lombar crónica (DLC) é caracterizada por dor ou desconforto na região entre as margens costais e a prega glútea inferior, com ou sem dor referida nos membros inferiores. A dor lombar é uma das condições ortopédicas mais prevalentes, afetando cerca de 70-80% da população mundial, pelo menos uma vez na vida. As técnicas relacionadas com a eletromiografia de superfície têm sido propostas como um instrumento importante de avaliação da função muscular dos estabilizadores lombares, permitindo avaliar os desequilíbrios musculares e consequentemente avaliar a causa da dor na coluna lombar. Atualmente, uma das melhores opções de tratamento para pacientes com dor lombar crónica é o exercício físico, nomeadamente exercício aeróbio e o Pilates, dado que reduz a dor e a incapacidade a curto e longo prazo e melhora o equilíbrio. Objetivos: Analisar e comparar o efeito do Método Pilates na ativação elétrica muscular em adultos com dor lombar crónica. Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada entre 10 de janeiro e 15 de março de 2020, nas bases de dados eletrónicas PubMed (Medline), ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane, Ebsco e Scielo; incluindo a literatura cinzenta, Google Scholar, GreyLiterature e ProQuest Dissertions and Theses. Foi considerada apenas população adulta e com lombalgia há 3 ou mais meses; estudos que utilizaram variáveis eletromiográficas; estudos com uma medida de avaliação da dor em dois momentos diferentes; exercício físico realizado apenas o método Pilates. A qualidade metodológica foi verificada através da Escala Downs e Black modificada. Resultados: 439 resumos foram identificados; 44 artigos foram avaliados quanto à elegibilidade e 3 atenderam aos critérios de síntese qualitativa e quantitativa. Todos os estudos incluíram amostra de ambos os sexos e praticantes do Método Pilates ou apenas quotidiano (no caso do grupo controlo). Em relação às variáveis, todos os estudos usaram instrumentos biomecânicos, incluindo eletromiografia e dinamómetro, escalas de dor e questionários de crença. Todos os artigos mostraram redução na perceção da dor após a intervenção do Método Pilates, apenas em dois deles houve diferença significativa. Conclusões: O Método Pilates, parece ser uma excelente opção no tratamento de dores lombares não específicas e crónicas o que resulta na promoção de saúde, e na prevenção desta condição para indivíduos assintomáticos.
Introduction: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most prevalent orthopedic conditions, affecting about 70-80% of the world's population, at least once in their lives. Techniques related to surface electromyography have been proposed as an important instrument for evaluate the muscle function of lumbar stabilizers, allowing to assess muscle imbalances and, subsequently, the cause of pain in the lumbar spine. Currently, one of the best treatment options for patients with CLBP is physical exercise, namely aerobic exercise, and Pilates, as it reduces pain and disability in the short and long term and improves balance. Objectives: Analyze and compare the effect of the Pilates Method on muscle electrical activation in adults with chronic low back pain. Methodology: A comprehensive search was performed between 10 January and 15 March 2020, in the electronic databases PubMed (Medline), ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane, Ebsco and Scielo; including GreyLiterature, Google Scholar, GreyLiterature, and ProQuest Dissertions and Theses. It was considered only adult population and with low back pain for 3 or more months; studies that used electromyographic variables; studies with a measure of pain assessment at two different times; physical exercise performed only the Pilates method. The methodological quality accessed with Downs and Black checklist. Results: 439 abstracts were identified; 44 articles were assessed for eligibility and 3 met the criteria for qualitative and quantitative synthesis. All studies used biomechanical instruments including electromyography and dynamometer, pain scales and belief questionnaires. All articles showed a reduction in pain perception after the intervention with Pilates Method, two of them with significant differences. Conclusions: The Pilates Method seems to be an excellent option in the treatment of non-specific and chronic low back pain which results in health promotion, and in the prevention of this condition for asymptomatic individuals.
Introduction: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most prevalent orthopedic conditions, affecting about 70-80% of the world's population, at least once in their lives. Techniques related to surface electromyography have been proposed as an important instrument for evaluate the muscle function of lumbar stabilizers, allowing to assess muscle imbalances and, subsequently, the cause of pain in the lumbar spine. Currently, one of the best treatment options for patients with CLBP is physical exercise, namely aerobic exercise, and Pilates, as it reduces pain and disability in the short and long term and improves balance. Objectives: Analyze and compare the effect of the Pilates Method on muscle electrical activation in adults with chronic low back pain. Methodology: A comprehensive search was performed between 10 January and 15 March 2020, in the electronic databases PubMed (Medline), ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane, Ebsco and Scielo; including GreyLiterature, Google Scholar, GreyLiterature, and ProQuest Dissertions and Theses. It was considered only adult population and with low back pain for 3 or more months; studies that used electromyographic variables; studies with a measure of pain assessment at two different times; physical exercise performed only the Pilates method. The methodological quality accessed with Downs and Black checklist. Results: 439 abstracts were identified; 44 articles were assessed for eligibility and 3 met the criteria for qualitative and quantitative synthesis. All studies used biomechanical instruments including electromyography and dynamometer, pain scales and belief questionnaires. All articles showed a reduction in pain perception after the intervention with Pilates Method, two of them with significant differences. Conclusions: The Pilates Method seems to be an excellent option in the treatment of non-specific and chronic low back pain which results in health promotion, and in the prevention of this condition for asymptomatic individuals.
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método pilates dor lombar crónica eletromiografia classificação de dor chronic low back pain electromyography pilates method Physical activitp