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RESUMO - Este estudo tem como referencial o Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros (PNSAC),
um dos treze Parques Naturais que integram a actual Rede Nacional de Áreas Protegidas
(RNAP) e procura contribuir para a definição de um modelo conceptual, ao nível dos Planos
de Gestão e Monitorização das Cartas de Desporto de Natureza (CDN).
Os Planos de Gestão e Monitorização das CDN decorrem da Portaria nº 53/2008, de 18 de
Janeiro e deverão ser elaborados pelo Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da
Biodiversidade (ICNB), ouvidas as entidades competentes em razão de matéria, dois anos
após a publicação das respectivas CDN. São duas as CDN existentes à data, publicadas em
2004 e 2008, respectivamente a CDN do PNSAC e a CDN do PNSC encontrando-se em fase
de revisão, sem que até agora tenham sido elaborados os referidos planos.
O modelo proposto tem por base o estudo de caso da ―Carta de Desporto de Natureza do
Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros‖ (CDN do PNSAC) e procura dar resposta à
necessidade de criar uma plataforma de articulação entre todos os stakeholders directamente
envolvidos na gestão e na monitorização das actividades de turismo de natureza dentro da
Área Protegida (AP), de forma a que o processo de gestão/monitorização seja mais adequado,
na óptica do desenvolvimento sustentável.
Tem como objectivos específicos: 1) identificar planos de gestão e monitorização aplicados
ao Desporto, Turismo e Ambiente; 2) identificar instrumentos reguladores das actividades
desportivas, turísticas e de turismo de natureza no contexto nacional, cuja articulação possa
contribuir para uma melhor gestão das ATN; 3) avaliar a CDN do PNSAC na perspectiva dos
stakeholders através de análise SWOT; 4) caracterizar as ATN, dos recursos e dos
stakeholders envolvidos na criação, implementação e gestão da CDN do PNSAC, entre 2004
e 2009.
A aplicabilidade deste modelo ao nível da RNAP, poderá permitir fazer uma avaliação
transversal das CDN implementadas, de forma a retirar conclusões mais abrangentes, que
possam informar as metodologias e as estratégias de gestão mais adequadas.
ABSTRACT This study has as reference the Natural Park of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros (Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros – PNSAC), one of the thirteen Natural Parks that are part of the National Network of Protected Areas in Portugal (Rede Nacional de Áreas Protegidas – RNAP), and aims to create a conceptual model for the Management and Monitoring Plans for the Letters of Nature Sports (Cartas de Desporto de Natureza – CDN). The CDN Management and Monitoring Plans were passed by Portuguese Law (Portaria) no. 53/2008, on the 18th of January, and are due to be elaborated by the Institute of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade – ICNB) following the debate with the concerned entities two years after the publication of the corresponding CDN. The two existing CDN were published in 2004 and 2008 – the ―CDN by PNSAC‖ (―Carta de Desporto de Natureza do Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros‖) and the ―CDN by PNSC‖ (―Carta de Desporto de Natureza do Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais) respectively, which are being revised and whose plans are being drawn. The model proposed in this study is based on the case study of the first CDN mentioned – the ―CDN by PNSAC‖ – and aims to find a common platform of debate for all stakeholders involved in the management and monitoring of the nature activities within this Protected Area (Área Protegida – AP), hence contributing to a better sustainable development. The specific goals of this model are: 1) to identify management and monitoring plans applied to Sports, Tourism and Environment; 2) to identify mechanisms that regulate Sport, Tourism and Nature activities within the Portuguese territory and whose interconnection may contribute to a better management of the Nature Tourism Activities (Actividades de Turismo na Natureza – ATN); 3) to evaluate the ―CDN by PNSAC‖ in the perspective of the stakeholders by means of a SWOT analysis; 4) to characterise the ATN, the resources and all stakeholders involved in the creation, implementation and management of the ―CDN by PNSAC‖, between 2004 and 2009. The implementation of this model in the RNAP may enable a transversal evaluation of the CDN applied, and consequently lead to more comprehensive assumptions that may convey the best methods and strategies of management.
ABSTRACT This study has as reference the Natural Park of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros (Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros – PNSAC), one of the thirteen Natural Parks that are part of the National Network of Protected Areas in Portugal (Rede Nacional de Áreas Protegidas – RNAP), and aims to create a conceptual model for the Management and Monitoring Plans for the Letters of Nature Sports (Cartas de Desporto de Natureza – CDN). The CDN Management and Monitoring Plans were passed by Portuguese Law (Portaria) no. 53/2008, on the 18th of January, and are due to be elaborated by the Institute of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade – ICNB) following the debate with the concerned entities two years after the publication of the corresponding CDN. The two existing CDN were published in 2004 and 2008 – the ―CDN by PNSAC‖ (―Carta de Desporto de Natureza do Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros‖) and the ―CDN by PNSC‖ (―Carta de Desporto de Natureza do Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais) respectively, which are being revised and whose plans are being drawn. The model proposed in this study is based on the case study of the first CDN mentioned – the ―CDN by PNSAC‖ – and aims to find a common platform of debate for all stakeholders involved in the management and monitoring of the nature activities within this Protected Area (Área Protegida – AP), hence contributing to a better sustainable development. The specific goals of this model are: 1) to identify management and monitoring plans applied to Sports, Tourism and Environment; 2) to identify mechanisms that regulate Sport, Tourism and Nature activities within the Portuguese territory and whose interconnection may contribute to a better management of the Nature Tourism Activities (Actividades de Turismo na Natureza – ATN); 3) to evaluate the ―CDN by PNSAC‖ in the perspective of the stakeholders by means of a SWOT analysis; 4) to characterise the ATN, the resources and all stakeholders involved in the creation, implementation and management of the ―CDN by PNSAC‖, between 2004 and 2009. The implementation of this model in the RNAP may enable a transversal evaluation of the CDN applied, and consequently lead to more comprehensive assumptions that may convey the best methods and strategies of management.
Dissertação de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto,
Especialização em Desporto de Natureza, por Ana Isabel Mourisco de Oliveira Alves. Orientadora: Professora Doutora Maria Luísa Estêvão Rodrigues;Co-orientador: Professor Doutor Luís Alberto Dias Carvalhinho.
Gestão Monitorização stakeholders Turismo de Natureza Actividades de Desporto de Natureza Management Monitoring Nature Sports Activities stakeholders Nature Tourism
Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior