No decorrer do tempo, os conceitos de avaliação, reflexão e supervisão têm sofrido
alterações, tendo vindo a ser cada vez mais valorizada a sua relevância no desenvolvimento
de uma prática educativa consciente, coerente e de qualidade. Pretende-se que os
educadores de infância sejam persistentes, criativos e ultrapassem dificuldades, numa
atitude constante de pesquisa e questionamento.
Neste contexto, o portefólio surge como uma nova estratégia de avaliação
alternativa onde os educadores de infância podem incluir registos escritos, como as
narrativas, os diários de aula e as planificações, assim como registos fotográficos, caso
entendam ser pertinentes para documentar situações do quotidiano (seja deles próprios ou
das crianças).
Na elaboração do portefólio, o educador é encorajado a avaliar e a refletir, podendo
a aprendizagem ser concebida como um processo supervisivo das práticas educativas. A
supervisão visa o desenvolvimento e a aprendizagem tanto dos profissionais que
supervisionam como dos que são supervisionados.
Nesta pesquisa, tentei perceber as potencialidades do portefólio na prática educativa
do educador na valência de creche, na supervisão da sua ação e na avaliação de crianças.
Para isso, recorri a uma metodologia qualitativa com base em estudos de caso, com uma
amostra de três educadoras da valência de creche, de uma mesma instituição. Todas as
educadoras desta pesquisa construíram o seu portefólio reflexivo e participaram em
reuniões de equipa mensais com a supervisora. Nestas reuniões era apresentado o trabalho
desenvolvido, os pontos negativos e positivos, sendo delineadas novas estratégias de
intervenção. No final da pesquisa foi possível reconhecer a pertinência da introdução do
portefólio para promover uma maior reflexão e consequente melhoria das práticas
Na sequência deste trabalho é apresentado um projeto em que são definidas linhas
orientadoras para o desenvolvimento da prática de supervisão em creche a partir do recurso
ao portefólio.
Over the time, the concepts of evaluation, reflection and supervision have been changing. Nowadays, these three concepts are considered very important and relevant. It is intended that Childhood Educators are persistent, creative and overcome difficulties, in a constant attitude of search and questioning. Reflective portfolio is a new alternative assessment strategy, where Childhood Educators can include written records, as narratives and class diaries, as well as photographic records, if that is relevant to report everyday experiences (from themselves or the children). In the portfolio’s drafting, the Childhood Educator is encouraged to assess and reflect, and learning is designed as a supervision process. Supervision aims the developing and learning of the professionals who supervise and of the ones who are supervised. In this investigation, I tried to realize the portfolio potentialities in the educational practice of Childhood Educator in crèche, on supervising his actions as well as in children’s assessment. In this regard, I used a qualitative methodology based on a case study, with a sample of three Childhood Educators from crèche, of the same institution. All of the three Research Childhood Educators draft their reflective portfolio and attend monthly team meetings with the supervisor – they presented the work that has been done, the negative and positive points and they set out intervention strategies. In the end of this investigation, Research Childhood Educators considered very important to introduce the reflective portfolio in education, in order to build an educational practice of quality. At the end of this research it was possible to recognize the relevance of the introduction of the portfolio to promote greater reflection and consequent improvement of educational practices.
Over the time, the concepts of evaluation, reflection and supervision have been changing. Nowadays, these three concepts are considered very important and relevant. It is intended that Childhood Educators are persistent, creative and overcome difficulties, in a constant attitude of search and questioning. Reflective portfolio is a new alternative assessment strategy, where Childhood Educators can include written records, as narratives and class diaries, as well as photographic records, if that is relevant to report everyday experiences (from themselves or the children). In the portfolio’s drafting, the Childhood Educator is encouraged to assess and reflect, and learning is designed as a supervision process. Supervision aims the developing and learning of the professionals who supervise and of the ones who are supervised. In this investigation, I tried to realize the portfolio potentialities in the educational practice of Childhood Educator in crèche, on supervising his actions as well as in children’s assessment. In this regard, I used a qualitative methodology based on a case study, with a sample of three Childhood Educators from crèche, of the same institution. All of the three Research Childhood Educators draft their reflective portfolio and attend monthly team meetings with the supervisor – they presented the work that has been done, the negative and positive points and they set out intervention strategies. In the end of this investigation, Research Childhood Educators considered very important to introduce the reflective portfolio in education, in order to build an educational practice of quality. At the end of this research it was possible to recognize the relevance of the introduction of the portfolio to promote greater reflection and consequent improvement of educational practices.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de mestre na área de Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica
portefólio narrativa planificação autoavaliação reflexão supervisão narrative narrative reflection supervision