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O presente estudo procura compreender a forma como os espaços maker poderão
contribuir para o desenvolvimento de competências do Perfil do Aluno à Saída da
Escolaridade Obrigatória (PASEO).
Para a concretização deste objetivo é apresentada a planificação e a implementação de
um espaço maker no Agrupamento de Escolas de Sampaio (AES) em colaboração com a
comunidade educativa. Esta implementação foi delineada de modo a responder aos requisitos
estabelecidos pelos objetivos do Projeto Educativo do AES, pelas competências do PASEO
e pelas necessidades diagnosticadas nos diversos documentos de avaliação externa do
Enquanto projeto, a implementação deste espaço permitiu identificar e avaliar
dificuldades da sua concretização e utilização bem como as suas vantagens para o
desenvolvimento de atividades de ensino/aprendizagem;
É apresentada uma revisão de literatura que contextualiza os pressupostos que estão
subjacentes às dinâmicas promovidas por estes espaços, bem como as suas mais valias em
contextos educativos.
No segundo capítulo descreve-se o planeamento, a implementação e a avaliação do
projeto, que contou com a participação de 10 docentes de diferentes áreas curriculares, para
dar resposta à questão problema. Para além dos dados de ordem qualitativa, o estudo apoiou se numa abordagem autoetnográfica da autora que assume o papel de observadora e
participante do estudo.
Os resultados mostram que os projetos desenvolvidos em espaços maker são
promotores do desenvolvimento das competências de todas as áreas de conhecimento do
São identificados os obstáculos à implementação destes espaços, a referir os recursos
materiais e humanos, o tempo dispensado para a planificação de atividades e as dificuldades
ao nível da articulação curricular.
The present study seeks to understand how makerspaces can contribute to the development of competences in the Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory Education1 (PASEO). In order to realize this general objective, the planning and implementation of a maker space in the Sampaio School Group (AES) in collaboration with the educational community is presented, responding to the objectives of the AES Educational Project and the competences of the PASEO, considering the needs diagnosed in the group's external evaluation documents. The study identifies and evaluates the difficulties of implementing and using this space, as well as the advantages of using it to develop teaching/learning activities. A literature review is presented which contextualizes the assumptions underlying the dynamics promoted by these spaces, as well as their added value in educational contexts. The second chapter describes the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the project, which involved the participation of 10 teachers from different curricular areas, in order to answer the problem question. In addition to the qualitative data, the study was based on an autoethnographic approach by the author, who took on the role of observer and participant in the study. The results show that the projects developed in maker spaces promote the development of competences in all the PASEO knowledge areas. Obstacles to the implementation of these spaces are identified, including material and human resources, the time taken to plan activities and difficulties in terms of curriculum articulation.
The present study seeks to understand how makerspaces can contribute to the development of competences in the Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory Education1 (PASEO). In order to realize this general objective, the planning and implementation of a maker space in the Sampaio School Group (AES) in collaboration with the educational community is presented, responding to the objectives of the AES Educational Project and the competences of the PASEO, considering the needs diagnosed in the group's external evaluation documents. The study identifies and evaluates the difficulties of implementing and using this space, as well as the advantages of using it to develop teaching/learning activities. A literature review is presented which contextualizes the assumptions underlying the dynamics promoted by these spaces, as well as their added value in educational contexts. The second chapter describes the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the project, which involved the participation of 10 teachers from different curricular areas, in order to answer the problem question. In addition to the qualitative data, the study was based on an autoethnographic approach by the author, who took on the role of observer and participant in the study. The results show that the projects developed in maker spaces promote the development of competences in all the PASEO knowledge areas. Obstacles to the implementation of these spaces are identified, including material and human resources, the time taken to plan activities and difficulties in terms of curriculum articulation.
MakerSpace Maker cenário de aprendizagem metodologias ativas learning scenario active methodologies