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Tendo em conta o envelhecimento da população, o crescimento das doenças crónicas e as crises de saúde pública, como as pandemias que causam impacto económico, político e social, o desenvolvimento das práticas médicas ou das técnicas de atendimento ao paciente forçam os hospitais a mudar sistematicamente a sua organização.
Desta forma, as Unidades de Saúde estão em constante mutação e são sujeitas a uma dupla exigência a nível externo para transformar as suas organizações e a nível interno para melhorar o desempenho geral das suas organizações. O baixo desempenho dos profissionais de saúde é uma barreira crítica para a qualidade do
atendimento e para a implementação de políticas de saúde em geral. A motivação, a satisfação profissional e a liderança são aspetos essenciais para o sucesso de qualquer organização, mas o seu estudo nas Unidades de Saúde não tem sido muito frequente. Uma boa liderança leva a uma maior motivação e, consequentemente a um melhor desempenho. Um líder é o responsável por coordenar e tomar decisões e tem um papel fundamental nas organizações, tais como, ser um fator motivacional e influenciar comportamentos na sua equipa. Uma equipa motivada é uma equipa produtiva. O presente trabalho pretendeu investigar mecanismos e condições contextuais sob as quais a liderança pode influenciar a motivação e o desempenho de uma equipa, bem como identificar os estilos de liderança mais presentes no Hospital Distrital de Santarém e o impacto que têm na satisfação, motivação e desempenho dos profissionais desta Unidade de Saúde.
Este trabalho teve como suporte uma metodologia quantitativa, com recurso a um inquérito por questionário, que foi o instrumento de recolha de dados para este estudo.Toda a elaboração teórica apresentada coincide num ponto: existe uma correlação positiva entre o nível de capacidade de motivação e satisfação do líder e o nível de desempenho e eficácia na realização das tarefas e objetivos da organização.
Desta forma, a metodologia aplicada procurou utilizar um instrumento de trabalho que investigasse o perfil de liderança, os comportamentos e ações relacionadas com a motivação, satisfação e desempenho, dos colaboradores do Hospital Distrital de Santarém.
Given the aging of the world general population, the growth of chronic diseases and public health crises such as; pandemics that have an economic, political and social impact, and the development of medical practices or patient care techniques, force hospitals to systematically change its organization. In this way, Health Units are constantly changing and are subjected to a double requirement, externally to transform their organizations and internally, to improve the overall performances on their organizations. The low performance of health professionals is a critical barrier to the quality of care and the implementation of health policies in general. Motivation, professional satisfaction and assertive and communicative leadership are essential aspects for the success of any organization. But the studies in Health Units has not been very frequent. Good leadership leads to greater motivation and, consequently, better performance. A leader is responsible for coordinating and making decisions and has a key role in organizations, such as being a motivational factor and influencing behaviours in his team. A motivated team is a productive team. The present work intended to investigate contextual conditions under which leadership can inspire the motivation and performance of a team, as well as to identify the leadership styles most present at Hospital Distrital de Santarém and the impact they had on the motivation, and performance of professionals of this Health Unit. This work is supported by a quantitative methodology using a screening survey, which was the data collection instrument for this study. The methodology was selected seeking to give practical meaning to the chosen research, taking into account the objectives and intention of the investigation. The whole theoretical representation coincides in one point: there is a positive correlation between the leader's level of motivation and desired capacity and the level of performance and effectiveness in carrying out the organization's tasks and objectives. In this way, the purpose of the applied methodology is to use a work instrument that investigates the leadership profile, behaviours and actions related to motivation, satisfaction and performance, based on employees and their perceptions. A survey was applied to collect data that allow identify the leadership style, level of motivation, satisfaction and performance of health professionals at the Hospital Distrital de Santarem.
Given the aging of the world general population, the growth of chronic diseases and public health crises such as; pandemics that have an economic, political and social impact, and the development of medical practices or patient care techniques, force hospitals to systematically change its organization. In this way, Health Units are constantly changing and are subjected to a double requirement, externally to transform their organizations and internally, to improve the overall performances on their organizations. The low performance of health professionals is a critical barrier to the quality of care and the implementation of health policies in general. Motivation, professional satisfaction and assertive and communicative leadership are essential aspects for the success of any organization. But the studies in Health Units has not been very frequent. Good leadership leads to greater motivation and, consequently, better performance. A leader is responsible for coordinating and making decisions and has a key role in organizations, such as being a motivational factor and influencing behaviours in his team. A motivated team is a productive team. The present work intended to investigate contextual conditions under which leadership can inspire the motivation and performance of a team, as well as to identify the leadership styles most present at Hospital Distrital de Santarém and the impact they had on the motivation, and performance of professionals of this Health Unit. This work is supported by a quantitative methodology using a screening survey, which was the data collection instrument for this study. The methodology was selected seeking to give practical meaning to the chosen research, taking into account the objectives and intention of the investigation. The whole theoretical representation coincides in one point: there is a positive correlation between the leader's level of motivation and desired capacity and the level of performance and effectiveness in carrying out the organization's tasks and objectives. In this way, the purpose of the applied methodology is to use a work instrument that investigates the leadership profile, behaviours and actions related to motivation, satisfaction and performance, based on employees and their perceptions. A survey was applied to collect data that allow identify the leadership style, level of motivation, satisfaction and performance of health professionals at the Hospital Distrital de Santarem.
Dissertação, Mestrado, Gestão de Unidades de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2024
Liderança Motivação Satisfação Desempenho Profissional Profissionais de Saúde Equipa Organizações Leadership Motivation Satisfaction Professional Performance Health Professionals Team Organizations
Barroso, C. (2024). O impacto da liderança na motivação, satisfação e desempenho de profissionais de saúde : um estudo aplicado ao Hospital Distrital de Santarém (Mestrado). Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, Santarém. Disponível na WWW em: <>