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Nesta Dissertação perspectivamos as pontes possíveis de ligação entre a «química popular» (decorrente dos saberes dos alunos construídos com base na experiência da atividade agrícola das suas famílias) e a química formal (desenvolvida em sala de aula no âmbito do processo de ensino-aprendizagem no Curso Técnico Integrado em Agropecuária). Sabendo-se que existem numerosas dificuldades na aprendizagem da química, pretende-se, numa abordagem integrada no âmbito da Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária, procurar valorizar os saberes informais dos alunos sobre química (química informal - conteúdos e linguagem) articulando-os e potencializando-os, onde possível, no âmbito da aprendizagem formal da química, como forma de diminuir o referido insucesso.
Metodologicamente, desenvolvemos uma investigação qualitativa na qual optamos pelo uso de entrevistas semi-estruturadas como instrumento de recolha de dados junto de uma amostra de professores e estudantes do Curso Técnico Integrado em Agropecuária, para levantamento de informações sobre o conhecimento químico já utilizado no cotidiano agrícola, os códigos linguísticos utilizados, as metodologias aplicadas, dentre outros.
Como resultados mais relevantes salientamos que ensinar a partir dos conhecimentos dos discentes é uma prática desejada tanto pelos alunos como pelos professores. Em termos da problemática central do estudo foi identificado um corpo de conceitos e conhecimentos oriundo do contexto rural (química informal) que facilmente podem ser integrados no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da química formal, potencializando os seus resultados junto dos alunos das comunidades agrícolas. Desta forma, a presente Dissertação encerra com uma proposta de Intervenção Socioeducativa onde se perspectiva específica e detalhadamente a referida forma de integração e estratégias concretas de como fazê-lo na senda da melhoria dos resultados na aprendizagem da química formal no curso que se estudou.
This Dissertation aims to identify a possible bridge connection between the ‹‹popular chemistry››, resulting from students' knowledge (built based on experience of farming of their families) and the formal chemistry teaching-learning process developed in the classroom considering the Integrated Agricultural Technician Course. Since there have been identified many difficulties in the process of chemistry formal learning, it is intended in the present study, considering the Social Education and Community Intervention approach, to identify the referred informal knowlege that students already possess (informal chemistry - both contents and language) in order to propose some possible conections of that knowledge with the knowledge of formal chemistry teached in the classroom as a way to reduce failure. Methodologically speaking, we developed a qualitative research in which we opted for the use of semi-structured interviews as a data collection instrument with a sample of teachers and students of the referred Integrated Technical in Agriculture Course, to gather information about chemical knowledge already used in agricultural, language codes and methodologies applied, among others. Results emphasize that teaching from knowledge students already possess is a desirable practice both for students and for teachers. In terms of the central aim of the study we have identified a body of concepts and knowledge coming up from the rural context (informal chemistry) that can be easily integrated into the formal chemistry teaching-learning process, so to enhance the results of those students from agricultural communities. Finally, this investigation concludes with a concrete proposal for Social Intervention exemplifying specific strategies on how to articulate formal and informal chemistry knowledge as a way to improved students results in the course that we have studied.
This Dissertation aims to identify a possible bridge connection between the ‹‹popular chemistry››, resulting from students' knowledge (built based on experience of farming of their families) and the formal chemistry teaching-learning process developed in the classroom considering the Integrated Agricultural Technician Course. Since there have been identified many difficulties in the process of chemistry formal learning, it is intended in the present study, considering the Social Education and Community Intervention approach, to identify the referred informal knowlege that students already possess (informal chemistry - both contents and language) in order to propose some possible conections of that knowledge with the knowledge of formal chemistry teached in the classroom as a way to reduce failure. Methodologically speaking, we developed a qualitative research in which we opted for the use of semi-structured interviews as a data collection instrument with a sample of teachers and students of the referred Integrated Technical in Agriculture Course, to gather information about chemical knowledge already used in agricultural, language codes and methodologies applied, among others. Results emphasize that teaching from knowledge students already possess is a desirable practice both for students and for teachers. In terms of the central aim of the study we have identified a body of concepts and knowledge coming up from the rural context (informal chemistry) that can be easily integrated into the formal chemistry teaching-learning process, so to enhance the results of those students from agricultural communities. Finally, this investigation concludes with a concrete proposal for Social Intervention exemplifying specific strategies on how to articulate formal and informal chemistry knowledge as a way to improved students results in the course that we have studied.
Dissertação de mestrado com vista à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária.
química "popular" química informal química da produção agrícola "popular" chemistry informal chemistry chemistry of agricultural production