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A morte fetal leva o casal/família à perda da sua autoestima, vivenciam e
experimentam sentimentos funestos, extremamente negativos, como dor, sofrimento,
tristeza, culpa, impotência e frustração pelo insucesso da gravidez. O luto em situação
de morte fetal implica um tipo particular de luto que solicita adaptações tanto a nível
individual, como na relação com o parceiro, família e na sociedade. Com o objetivo de
mapear a evidência sobre a experiência da família em situação de morte fetal, foi
desenvolvida uma scoping review, tendo sido realizada a pesquisa na plataforma
EBSCO. Os resultados apontam para a importância do papel do enfermeiro especialista
em enfermagem de saúde materna e obstétrica, que passa pelo investimento na sua
formação de forma a proceder à identificação do risco de desenvolver um processo de
luto patológico, melhorando a interação com o casal, promovendo a implementação de
estratégias promotoras do luto e da esperança e investindo na comunicação terapêutica
The loss of a child leads the couple/family to lose their self-esteem, experiencing disastrous, extremely negative feelings, such as pain, suffering, sadness, guilt, impotence and frustration due to the failure of the pregnancy. A fetal death situation leads to a particular type of grief and that requires adaptations both at the individual level and in the relationship with the partner, family and society. With the aim of mapping the evidence on the family’s experience in situations of fetal death, a scoping review was developed, the research was carried out on the EBSCO platform. The results point to the importance of the role of the specialist nurse in maternal and obstetric health nursing, which involves investing in their training to identify the risk of developing a pathological mourning process, improving interaction with the couple, promoting the implementation of strategies that promote grief and hope and investing in therapeutic communication
The loss of a child leads the couple/family to lose their self-esteem, experiencing disastrous, extremely negative feelings, such as pain, suffering, sadness, guilt, impotence and frustration due to the failure of the pregnancy. A fetal death situation leads to a particular type of grief and that requires adaptations both at the individual level and in the relationship with the partner, family and society. With the aim of mapping the evidence on the family’s experience in situations of fetal death, a scoping review was developed, the research was carried out on the EBSCO platform. The results point to the importance of the role of the specialist nurse in maternal and obstetric health nursing, which involves investing in their training to identify the risk of developing a pathological mourning process, improving interaction with the couple, promoting the implementation of strategies that promote grief and hope and investing in therapeutic communication
Relatorio de estagio apresentado para obteção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstetrica
Luto Morte fetal
Stefan, O. (2024). A experiencia da familia em situação de luto por morte fetal. Santarem. Escola Superior de Saude