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Este relatório descreve a experiência do treinador-estagiário durante o seu ano de estágio em que
planeou e operacionalizou o processo de treino na equipa Júnior “A” (Sub 19) do Ginásio Clube de
Alcobaça, em Alcobaça.
Nele estão expressas todas as decisões e estratégias de planeamento, condução e
operacionalização do processo de treino sustentadas e fundamentadas na bibliografia de autores de
Neste estágio o treinador-estagiário analisou oito momentos competitivos (de cariz oficial) em dois
momentos diferentes do período competitivo. Assim, foi realizada uma análise a quatro jogos
observando um conjunto de variáveis numa das Situações Fixas de Jogo: Cantos Defensivos.
Posteriormente, foi aplicado um programa contínuo de treino durante oito microciclos para
implementação de conteúdos técnico – tácticos relacionados com esta temática, com o objectivo de
promover uma melhoria do rendimento desportivo da equipa. De seguida, foram realizadas novas
filmagens a quatro jogos (contra os mesmos adversários da 1
volta) para verificar se existiram, ou
não, melhorias nesse aspecto específico do jogo.
Destaca-se, relativamente aos Cantos Defensivos, que em todos os jogos da 2ª volta, a equipa
analisada obteve maior sucesso quando comparado o resultado da acção com a 1ª volta. Assim,
parece claro, que comparando os resultados, o GCA conseguiu “ganhar” mais vezes a bola na 2ª
volta o que pode comprovar o sucesso do programa contínuo de treino.
Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho utilizou-se como referência a taxonomia definida por Castelo
(2008) para a categorização dos exercícios de treino. Analisaram-se 109 fichas de treino, num total
de 687 exercícios de treino.
Foi concluído que os EEPG e os EEP, exercícios que têm como objectivo desenvolver as relações do
jogador com a bola e com os objectivos do jogo, respectivamente, e que possuem maior proximidade
e identidade com o jogo, ocupam, em conjunto, 78,2% do tempo total do volume de treino, em
minutos. O tipo de exercícios mais utilizado ao longo dos períodos em análise, foram os exercícios de
treino competitivos e os exercícios para concretização do objectivo de jogo (finalização), exercícios
cujas características se aproximam mais da realidade do jogo.
This report describes the experience of the trainee coach during his probationary year in which he planned and operationalized the training process in the Junior "A" (U 19) team of the Gymnasium Club of Alcobaça (GCA) in Alcobaça. All the decisions and planning strategies, management and operation of the training process, sustained and substantiated in the literature of leading authors, are described in it. During this probationary year, the trainee-coach analysed eight competitive moments (of an official nature) on two different occasions during the competitive season. Thus, an analysis of four matches was made by observing a set of variables in one of the set pieces in the game: Defensive Corners. Subsequently, we applied a continuous training programme during eight microcycles in order to implement the /technical skills/technical content - tactics related to this theme, with the aim of achieving an improvement in the sports performance of the team. Following this, four new matches (against the same opponents from the first round ) were filmed again to ascertain whether there had been any improvements or not in this particular aspect of the game. It is of significant note, in terms of Defensive Corners, that in every match in the second round, the team under analysis achieved a greater success when compared with the results of the performance in the first round. Therefore, it seems clear that when comparing the results, the GCA managed to gain possession of the ball more frequently in the second round, which can demonstrate the success of the ongoing training programme. In order to develop this work, the taxonomy defined by Castelo (2008) was used as a reference for the categorization of the training exercises. We analysed 109 training files out of a total of 687 training exercises. It was concluded that the EEPG and the EEP, exercises that aim to develop the relationships between the player and the ball and with the goals of the game, respectively, and which have a greater closeness and identity with the game. Take up, altogether, 78.2% of the total amount of training in terms of minutes. The types of exercises most used throughout the periods under review were the exercises of competitive training and the exercises to achieve the objective of the game, exercises which possess characteristics closer to the reality of the game.
This report describes the experience of the trainee coach during his probationary year in which he planned and operationalized the training process in the Junior "A" (U 19) team of the Gymnasium Club of Alcobaça (GCA) in Alcobaça. All the decisions and planning strategies, management and operation of the training process, sustained and substantiated in the literature of leading authors, are described in it. During this probationary year, the trainee-coach analysed eight competitive moments (of an official nature) on two different occasions during the competitive season. Thus, an analysis of four matches was made by observing a set of variables in one of the set pieces in the game: Defensive Corners. Subsequently, we applied a continuous training programme during eight microcycles in order to implement the /technical skills/technical content - tactics related to this theme, with the aim of achieving an improvement in the sports performance of the team. Following this, four new matches (against the same opponents from the first round ) were filmed again to ascertain whether there had been any improvements or not in this particular aspect of the game. It is of significant note, in terms of Defensive Corners, that in every match in the second round, the team under analysis achieved a greater success when compared with the results of the performance in the first round. Therefore, it seems clear that when comparing the results, the GCA managed to gain possession of the ball more frequently in the second round, which can demonstrate the success of the ongoing training programme. In order to develop this work, the taxonomy defined by Castelo (2008) was used as a reference for the categorization of the training exercises. We analysed 109 training files out of a total of 687 training exercises. It was concluded that the EEPG and the EEP, exercises that aim to develop the relationships between the player and the ball and with the goals of the game, respectively, and which have a greater closeness and identity with the game. Take up, altogether, 78.2% of the total amount of training in terms of minutes. The types of exercises most used throughout the periods under review were the exercises of competitive training and the exercises to achieve the objective of the game, exercises which possess characteristics closer to the reality of the game.
Relatório apresentado com vista à obtenção do grau de
Mestre em Desporto, Especialização em Treino Desportivo - Futebol
Orientador:Mestre João Paulo Azevedo da Costa
Futebol Exercícios de Treino Situações Fixas de Jogo Programa Contínuo de Treino Cantos Defensivos Football Training Exercises Set Pieces in Games Continuous Training Programme Defensive Corners
Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior