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Durante os últimos anos a investigação científica tem estado em constante evolução
sobre a prática do exercício físico durante a gravidez e pós-parto e respetivos benefícios
visíveis, tanto para a mãe como para o feto. Várias são as recomendações para a prática
de atividade física durante esta fase especial da vida, contudo, mais investigações sobre
as variáveis de condição física são necessárias para uma avaliação e prescrição de
exercício mais seguro e confiável.
Esta investigação teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto de programas de estilo de
vida ativo e saudável em parâmetros de condição física durante a gravidez e o pós-parto
e está dividida em 2 estudos: estudo 1 - uma revisão sistemática para confirmar os
efeitos de programas de promoção de estilos de vida ativo e saudável em parâmetros
de condição física durante a gravidez e pós-parto; estudo 2 – um protocolo para a
implementação de um estudo controlado e randomizado focado na promoção de um
estilo de vida ativo e saudável em parâmetros da condição física, qualidade de vida e
saúde durante a gravidez e pós-parto. Para a realização da revisão sistemática seguiu se o protocolo de seleção PRISMA 2020 (Page et al., 2020) e para o protocolo seguiu se as Linhas Orientadoras do CONSORT (Moher et al., 2012).
Os resultados obtidos nos dois estudos indicam que a realização de programas de
estilo ativo e saudável e uma abordagem multidisciplinar melhoram os níveis de aptidão
física e saúde durante a gravidez e o pós-parto. No entanto, é necessário continuar o
trabalho em pesquisas futuras que investiguem a validade e a confiabilidade na
avaliação da condição física durante a gravidez e pós-parto.
During the last few years, scientific research has been in constant evolution on physical exercise during pregnancy and postpartum and it is increasingly verified that the benefits are both visible for the mother and for the fetus. There are several recommendations for the practice of physical activity during this special phase of life, however, more investigations on the variables of physical fitness are necessary for a safer and more reliable evaluation and exercise prescription. This investigation aimed to evaluate the impact of active and healthy lifestyle programs on parameters of physical fitness during pregnancy and postpartum and is divided into 2 studies: study 1 - a systematic review to confirm the effects of programs promoting active and healthy lifestyles on parameters of physical condition during pregnancy and postpartum; study 2 – a protocol for the implementation of a randomized controlled trial focused on promoting an active and healthy lifestyle in parameters of physical condition, quality of life and health during pregnancy and postpartum. To carry out the systematic review, the PRISMA 2020 selection protocol was followed (Page et al., 2020) and for the protocol, the CONSORT Guidelines were followed (Moher et al., 2012). The results obtained in both studies indicate that carrying out active and healthy style programs and a multidisciplinary approach improve levels of physical fitness and health during pregnancy and postpartum. However, there is still a need for future research to investigate the validity and reliability of assessing physical fitness during pregnancy and postpartum.
During the last few years, scientific research has been in constant evolution on physical exercise during pregnancy and postpartum and it is increasingly verified that the benefits are both visible for the mother and for the fetus. There are several recommendations for the practice of physical activity during this special phase of life, however, more investigations on the variables of physical fitness are necessary for a safer and more reliable evaluation and exercise prescription. This investigation aimed to evaluate the impact of active and healthy lifestyle programs on parameters of physical fitness during pregnancy and postpartum and is divided into 2 studies: study 1 - a systematic review to confirm the effects of programs promoting active and healthy lifestyles on parameters of physical condition during pregnancy and postpartum; study 2 – a protocol for the implementation of a randomized controlled trial focused on promoting an active and healthy lifestyle in parameters of physical condition, quality of life and health during pregnancy and postpartum. To carry out the systematic review, the PRISMA 2020 selection protocol was followed (Page et al., 2020) and for the protocol, the CONSORT Guidelines were followed (Moher et al., 2012). The results obtained in both studies indicate that carrying out active and healthy style programs and a multidisciplinary approach improve levels of physical fitness and health during pregnancy and postpartum. However, there is still a need for future research to investigate the validity and reliability of assessing physical fitness during pregnancy and postpartum.
gravidez pós-parto atividade física condição física estilo de vida saudável pregnancy postpartum physical activity physical fitness healthy lifestyle