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No âmbito do mestrado em desporto com especialização em treino desportivo - futebol, da Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, foi desenvolvido o presente relatório referente a todo o processo de estágio académico/curricular realizado como parte integrante do plano de estudos. O estágio em causa foi realizado durante a época desportiva de 2017/2018 no Sport Lisboa e Benfica, nomeadamente no Benfica LAB, na área de observação e análise de jogo do futebol de formação do clube, mais especificamente na equipa de juvenis B (sub-16). Para a conceção do relatório procurámos dividir o mesmo em quatro momentos essenciais: o pré-estágio, onde apresentámos e descrevemos os procedimentos, objetivos e estratégias definidos, durante o primeiro ano de mestrado, no sentido de preparar o estágio; o estágio propriamente dito, onde fizemos referência a todo o processo realizado, desde a análise e caraterização do contexto à proposta de metodologia de trabalho resultante das aprendizagens, competências, experiências, vivências e reflexões desenvolvidas; o estudo, onde foi idealizada e desenvolvida uma metodologia teórico-prática, permitiu a associação da filmagem de jogo (1ª parte) a uma análise e codificação ao vivo da mesma (análise qualitativa da própria equipa), sendo o produto desta tarefa enquadrado no período do intervalo sob a forma de uma apresentação; e o balanço final, onde realizámos um sumário e uma reflexão sobre todo o percurso realizado, assim como a definição de um conjunto de sugestões para futuros estagiários e de perspetivas futuras de teor pessoal. Para terminar, o estágio permitiu o desenvolvimento de competências relacionadas com a área do treino e com a área da observação e análise de jogo, pelo que a concretização desta etapa correspondeu aos objetivos pessoais, académicas e profissionais estabelecidos.
Within the scope of the master's degree in sport with specialization in sports training - football, from the Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, this report was developed referring to the entire academic internship process as part of the study plan. This internship occurred during the 2017/2018 sports season at Sport Lisboa e Benfica, more precisely at Benfica LAB. It was carried out in the area of performance analysis of the club's youth football teams, specifically in the under-16 team. The design of the report was divided into four main moments: the pre-internship, where a description of the procedures, objectives and strategies developed was presented during the first year of the master's degree, in order to prepare for the internship; the internship itself, where the entire process is referred, from the analysis and characterization of the context to the proposed work methodology that resulted from the learning process, skills, experiences and self-reflections developed; the study, where a theoretical-practical methodology was conceived and developed, allowing the association of the first half game footage to its live analysis and codification (qualitative analysis of the own team). The product of this task resulted in a presentation that took place during the half-time; the final balance, where a summary and self-reflection of the entire journey was presented. Additionally, a set of suggestions for future interns and a personal future perspective was defined. To sum up, the internship allowed the development of skills related to the areas of sports training and of performance analysis, therefore the conclusion of this chapter met with the personal, academic and professional objectives.
Within the scope of the master's degree in sport with specialization in sports training - football, from the Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, this report was developed referring to the entire academic internship process as part of the study plan. This internship occurred during the 2017/2018 sports season at Sport Lisboa e Benfica, more precisely at Benfica LAB. It was carried out in the area of performance analysis of the club's youth football teams, specifically in the under-16 team. The design of the report was divided into four main moments: the pre-internship, where a description of the procedures, objectives and strategies developed was presented during the first year of the master's degree, in order to prepare for the internship; the internship itself, where the entire process is referred, from the analysis and characterization of the context to the proposed work methodology that resulted from the learning process, skills, experiences and self-reflections developed; the study, where a theoretical-practical methodology was conceived and developed, allowing the association of the first half game footage to its live analysis and codification (qualitative analysis of the own team). The product of this task resulted in a presentation that took place during the half-time; the final balance, where a summary and self-reflection of the entire journey was presented. Additionally, a set of suggestions for future interns and a personal future perspective was defined. To sum up, the internship allowed the development of skills related to the areas of sports training and of performance analysis, therefore the conclusion of this chapter met with the personal, academic and professional objectives.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de mestre em Desporto - Atividades desportivas para crianças
futebol observação e análise de jogo análise qualitativa codificação ao vivo football performance analysis live analysis and coding