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O futsal tem crescido exponencialmente ao longo dos tempos, consistindo atualmente numa das modalidades mais praticadas em todo o mundo. Caracteriza-se por ser um jogo rápido e intenso, com mudanças de velocidade e direção abruptas e com elevado nível de contacto físico entre adversários. Por consequência, o futsal é um dos desportos com maior incidência de lesões, o que pode ter um impacto significativo na vida dos atletas em vários ramos, levando a paragens desportivas, dor e sintomatologia física. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em caracterizar e analisar os tipos de lesões em atletas de futsal do sexo feminino, de Portugal. Foi aplicado o Inquérito de Morbidade Referida (IMR) adaptado ao futsal, a 89 atletas femininas federadas de escalão sénior, com uma média de idades de 25,2 ± 6,0 anos. Verificou-se, que durante a época desportiva de 20/21 e 21/22, ocorreram 98 lesões na totalidade. O tipo de lesão mais frequente consistiu na lesão articular, mais especificamente a entorse tibiotársica (27,1%), resultado este que vai ao encontro da literatura anterior. O mecanismo de lesão mais frequente revelou-se como a paragem brusca (21,2%), o local anatómico de lesão mais frequente foi o pé (22,4%), e o retorno aos treinos foi maioritariamente sintomático (55,3%). Conclui-se que a maior parte das lesões ocorre nos membros inferiores, com alta incidência no pé. Recomenda-se a implementação de técnicas que reduzam a incidência de lesões e as suas repercussões, nomeadamente, programas específicos de prevenção de lesões, programas de mindfulness e treino de força.
Futsal has been growing exponentially over the years and is currently one of the most widely practiced sports worldwide. It is characterized by its fast and intense nature, involving rapid changes in speed and direction, and a high level of physical contact between opponents. As a result, futsal is one of the sports with the highest incidence of injuries, which can have a significant impact on athletes in various ways, leading to sports interruptions, pain, and physical symptoms. The aim of this study was to characterize and analyze the types of injuries in female futsal athletes from Portugal. The Morbidity Reported Survey (MRS) adapted for futsal was administered to 89 senior-level female athletes, with an average age of 25.2 ± 6.0 years. It was found that during the sports seasons of 20/21 and 21/22, a total of 98 injuries occurred. The most frequent type of injury was joint injury, specifically ankle sprains (27.1%), a result consistent with previous literature. The most frequent injury mechanism was abrupt stopping (21.2%), the most frequent anatomical site of injury was the foot (22.4%), and the return to training was mostly symptomatic (55.3%). It can be concluded that the majority of injuries occur in the lower extremities, with a high incidence in the foot. It is recommended to implement techniques aimed at reducing the incidence of injuries and their consequences, including specific injury prevention programs.
Futsal has been growing exponentially over the years and is currently one of the most widely practiced sports worldwide. It is characterized by its fast and intense nature, involving rapid changes in speed and direction, and a high level of physical contact between opponents. As a result, futsal is one of the sports with the highest incidence of injuries, which can have a significant impact on athletes in various ways, leading to sports interruptions, pain, and physical symptoms. The aim of this study was to characterize and analyze the types of injuries in female futsal athletes from Portugal. The Morbidity Reported Survey (MRS) adapted for futsal was administered to 89 senior-level female athletes, with an average age of 25.2 ± 6.0 years. It was found that during the sports seasons of 20/21 and 21/22, a total of 98 injuries occurred. The most frequent type of injury was joint injury, specifically ankle sprains (27.1%), a result consistent with previous literature. The most frequent injury mechanism was abrupt stopping (21.2%), the most frequent anatomical site of injury was the foot (22.4%), and the return to training was mostly symptomatic (55.3%). It can be concluded that the majority of injuries occur in the lower extremities, with a high incidence in the foot. It is recommended to implement techniques aimed at reducing the incidence of injuries and their consequences, including specific injury prevention programs.
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Tavares, B., Mercê, C., & Oliveira, R. (2024). A incidência de lesões desportivas nas atletas de futsal feminino em Portugal: um estudo exploratório. Revista da UI_IPSantarém. 12(1), e33371.
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém. Unidade de Investigação