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Com o aumento da prevalência dos casos de diabetes tipo 2, surge cada vez mais o interesse
pelo estudo nesta população. Embora esta seja uma doença com forte fator hereditário, pode
ser prevenida e controlada se tivermos em conta os fatores de risco modificáveis. Para tal é
bastante importante a adoção e manutenção de um estilo de vida saudável, que passa por
manter uma dieta equilibrada e ajustada, mantendo o peso corporal adequado e praticando
atividade física regularmente.
Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o impacto de um programa de exercício físico
no estilo de vida e bem-estar de sujeitos com diabetes tipo 2. Participaram neste estudo 47
sujeitos com idades compreendidas entre os 51 e os 79 anos de idade, com diabetes tipo 2.
Como instrumentos de medida utilizamos o Fantastic Lifestyle, para avaliar o estilo de vida, que
foi previamente validado com recurso a uma AFE e AFC, e o SWLS e PANAS para avaliar a
satisfação com a vida e os afetos.
Assim sendo, foi possível verificar que um programa de exercício continuado, acarreta inúmeros
benefícios para a saúde em geral, permitindo melhorar o estilo de vida, ao nível da alimentação
e da qualidade de sono, bem como ao nível do bem-estar e satisfação com a vida, obtendo assim
uma melhor qualidade de vida.
With the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes, there is a growing interest in studying this population. Although this is a disease with a strong hereditary factor, it can be prevented and controlled if we take into account the modifiable risk factors. To this end, it is very important to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes maintaining a balanced and adjusted diet, maintaining the appropriate body weight, and engaging in regular physical activity. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyse the impact of a physical exercise programme on the lifestyle and well-being of subjects with type 2 diabetes. Forty-seven subjects aged between 51 and 79 years with type 2 diabetes participated in this study. As measurement instruments, we used the Fantastic Lifestyle to assess lifestyle, which was previously validated using an exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and the satisfaction with life scale, positive and negative affect scale to assess life satisfaction and affections. Therefore, it was possible to verify that a continued exercise programme brings about several health benefits in general, allowing for an improvement in lifestyle, diet and sleep quality, as well as in well-being and life satisfaction, thus achieving a better quality of life.
With the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes, there is a growing interest in studying this population. Although this is a disease with a strong hereditary factor, it can be prevented and controlled if we take into account the modifiable risk factors. To this end, it is very important to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes maintaining a balanced and adjusted diet, maintaining the appropriate body weight, and engaging in regular physical activity. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyse the impact of a physical exercise programme on the lifestyle and well-being of subjects with type 2 diabetes. Forty-seven subjects aged between 51 and 79 years with type 2 diabetes participated in this study. As measurement instruments, we used the Fantastic Lifestyle to assess lifestyle, which was previously validated using an exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and the satisfaction with life scale, positive and negative affect scale to assess life satisfaction and affections. Therefore, it was possible to verify that a continued exercise programme brings about several health benefits in general, allowing for an improvement in lifestyle, diet and sleep quality, as well as in well-being and life satisfaction, thus achieving a better quality of life.
atividade física estilo de vida diabetes tipo II bem-estar subjetivo satisfação com a vida afetos physical activity lifestyle type II diabetes subjective well-being life satisfaction affections