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A literatura tem demonstrado que o exercício e a atividade física, devidamente adaptados à
população idosa, poderão desempenhar um papel fundamental na promoção da saúde e da
funcionalidade, atenuando os efeitos do envelhecimento. Num tempo em que a população
está cada vez mais envelhecida, manter os níveis de funcionalidade é um ponto fulcral na
qualidade de vida. Objetivo: (1) Realizar uma Revisão Sistemática sobre os estudos de
intervenção na população idosa através de programas de exercício ou atividade física, na
tentativa de identificar caraterísticas comuns que possam ser responsáveis pelos benefícios
resultantes. (2) Realizar um estudo retrospetivo, a fim de analisar a eficácia de um programa
de exercício físico para idosos ("Viver Activo"), em 5 épocas consecutivas. Metodologia: (1) Os
artigos provenientes da pesquisa "exercise and functional fitness", foram sujeitos a um
processo de triagem com base em vários critérios. A análise dos dados teve por base a
estatística descritiva. (2) Os dados resultantes da aplicação da bateria de testes de Fullerton
(versão traduzida) foram analisados com base na evolução das variáveis, comparando os
resultados iniciais e finais de cada época e inicio e final das 5 épocas. Amostra: (1) 11 estudos
sobre exercício e funcionalidade em idosos, publicados entre 2000 e 2012, num total de 1096
sujeitos, com idade ≥ 65 anos, dos quais 750 foram sujeitos a um programa de exercício. (2)
Constituída por 117 alunos do programa "Viver Activo", presentes nas 5 épocas em estudo e
com idade ≥ 65 anos, a nossa amostra é subdividida em 6 grupos: sexo masculino e feminino,
distribuídos por 3 faixas etárias (65-69 anos; 70-74 anos; ≥75 anos). Resultados: (1) O treino
de força está presente em todos os estudos, mas é o treino multivariado que permite mais
adaptações. Treinos diferenciados permitem alcançar objetivos semelhantes. (2) Na grande
maioria das análises verificamos a manutenção das capacidades iniciais. Conclusão Geral: O
treino de força revela-se fulcral no desenvolvimento de várias capacidades funcionais, mas
deve também ser associado a outros tipos de treino. A conjugação das variáveis de treino é
fulcral na obtenção de resultados e uma análise independente destas variáveis pode
facilmente induzir em erro. Continua a ser essencial caraterizar e estabelecer a eficácia dos programas de exercício destinados à população idosa, de forma a planear ações mais
consistentes, que permitam atingir os objetivos pretendidos
The literature has shown that exercise and physical activity, suitably adapted to the elderly population, could play a key role in promoting the health and functionality, reducing the effects of aging. At a time when the population is increasingly aging, maintain levels of functionality is a central focus on quality of life. Objective: (1) Make an systematic review on intervention studies in the elderly through exercise programs or physical activity, in an attempt to identify common features that may be responsible for the benefits. (2) Conduct a retrospective study in order to examine the effectiveness of an exercise program for seniors ("Viver Activo") in 5 consecutive seasons. Methodology: (1) Articles from research "exercise and functional fitness", were subjected to a screening process based on multiple criteria. The data analysis is based on descriptive statistics. (2) The data resulting from application of the test battery Fullerton. The analysis of the variables was performed by comparing the results start and end of each season. Sample: (1) 11 studies on exercise and function in the elderly, who result from the selection process, published between 2000 and 2012, a total of 1096 subjects aged ≥ 65 years, of which 750 were subjected to an exercise program. (2) Made up of 117 students from the "Viver Activo" program, present in five seasons under study and aged ≥ 65 years, our sample is subdivided into six groups: male and female, spread across 3 age groups (65-69 years, 70-74 years, ≥75 years). Results: (1) Strength training is present in all studies, but it is the training that allows for more multivariate adjustments. Trainings differentiated allow achieving similar goals. (2) In the vast majority of analyzes verified the initial maintenance capabilities. General Conclusion: The strength training proves to be pivotal in the development of several functional capabilities, but must also be associated with other types of training. The combination of training variables is crucial in achieving results and an analysis of these independent variables can easily mislead. It remains essential to characterize and establish the efficacy of exercise programs for the elderly, in order to plan more consistent actions that achieve the desired goals.
The literature has shown that exercise and physical activity, suitably adapted to the elderly population, could play a key role in promoting the health and functionality, reducing the effects of aging. At a time when the population is increasingly aging, maintain levels of functionality is a central focus on quality of life. Objective: (1) Make an systematic review on intervention studies in the elderly through exercise programs or physical activity, in an attempt to identify common features that may be responsible for the benefits. (2) Conduct a retrospective study in order to examine the effectiveness of an exercise program for seniors ("Viver Activo") in 5 consecutive seasons. Methodology: (1) Articles from research "exercise and functional fitness", were subjected to a screening process based on multiple criteria. The data analysis is based on descriptive statistics. (2) The data resulting from application of the test battery Fullerton. The analysis of the variables was performed by comparing the results start and end of each season. Sample: (1) 11 studies on exercise and function in the elderly, who result from the selection process, published between 2000 and 2012, a total of 1096 subjects aged ≥ 65 years, of which 750 were subjected to an exercise program. (2) Made up of 117 students from the "Viver Activo" program, present in five seasons under study and aged ≥ 65 years, our sample is subdivided into six groups: male and female, spread across 3 age groups (65-69 years, 70-74 years, ≥75 years). Results: (1) Strength training is present in all studies, but it is the training that allows for more multivariate adjustments. Trainings differentiated allow achieving similar goals. (2) In the vast majority of analyzes verified the initial maintenance capabilities. General Conclusion: The strength training proves to be pivotal in the development of several functional capabilities, but must also be associated with other types of training. The combination of training variables is crucial in achieving results and an analysis of these independent variables can easily mislead. It remains essential to characterize and establish the efficacy of exercise programs for the elderly, in order to plan more consistent actions that achieve the desired goals.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Atividade Física em Populações Especiais.Orientadora: Professora Doutora Rita Santos Rocha
População Idosa Exercício Físico Atividade Física Funcionalidade Elderly Physical Exercise Physical Activity Functionality