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Este trabalho insere-se no projeto Agrio et Emulsio: New products development
(POCI-01-0145-FEDER-02583). É um desenvolvimento inovador de pickles fresh pack
não fermentativo. O protótipo é um pickles extreme de batata doce laranja, tem como
líquido de cobertura vinagre de vinho tinto e GIN GOTIK, edulcorado com açúcar
mascavado e especiado com canela e pimenta preta.
Realizaram-se Ensaios Tecnológicos em articulação com análises físico
químicas, reológicas, microbiológicas e análise sensorial. O protótipo final foi
submetido a Ensaios de Estabilidade, para avaliação da vida útil, onde se fez controlo de
variáveis críticas (pH, AT e TSS), controlo microbiológico, controlo de Textura e Cor
CIE L*a*b* e CIE C*Hº*.
No decorrer desses Ensaios de Estabilidade verificou-se que o parâmetro
determinante para a estimativa da Shelf Life para os pickles foi a Dureza. Deste modo,
por aplicação da regra dos dois terços estimou-se que a validade deste produto seria 3
meses e 10 dias.
This work is part of the Agrio et Emulsio project: New products development (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-02583). It is an innovative development of non-fermentative fresh pack pickles. The final prototype is an orange sweet potato pickles, has as liquid medium red wine vinegar and GIN GOTIK, sweetened with brown sugar and spiced with cinnamon and black pepper. Technological tests were developed in conjunction with physical, chemical, rheological, microbiological and sensorial analysis. The final prototype was submitted to Stability Tests to evaluate the Shelf Life, where critical variables were controlled (pH, TA and TSS), also microbiological control, texture control and color CIE L*a*b* and CIE C *Hº*. In the course of these Stability Tests it was verified that the determinant parameter for the Shelf Life estimate for the pickles was Hardness. Therefore, by application of the two-thirds rule it was estimated that the validity of this product would be 3 months and 10 days.
This work is part of the Agrio et Emulsio project: New products development (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-02583). It is an innovative development of non-fermentative fresh pack pickles. The final prototype is an orange sweet potato pickles, has as liquid medium red wine vinegar and GIN GOTIK, sweetened with brown sugar and spiced with cinnamon and black pepper. Technological tests were developed in conjunction with physical, chemical, rheological, microbiological and sensorial analysis. The final prototype was submitted to Stability Tests to evaluate the Shelf Life, where critical variables were controlled (pH, TA and TSS), also microbiological control, texture control and color CIE L*a*b* and CIE C *Hº*. In the course of these Stability Tests it was verified that the determinant parameter for the Shelf Life estimate for the pickles was Hardness. Therefore, by application of the two-thirds rule it was estimated that the validity of this product would be 3 months and 10 days.
Dissertação de Mestrado na área da Tecnologia alimentar, apresentada na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
pickles batata doce vinagre de vinho tnto capacidade de conservação sweet potato red wine vinegar shelf life
Ribeiro, Rúben Emanuel da Silva (2019). Agrio et emulsion - desenvolvimento de novos produtos vinagreiros para valorização de matérias-primas regionais: batata-doce. 125p. Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Tecnologia Alimentar, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém. Disponível em: