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O objetivo deste trabalho foi apurar as diferenças quantitativas e qualitativas, de trĂȘs
tipos de poda distintos, poda a talĂŁo (T), Guyot (G) e Vara (V) na casta Trincadeira-Preta,
na regiĂŁo do Tejo.
Foram avaliadas as respostas das videiras de cada modalidade, aos fatores impostos
pelos tipos de poda, e pelas condiçÔes edafoclimåticas da região. Parùmetros como a
produção, a maturação e o produto final, foram o foco principal em anålise.
O campo de ensaio foi instalado na Raposa, concelho de Almeirim, no distrito de
Santarém, numa vinha propriedade da empresa Falua, Sociedade de Vinhos, SA. O ensaio
foi instalado na parcela de Trincadeira-Preta, onde foram marcadas e sujeitas a anĂĄlise 90
videiras. Da totalidade de videiras, 30 foram sujeitas a poda T, 30 a poda G, e as restantes a
poda V, sendo que em todas as modalidades foi deixada uma carga Ă poda de 16 olhos.
Foram realizados blocos casualizados, de cada modalidade, composto cada um por 10
ApĂłs o tratamento estatĂstico, concluiu-se que as videiras sujeitas Ă poda T
produziram menos, contudo os cachos produzidos apresentaram peso superior e maior
nĂșmero de bagos. Do ponto de vista qualitativo, o vinho produzido a partir dessas uvas
apresentou valores superiores de intensidade de cor, de Ăndice de polifenĂłis totais, teor em
antocianinas e em taninos do que qualquer outra modalidade. As videiras da modalidade V,
produziram cerca do dobro das outras modalidades, com um nĂșmero superior de cachos e
um peso médio de bagos inferior. Do ponto de vista da qualidade, resultou um vinho com
menor intensidade de cor, e nĂveis inferiores de polifenĂłis totais, antocianinas e taninos. Da
poda G os cachos foram de peso inferior em relação aos cachos da poda T, no entanto, os
seus cachos possuĂram um menor nĂșmero de bagos, mas de peso superior aos das outras
modalidades. Do ponto de vista enolĂłgico, resultou num vinho menos concentrado, com
menor intensidade de cor, menos polifenĂłis totais, antocianinas e taninos, aproximando-se
do vinho da modalidade V.
The purpose of this dissertation work was to find what are both the qualitative and quantitative differences between three types of pruning: snag pruning (T), Guyot pruning (G), and spur pruning (V) on the wine grape variety of Trincadeira-Preta, in the Tejo region. The response of the vine trees was evaluated in each type of pruning, considering its impact and the soil and climate conditions of the study region. The testing ground was located in Raposa, county of Almeirim in the district of Santarém, in a vineyard owned by Falua, Sociedade de Vinhos, SA. This research was conducted on a parcel containing the wine grape variety of Trincadeira-Preta, where a total of 90 vines were selected and used in the study. Of the total amount of vines, 30 were subject to snag pruning (T), another 30 to spur pruning (V), and the remaining 30, to Guyot pruning (G), considering that in every modality, a pruning level of 16 grape nodes was left. A series of randomized blocks were done, of each pruning modality, composed of 10 vines. After careful statistical processing, it was concluded that the vines subject to the snag pruning (T) produced less quantity, although its grape bunches displayed a superior weight and a superior number of grapes. Concerning the quality, the vine grapes subject to this modality of pruning displayed a greater intensity in color, and an inferior level of total polyphenols, anthocyanins, and tannins. The vines where the spur (V) pruning was used, produced almost twice as much compared to the other pruning modalities, with a superior number of grape bunches and an inferior average weight of grapes. In terms of quality, these vine grapes displayed a smaller intensity in color, and an inferior level of total polyphenols, anthocyanins, and tannins. In the Guyot (G) pruning, the grapes displayed an inferior weight compared to the grapes subject to the snag (T) pruning, however, its grape bunches displayed a smaller number of grapes, but with superior weight compared to the other modalities. From an oenological point of view, it resulted in a wine with less concentration, less color intensity, and fewer total polyphenols, anthocyanins, and tannins, being closer to the wine produced with the spur (V) pruning modality.
The purpose of this dissertation work was to find what are both the qualitative and quantitative differences between three types of pruning: snag pruning (T), Guyot pruning (G), and spur pruning (V) on the wine grape variety of Trincadeira-Preta, in the Tejo region. The response of the vine trees was evaluated in each type of pruning, considering its impact and the soil and climate conditions of the study region. The testing ground was located in Raposa, county of Almeirim in the district of Santarém, in a vineyard owned by Falua, Sociedade de Vinhos, SA. This research was conducted on a parcel containing the wine grape variety of Trincadeira-Preta, where a total of 90 vines were selected and used in the study. Of the total amount of vines, 30 were subject to snag pruning (T), another 30 to spur pruning (V), and the remaining 30, to Guyot pruning (G), considering that in every modality, a pruning level of 16 grape nodes was left. A series of randomized blocks were done, of each pruning modality, composed of 10 vines. After careful statistical processing, it was concluded that the vines subject to the snag pruning (T) produced less quantity, although its grape bunches displayed a superior weight and a superior number of grapes. Concerning the quality, the vine grapes subject to this modality of pruning displayed a greater intensity in color, and an inferior level of total polyphenols, anthocyanins, and tannins. The vines where the spur (V) pruning was used, produced almost twice as much compared to the other pruning modalities, with a superior number of grape bunches and an inferior average weight of grapes. In terms of quality, these vine grapes displayed a smaller intensity in color, and an inferior level of total polyphenols, anthocyanins, and tannins. In the Guyot (G) pruning, the grapes displayed an inferior weight compared to the grapes subject to the snag (T) pruning, however, its grape bunches displayed a smaller number of grapes, but with superior weight compared to the other modalities. From an oenological point of view, it resulted in a wine with less concentration, less color intensity, and fewer total polyphenols, anthocyanins, and tannins, being closer to the wine produced with the spur (V) pruning modality.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na årea de Engenharia Agronómica, na Escola Superior Agråria de Santarém, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
Vitis Trincadeira preta Poda a talão Poda à vara Poda Guyot Produção Qualidade do vinho wine quality Snag pruning Spur pruning Guyot pruning Grape production
Domingos, AndrĂ© Alexandre Campos (2022). Efeito dos diferentes tipos de poda no rendimento da casta Trincadeira-Preta e sua influĂȘncia na qualidade final da uva. 66p. Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na ĂĄrea de Engenharia AgronĂłmica, na Escola Superior AgrĂĄria de SantarĂ©m.