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Os Laboratórios de Análises Clínicas (LAC) desempenham um papel crucial no sistema de saúde português. Prestam serviços de diagnóstico e contribuem para a prevenção, diagnóstico, tratamento e monitorização de doenças. Contudo, nos últimos anos, os LAC têm enfrentado vários desafios: 1) o aumento da concorrência, 2) pressão para reduzir custos e melhorar a eficiência, 3) mudanças regulamentares nos cuidados de saúde baseados em valor. LAC têm vindo a explorar novos modelos de negócio para criar valor e assegurar a sua viabilidade a longo prazo. Este estudo visa analisar os modelos de negócio aplicados pelos LAC em Portugal e
avaliar a sua eficácia na criação de valor para as organizações. Para atingir este objetivo, foi realizada uma análise abrangente da literatura para identificar os diferentes modelos de negócio. Posteriormente, foi realizada uma análise qualitativa dos modelos de negócio com base na informação pública disponibilizada em quatro laboratórios diferentes em Portugal. Esta análise foi alicerçada com dados retirados dos quatro questionários efetuados a colaboradores com cargos de gestão dos LAC em estudo. Os resultados deste estudo recaem sobre os diferentes modelos de negócio adaptados pelos LAC em Portugal e fornecem uma visão da sua eficácia na criação de valor. Com o decorrer da investigação, tornou-se claro que a informação encontrada se relacionava diretamente com as estratégias de inovação estudadas. Desta forma foi possível apresentar as similaridades evidentes entres os casos e perceber quais as áreas onde os LAC apresentam uma aposta forte. Revelando-se assim duas áreas de maior investimento, que assentam na área de cocriação de necessidades do cliente e também na área da inovação na tecnologia da área laboratorial, com o objetivo principal de criação de valor. Desta forma é possível, através da análise sob ponto de vista de gestão, avaliar a área que permite aumentar os resultados da organização e apostar nas áreas em défice. Esta investigação contribui para a literatura existente sobre modelos de negócio no setor de saúde.
Clinical Analysis Laboratories (LAC) play a crucial role in the portuguese healthcare system. They provide diagnostic services and contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases. However, in recent years LAC have faced several challenges: 1) increased competition, 2) pressure to reduce costs and improve efficiency, 3) regulatory changes in value-based healthcare. LACs have been exploring new business models to create value and ensure their long-term viability. This study aims to analyse the business models applied by LACs in Portugal and assess their effectiveness in creating value for organizations. To achieve this objective, a comprehensive literature review was carried out to identify the different business models. Subsequently, a qualitative analysis of the business models was carried out on the basis of public information made available by four different laboratories in Portugal. This analysis was supported by data taken from four questionnaires sent to employees in management positions at the LACs under study. The results of this study focus on the different business models adapted by LACs in Portugal and provide an insight into their effectiveness in creating value. As the research progressed, it became clear that the information found was directly related to the innovation strategies studied. In this way, it was possible to present the evident similarities between the cases and understanding which areas the LACs are strongly committed to. This revealed two areas of greater investment, based on the co-creation of user needs and also in the area of innovation in laboratory technology, with the main objective of creating value. In this way it is possible, through analysis from a management point of view, to assess the area that allows the organization to increase its results and to focus on the areas in deficit. This research contributes to the existing literature on business models in the health sector.
Clinical Analysis Laboratories (LAC) play a crucial role in the portuguese healthcare system. They provide diagnostic services and contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases. However, in recent years LAC have faced several challenges: 1) increased competition, 2) pressure to reduce costs and improve efficiency, 3) regulatory changes in value-based healthcare. LACs have been exploring new business models to create value and ensure their long-term viability. This study aims to analyse the business models applied by LACs in Portugal and assess their effectiveness in creating value for organizations. To achieve this objective, a comprehensive literature review was carried out to identify the different business models. Subsequently, a qualitative analysis of the business models was carried out on the basis of public information made available by four different laboratories in Portugal. This analysis was supported by data taken from four questionnaires sent to employees in management positions at the LACs under study. The results of this study focus on the different business models adapted by LACs in Portugal and provide an insight into their effectiveness in creating value. As the research progressed, it became clear that the information found was directly related to the innovation strategies studied. In this way, it was possible to present the evident similarities between the cases and understanding which areas the LACs are strongly committed to. This revealed two areas of greater investment, based on the co-creation of user needs and also in the area of innovation in laboratory technology, with the main objective of creating value. In this way it is possible, through analysis from a management point of view, to assess the area that allows the organization to increase its results and to focus on the areas in deficit. This research contributes to the existing literature on business models in the health sector.
Dissertação, Mestrado, Gestão de Unidades de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2024
Modelos de negócio no setor da saúde Criação de valor Laboratórios de análises clínicas Business models in the health sector Value creation Clinical analysis laboratories
Anunciação, P. (2024). Criação de valor : análise aos modelos de negócio dos laboratórios de análises clínicas de Portugal (Mestrado). Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, Santarém. Disponível na WWW em: <>