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O objetivo do trabalho passa pela construção e validação do Sistema de Observação de Organização Defensiva no Futebol (SOODF), o qual é composto por 21 categorias e 152 subcategorias, tendo sido conferida a fiabilidade de todas através da intra e inter observação pelo teste K de Cohen. Foi realizado um estudo com dez jogos em casa e dez jogos fora de casa de duas equipas portuguesas (SL Benfica e FC Porto) na Liga Portugal Bwin e na Liga dos Campeões da UEFA. Foram analisadas as principais Zonas e Formas de Recuperação da Bola (variáveis dependentes), em função das variáveis contextuais Local do Jogo, Tipo de Competição, Resultado Parcial e o Método de Jogo Defensivo utilizado pelas equipas (variáveis independentes). Foram codificadas e analisadas 851 ações defensivas. As principais Zonas de Recuperação da Bola foram situadas no setor defensivo e médio-defensivo. Por sua vez, as principais Formas de Recuperação da Bola foram a Interceção e as Situações Estáticas. Os resultados demonstraram que o Resultado Parcial é a variável contextual que mais influência as Zonas e Formas de Recuperação da bola, sobretudo em momentos de comparação entre vantagem e desvantagem no marcador. A metodologia utilizada neste estudo demonstra que o sucesso defensivo das equipas em termos da zona e forma de recuperação da bola está associado a consistência e regularidade nas ações praticadas em Organização Defensiva, que lhes permitem recuperá-la sempre em zonas semelhantes e de forma similar.
The work aims to construct and validate the Defensive Organization Observation System in Football (DOOSF), which is composed of 21 categories and 152 subcategories, the reliability of all categories was checked through intra and inter observation using Cohen's K test. A study of ten games at home and ten games away was conducted with two Portuguese teams (SL Benfica and FC Porto) in the Portuguese League and the UEFA Champions League. The main Zones and Forms of Ball Recovery (dependent variables) were analyzed, depending on the contextual variables Location of the Game, Type of Competition, Partial Result and the Defensive Game Method used by the teams (independent variables). We coded and analyzed 851 defensive actions. The main Ball Recovery Zones were located in the defensive and defensive midfielder sectors. In turn, the main ways of recovering the ball were interception and static situations. The results demonstrated that the Partial Result is the contextual variable that most influences the Zones and Ways of Ball Recovery, especially in moments of comparison between advantage and disadvantage on the scoreboard. The methodology used in this study demonstrates that the defensive success of teams in terms of the zone and way of recovering the ball is associated with consistency and regularity in the actions carried out in Defensive Organization, which allow them to always recover it in similar zones and in a similar way.
The work aims to construct and validate the Defensive Organization Observation System in Football (DOOSF), which is composed of 21 categories and 152 subcategories, the reliability of all categories was checked through intra and inter observation using Cohen's K test. A study of ten games at home and ten games away was conducted with two Portuguese teams (SL Benfica and FC Porto) in the Portuguese League and the UEFA Champions League. The main Zones and Forms of Ball Recovery (dependent variables) were analyzed, depending on the contextual variables Location of the Game, Type of Competition, Partial Result and the Defensive Game Method used by the teams (independent variables). We coded and analyzed 851 defensive actions. The main Ball Recovery Zones were located in the defensive and defensive midfielder sectors. In turn, the main ways of recovering the ball were interception and static situations. The results demonstrated that the Partial Result is the contextual variable that most influences the Zones and Ways of Ball Recovery, especially in moments of comparison between advantage and disadvantage on the scoreboard. The methodology used in this study demonstrates that the defensive success of teams in terms of the zone and way of recovering the ball is associated with consistency and regularity in the actions carried out in Defensive Organization, which allow them to always recover it in similar zones and in a similar way.
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futebol análise de jogo sistema de observação organização defensiva football game analysis observation system defensive organization