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O presente relatório foi elaborado no âmbito do mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e
Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico com a finalidade de transmitir o meu percurso de apren dizagem e o trabalho de pesquisa, que pretende dar resposta às questões suscitadas nos
contextos de estágio.
O relatório está estruturado em três partes. A primeira parte irá abordar, de forma re flexiva, as experiências e aprendizagens que decorreram nos estágios de creche, jardim-de infância e no 2.º e 4.º ano do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico. A segunda parte apresenta o trabalho
de pesquisa realizado, onde pretendo esclarecer a importância do trabalho colaborativo entre
docentes. A última e terceira parte consiste nas considerações finais da globalidade do traba lho feito.
De forma a recolher dados para esta investigação, foram realizadas entrevistas às
educadoras e professoras cooperantes que tive a oportunidade de acompanhar durante todo
o percurso de estágios ao longo do mestrado.
A partir deste estudo foi possível aferir que, apesar de ainda existir muito a cultura
individualista de docente, cada vez mais existe a preocupação de integrar na cultura docente
o trabalho colaborativo pois os docentes demonstram interesse em cooperar.
Em síntese, este relatório serve para demonstrar a importância do trabalho colabora tivo pois contribui para a melhoria das aprendizagens dos alunos e apoiar o desenvolvimento
profissional dos docentes.
This report was elaborated in the ambit of the Master in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in order to show my learning path and search work, which pretends to answer to questions raised on the internship contexts. The report is structure in three parts. The first part will address, in a reflective way, the experience e learnings that occurred on the internships of nursery, kindergarten and 2nd and 4th year of the 1st cycle of basic education. The second part presents the research work ela borated, where I pretend to clarify the importance of collaborative work between teachers. The last and third part consists in the final considerations of the globalist of the work done. In order to gather data for this investigation, it was made interviews to the educators and teachers that I have the opportunity to accompany during the internship courses through out the master’s degree. Through this study it was possible to assess that, although there is still a lot of individ ualistic teacher culture, it is increasing the preoccupation to integrate the collaborative work in the teacher culture because teachers show interest in cooperating. In summary, this report serves to demonstrate the importance of the collaborative work as it contributes to the improvement of learning from the students and support the professional development of the teachers.
This report was elaborated in the ambit of the Master in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in order to show my learning path and search work, which pretends to answer to questions raised on the internship contexts. The report is structure in three parts. The first part will address, in a reflective way, the experience e learnings that occurred on the internships of nursery, kindergarten and 2nd and 4th year of the 1st cycle of basic education. The second part presents the research work ela borated, where I pretend to clarify the importance of collaborative work between teachers. The last and third part consists in the final considerations of the globalist of the work done. In order to gather data for this investigation, it was made interviews to the educators and teachers that I have the opportunity to accompany during the internship courses through out the master’s degree. Through this study it was possible to assess that, although there is still a lot of individ ualistic teacher culture, it is increasing the preoccupation to integrate the collaborative work in the teacher culture because teachers show interest in cooperating. In summary, this report serves to demonstrate the importance of the collaborative work as it contributes to the improvement of learning from the students and support the professional development of the teachers.
Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e em Ensino do 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico
trabalho colaborativo desenvolvimento profissional educação pré-escolar 1.º ciclo do ensino básico collaborative work profissional development preschool education 1st cycle of basic education