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O presente relatório visa descrever as atividades elaboradas e desenvolvidas no âmbito do
Estágio em Desporto – Especialização em Treino Desportivo, do Instituto Politécnico de
Santarém – Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, realizado no Centro de Estágios e
Formação Desportiva, em Rio Maior, pela Federação Portuguesa de Natação.
A estruturação deste relatório baseia-se nas linhas orientadoras que regulam o estágio, que
expõem detalhadamente todo o procedimento, de forma a caracterizar o contexto de integração
dos treinadores estagiários a nível metodológico e controlo de treino. Neste trabalho,
expusemos também a nossa reflexão acerca da teoria e metodologia do treino em natação.
Tratou-se de uma época desportiva dividida em três macrociclos, desenvolvida com a equipa
residente dos nadadores no centro de estágios e formação desportiva em Rio Maior, contando
assim com nove nadadores.
Deste modo, este estágio representa uma das etapas na formação de um futuro treinador, na
área de natação, consolidado pela supervisão de professores orientadores habilitados, bem
como orientadores treinadores especializados com uma grande prática de metodologia de
treino, permitindo assim o desenvolvimento e a aquisição de várias competências necessárias
nesta área de desempenho.
This report aims to describe the elaborate and activities carried out under the practice in Physical Education and Sport - Specialization in Sports Training realized at center and sports training in Rio Maior, through Federação Portuguesa de Natação. The structure of this work is based on the guidelines of the practice, which exposes in detail the entire procedure in order to describe the context of the integration of trainees coaches in the point of view of the training methodology. In this work, we exposed our reflection concerning the theory and methodology of the training in swimming. It was a sports season divided into three macrocycles developed with the team of nine swimmers, residents in training center and sports training in Rio Maior. Therefore, this stage is one of the steps in the formation of a future coach in the swimming area, where the supervision was consolidated by qualified faculty advisers and mentors specialized trainers with a great practice in training methodology, allowing the acquisition of various skills necessary in this area of performance
This report aims to describe the elaborate and activities carried out under the practice in Physical Education and Sport - Specialization in Sports Training realized at center and sports training in Rio Maior, through Federação Portuguesa de Natação. The structure of this work is based on the guidelines of the practice, which exposes in detail the entire procedure in order to describe the context of the integration of trainees coaches in the point of view of the training methodology. In this work, we exposed our reflection concerning the theory and methodology of the training in swimming. It was a sports season divided into three macrocycles developed with the team of nine swimmers, residents in training center and sports training in Rio Maior. Therefore, this stage is one of the steps in the formation of a future coach in the swimming area, where the supervision was consolidated by qualified faculty advisers and mentors specialized trainers with a great practice in training methodology, allowing the acquisition of various skills necessary in this area of performance
natação treino desportivo juniores séniores swimming sports training juniors seniors