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Este trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de novos produtos vinagreiros, inserido no projecto UIIPS/ESAS Tecnologia Vinagreira, sendo destinado a criar produtos alimentares com a inclusão de vinagre, podendo estes ter interesse para o mercado gourmet. Pretendeu-se contribuir para a diversificação da oferta. Articulando ensaios tecnológicos, laboratoriais, sensoriais e aproveitando a aptidão tecnológica do vinagre, criou-se uma linha de novos produtos, utilizando Physalis peruviana, um fruto exótico de preço elevado, pouco estudado em Portugal. O fruto contém açúcares e um significativo teor em ácidos orgânicos, principalmente cítrico e málico, que explicam o sabor agridoce. É rico em antioxidantes.Com vinagres simples de fermentação submergida e Physalis, desenvolveram-se protótipos para conservas de fruta, adaptando a picklagem fresh pack (não fermentativa) de hortícolas a frutos doces. Por técnicas de blending e aromatização, formulou-se um vinagrete, optimizado para realçar características desejáveis, o aroma e a suavidade, tendo-se optado por uma matriz mista de vinagres de álcool e de vinho branco com adição de physalis em proporções definidas. Neste vinagrete, onde o fruto é preservado inteiro, a ausência de edulcoração, de tratamento térmico final e a produção prévia de extracto do cálice da physalis, introduz inovação e a mais-valia económica.Para os pickles, formularam-se combinações de vinagre de tipo/acidez diferentes (vínicos branco e tinto, de arroz, de fruta, de sidra, de álcool), ensaiando adições de licores, frutos e hortícolas (além de Physalis, mirtilo, murta, cebolinhas, couve-flor e cenoura), edulcorantes, especiarias e plantas aromáticas. Delinearam-se fórmulas de pickles agridoces aromatizadas, harmonizando cores, aromas e distintos sabores, conservando a acidez sui generis do vinagre. Nos protótipos de pickles fresh pack, a tecnologia de picklagem desenvolvida, que inclui operações de pré-salga, edulcoração, extração e aromatização múltipla, blending, adições de antioxidante (E300) e de ácido cítrico (E 330) e nalguns protótipos, tratamento térmico final, revelam-se essenciais na qualidade e estabilidade do produto. Os frutos exibem aspecto, aroma e sabor agradáveis e surpreendentes, cores brilhantes e a firmeza desejável, tanto nos protótipos de vinagrete como nas conservas fresh pack. Os picklestêm dupla utilização: o consumo dos frutos e da infusão como vinagre de mesa. Para avaliara sua qualidade e segurança e estabelecer uma caracterização sumária, os protótipos foram sujeitos a um conjunto de análises laboratoriais físico-químicas, reológicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais. Todos os protótipos cumprem os critérios de estabilidade para produtos vinagreiros compostos (pH < 3,5 e acidez total > 3,6% (m/v)).
This work aims to develop new vinegar products, inserted in the draft UIIPS / ESAS Technology vinegar, being designed to create food products with the addition of vinegar, and they may be of interest to the gourmet market. It was intended to contribute to the diversification of supply. Articulating technological tests, laboratory, sensory and taking advantage of the technological vinegar fitness, a line of new products was created using Physalis peruviana, an exotic fruit high price, little studied in Portugal. The fruit contains sugar and a significant content of organic acids, mainly citric and malic, which explain the bittersweet taste. It is rich in antioxidantes.Com simple vinegars submerged fermentation and Physalis, have developed prototypes for fruit preserves, adapting picklagem fresh pack (no fermentation) of the sweet fruits vegetables. By blending techniques and flavoring, a vinaigrette was formulated optimized to enhance desirable characteristics, flavor and softness, having chosen a mixed matrix of alcohol and white wine vinegar with added physalis in defined proportions. This vinaigrette, where the fruit is whole preserves the absence of sweetening the final heat treatment and the prior production of physalis cup of extract, introduces innovation and economic asset. For pickles were formulated vinegar combinations type / different acidity (white and red-wine, rice, fruit cider, ethanol) assaying additions liquors, fruit and vegetables (physalis addition, blueberry, myrtle , onions, cauliflower and carrots), sweeteners, spices and herbs. Outlined is bittersweet flavored pickles formulas, harmonizing colors, flavors and distinct flavors, keeping the sui generis acidity of the vinegar. Fresh pack pickles prototypes in the technology developed picklagem, which includes pre-curing operations, sweetening, flavoring and multiple extraction, blending, an antioxidant additions (E300) and citric acid (E 330) and some prototypes, heat treatment Finally, prove to be essential in product quality and stability. The fruits exhibit appearance, aroma and pleasant and surprising flavor, bright colors and the desired firmness, both in vinaigrette prototypes as in fresh pack canned. The pickles have dual-use: the consumption of fruits and infusion as table vinegar. It assessed for their quality and safety and establish a summary description, the prototypes were subjected to a set of physical and chemical laboratory analysis, rheological, microbiological and sensory. All prototypes meet the criteria for stability vinagreiros product compounds (pH <3,5 and the total acidity of> 3,6% (w / v)).
This work aims to develop new vinegar products, inserted in the draft UIIPS / ESAS Technology vinegar, being designed to create food products with the addition of vinegar, and they may be of interest to the gourmet market. It was intended to contribute to the diversification of supply. Articulating technological tests, laboratory, sensory and taking advantage of the technological vinegar fitness, a line of new products was created using Physalis peruviana, an exotic fruit high price, little studied in Portugal. The fruit contains sugar and a significant content of organic acids, mainly citric and malic, which explain the bittersweet taste. It is rich in antioxidantes.Com simple vinegars submerged fermentation and Physalis, have developed prototypes for fruit preserves, adapting picklagem fresh pack (no fermentation) of the sweet fruits vegetables. By blending techniques and flavoring, a vinaigrette was formulated optimized to enhance desirable characteristics, flavor and softness, having chosen a mixed matrix of alcohol and white wine vinegar with added physalis in defined proportions. This vinaigrette, where the fruit is whole preserves the absence of sweetening the final heat treatment and the prior production of physalis cup of extract, introduces innovation and economic asset. For pickles were formulated vinegar combinations type / different acidity (white and red-wine, rice, fruit cider, ethanol) assaying additions liquors, fruit and vegetables (physalis addition, blueberry, myrtle , onions, cauliflower and carrots), sweeteners, spices and herbs. Outlined is bittersweet flavored pickles formulas, harmonizing colors, flavors and distinct flavors, keeping the sui generis acidity of the vinegar. Fresh pack pickles prototypes in the technology developed picklagem, which includes pre-curing operations, sweetening, flavoring and multiple extraction, blending, an antioxidant additions (E300) and citric acid (E 330) and some prototypes, heat treatment Finally, prove to be essential in product quality and stability. The fruits exhibit appearance, aroma and pleasant and surprising flavor, bright colors and the desired firmness, both in vinaigrette prototypes as in fresh pack canned. The pickles have dual-use: the consumption of fruits and infusion as table vinegar. It assessed for their quality and safety and establish a summary description, the prototypes were subjected to a set of physical and chemical laboratory analysis, rheological, microbiological and sensory. All prototypes meet the criteria for stability vinagreiros product compounds (pH <3,5 and the total acidity of> 3,6% (w / v)).
Dissertação de mestrado em Tecnologia Alimentar, apresentada na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Vinagre Vinagrete Physalis peruviana pickles Murta Propriedade físicoquímica Contaminação Análise microbiológica Análise sensorial vinaigrette Blueberry Sensory analysis Contamination
VAZ, Joana Filipa Pereira dos Santos (2015). Desenvolvimento de novos produtos vinagreiros com Physalis peruviana. 253 p. Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Tecnologia Alimentar, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém. Disponível em: