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Os comportamentos de bullying não se assumem como um fenómeno novo, e têm sido alvo de uma crescente atenção em diversos países. A novidade refere-se à crescente sensibilização de que esses comportamentos comportam sérias consequências para os alunos envolvidos, para os seus colegas e para a escola, uma vez que afectam um importante número de alunos. Um conjunto substancial de pesquisas internacionais têm suportado esta preocupação, nomeadamente ao relacionarem o envolvimento em comportamentos de bullying e problemas de saúde. Seguindo a concepção de saúde defendida pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (O.M.S.), que se focaliza nos domínios físico, mental e social do sujeito, apresentamos neste trabalho alguns resultados de uma pesquisa relativamente à relação estabelecida entre comportamentos de bullying e alguns comportamentos de saúde.
Os dados foram recolhidos tendo por base uma amostra aleatória, tendo-se utilizado o questionário da O.M.S. intitulado Health Behaviours in School-aged Children (HBSC), para avaliar, entre outros, sintomas físicos, psicológicos e consumo de substâncias, a Escala de auto-conceito para adolescentes de Susan Harter, para avaliar a auto-estima, um questionário de nomeação dos colegas, para identificar os alunos envolvidos em comportamentos de bullying, e um questionário sociométrico, para avaliar o estatuto social dos alunos (popular, mediano, negligenciado, rejeitado e controverso). Um total de 581 adolescentes foram identificados como agressores, vítimas, vítimas-agressivas e não envolvidos em comportamentos de bullying, tendo por base o questionário de nomeação dos colegas. Os resultados demonstram uma relação entre estes quatro grupos de alunos e alguns comportamentos de saúde, evidenciando-se um perfil distinto para cada.
Bullying is not a new phenomenon and across countries is receiving increased attention. What is new is the growing awareness that bullying as serious consequences for both students, their peers and schools, since it affects an important number of students in school today. A substantial body of international research supports this concern relating bully/victim problems and health. Following the concept of health defended by the World Health Organization (WHO), that focus on physical, mental and social aspects of subjects, in this paper we will present some results of a research concerning the relation between involvement in bullying and some health behaviours. Data was collected from a random sample, using the Health Behaviours in School-aged Children (HBSC) used by the WHO to assess, among others, physical symptoms, psychological symptoms and substance use, the Harter Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents, to assess self-esteem, a Peer Nomination Inventory, to assess the involvement in bullying behaviours and a Sociometric Questionnaire, to asses student’s social status (popular, average, neglected, rejected and controversial). A total of 581 portuguese adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, who attended several middle public schools in the region of Lisbon, were defined as bullies, victims, bully-victims and not involved on the basis of the Peer nomination Inventory. Results show a connection between these four groups and some health behaviours, providing a distinctive profile for each one. Recommendations are provided with regard to possible intervention strategies underlying the importance of distinguishing between bullying and victimization.
Bullying is not a new phenomenon and across countries is receiving increased attention. What is new is the growing awareness that bullying as serious consequences for both students, their peers and schools, since it affects an important number of students in school today. A substantial body of international research supports this concern relating bully/victim problems and health. Following the concept of health defended by the World Health Organization (WHO), that focus on physical, mental and social aspects of subjects, in this paper we will present some results of a research concerning the relation between involvement in bullying and some health behaviours. Data was collected from a random sample, using the Health Behaviours in School-aged Children (HBSC) used by the WHO to assess, among others, physical symptoms, psychological symptoms and substance use, the Harter Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents, to assess self-esteem, a Peer Nomination Inventory, to assess the involvement in bullying behaviours and a Sociometric Questionnaire, to asses student’s social status (popular, average, neglected, rejected and controversial). A total of 581 portuguese adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, who attended several middle public schools in the region of Lisbon, were defined as bullies, victims, bully-victims and not involved on the basis of the Peer nomination Inventory. Results show a connection between these four groups and some health behaviours, providing a distinctive profile for each one. Recommendations are provided with regard to possible intervention strategies underlying the importance of distinguishing between bullying and victimization.
violência escolar bullying jovens risco school violence young risk
Seixas, S. (2005). Violência escolar – bullying: Práticas de Intervenção com Jovens em Risco. Poster apresentado no Colóquio “As Outras Educações – O Trabalho Social com Jovens, organizado pela Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, em novembro de 2005