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Cada vez mais a população portuguesa tem a consciência dos benefícios da prática regular de atividade física, ainda assim cerca de 68% da população é inativa. Já existem diversos estudos que apontam para esses mesmos benefícios a nível físico e mental, mas encontramos uma grande oscilação e baixa adesão no que toca a praticantes de ginásio. A literatura indica que as principais razões da não prática de atividade física estão relacionadas com a falta de motivação e a falta de tempo.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos: i) validar e traduzir o “The Situational Motivation Scale” para português para posteriormente o utilizar com o objetivo de avaliar a motivação situacional nos praticantes de ginásio; ii) analisar o impacto da motivação situacional no divertimento, satisfação com a vida, auto-estima e hábito em praticantes de ginásio e health clubs. Foram realizados diversos questionários a uma amostra de 264 praticantes de ginásio com média de idades de 32.28 ± 10.86, assim como uma média de anos de prática de 5.73 ± 6.19, com uma frequência média de prática semanal de 3.80 ± 1.26 e com um volume médio de treino de 1.95 ± 2.01 horas semanais.
Os resultados obtidos mostram que a versão final da escala possui um bom ajustamento aos dados e demonstram que que a motivação autónoma está relacionada com diferentes resultados positivos, sendo mais favorável a respostas comportamentais positivas com a prática de ginásio.
The Portuguese population is increasingly aware of the benefits of regular physical activity, yet about 68% of the population is inactive. There are already several studies that point to these same benefits at a physical and mental level, but we found a great oscillation and low adherence when it comes to gymnasts. The literature indicates that the main reasons for not practicing physical activity are related to lack of motivation and lack of time. The objectives of this study were: i) to validate and translate “The Situational Motivation Scale” into Portuguese to later use it in order to assess situational motivation in gymnasts; ii) to analyse the impact of situational motivation on fun, satisfaction with life, self-esteem and habit in gym and health clubs practitioners. Several questionnaires were carried out to a sample of 264 gymnasts with an average age of 32.28 ± 10.86, as well as an average of years of practice of 5.73 ± 6.19, with an average weekly practice frequency of 3.80 ± 1.26 and with an average volume 1.95 ± 2.01 hours of training per week. The results obtained show that the final version of the scale has a good adjustment to the data and demonstrate that autonomous motivation is related to different positive results, being more favourable to positive behavioural responses with gym practice.
The Portuguese population is increasingly aware of the benefits of regular physical activity, yet about 68% of the population is inactive. There are already several studies that point to these same benefits at a physical and mental level, but we found a great oscillation and low adherence when it comes to gymnasts. The literature indicates that the main reasons for not practicing physical activity are related to lack of motivation and lack of time. The objectives of this study were: i) to validate and translate “The Situational Motivation Scale” into Portuguese to later use it in order to assess situational motivation in gymnasts; ii) to analyse the impact of situational motivation on fun, satisfaction with life, self-esteem and habit in gym and health clubs practitioners. Several questionnaires were carried out to a sample of 264 gymnasts with an average age of 32.28 ± 10.86, as well as an average of years of practice of 5.73 ± 6.19, with an average weekly practice frequency of 3.80 ± 1.26 and with an average volume 1.95 ± 2.01 hours of training per week. The results obtained show that the final version of the scale has a good adjustment to the data and demonstrate that autonomous motivation is related to different positive results, being more favourable to positive behavioural responses with gym practice.
Dissertação conducente ao grau de Mestre em Atividade Física em Populações Especiais
teoria da autodeterminação motivação situacional divertimento auto-estima vitalidade subjetiva satisfação com a vida hábito self-determination theory motivation situational motivation enjoyment subjective vitality self-esteem satisfaction with life habit