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Este trabalho pretende compreender a influência do género nos desempenhos escolares, do ponto de vista dos/as docentes, e analisar o papel da formação na (re)construção das suas conceções educativas.
Para a realização desta pesquisa, integrada num projeto que Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém está a desenvolver com o apoio da Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género, recorremos a cem docentes de um concelho do distrito de Santarém; e a dezassete docentes que integraram uma oficina de formação sobre Género e Educação para a Cidadania realizada na ESES.
Numa primeira fase foram inquiridos professores/as do 1º. ciclo e educadoras de infância. Numa segunda fase, com os/as formandos/as da oficina também foram realizados questionários e entrevistas, antes e depois da formação, tentando estudar o seu impacto relativamente às questões de género nas práticas educativas.
No final, refletindo como através da formação é possível promover um maior questionamento das práticas educativas, motivando uma mudança de atitude relativamente ao trabalho das questões de género, apresentamos um modelo de grelha de autoavalição/autoformação.
This work aims to understand the gender influence on school performance according with teachers and analyze the training role in the reconstruction of their educational conceptions. For this research, integrated in a project that the Higher School of Education in Santarém is developing with the support of the (Commission for Gender Citizenship and Equality), we contacted one hundred teachers from one municipality of the district of Santarém and seventeen teachers that integrated a training workshop on Gender and Education for Citizenship by Higher School of Education in Santarém. In a first stage, primary teachers and nursing teachers were interviewed. Later on, training students were given some questionnaires and were also interviewed, before and after their training, with the objective of trying to study the impact on gender questions in educational practice. Finally, we presented a sample grid for self-assessment and self-training, bearing in mind the possibility of promoting a deeper reflection about educational practice, motivating a change in attitudes regardless the gender questions.
This work aims to understand the gender influence on school performance according with teachers and analyze the training role in the reconstruction of their educational conceptions. For this research, integrated in a project that the Higher School of Education in Santarém is developing with the support of the (Commission for Gender Citizenship and Equality), we contacted one hundred teachers from one municipality of the district of Santarém and seventeen teachers that integrated a training workshop on Gender and Education for Citizenship by Higher School of Education in Santarém. In a first stage, primary teachers and nursing teachers were interviewed. Later on, training students were given some questionnaires and were also interviewed, before and after their training, with the objective of trying to study the impact on gender questions in educational practice. Finally, we presented a sample grid for self-assessment and self-training, bearing in mind the possibility of promoting a deeper reflection about educational practice, motivating a change in attitudes regardless the gender questions.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na Área de Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica
género conceções educativas papel da formação. gender educational conceptions the training role