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Tendo em conta a importância assumida das bolas paradas (BP), como elementos decisivos no desenvolvimento e decisão nos jogos de futebol, o objetivo do estudo foi construir e validar um Sistema de Observação em Competição no Futebol de Bolas Paradas (SOCFutBP), de acordo com a metodologia observacional e suportado por um software de análise de jogo (VideObserver).
O estudo foi constituído por uma amostra de 80 ações de bolas paradas observadas numa das partes de um jogo de futebol do Campeonato Nacional de Juvenis de Sub-17. A metodologia de desenvolvimento do sistema de observação adotou os seguintes passos: definição de critérios (e respetivas categorias); seleção e adequação do instrumento; aperfeiçoamento e validação facial do sistema; validação propriamente dita do sistema (intra e inter-observadores) e aplicação do estudo piloto.
O Sistema de Observação em Competição de Futebol de Bola Paradas (SOCFutBP) foi construído e validado apresentando dez critérios adequados e ajustados para a recolha e análise de dados no âmbito da investigação focada nas bolas paradas no Futebol, uma vez que todos os critérios apresentaram valores de K superiores a 0,75 na fiabilidade intra-observador e inter-observadores.
Given the assumed importance of set plays, as crucial elements in the development and decision at football matches, the aim of the study was to construct and validate an observation system in the Football competition for set plays (SOCFutBP), according to observational methodology and supported by a set of analysis software (VideObserver). The study, relating to system validation, consisted of a sample of 80 actions of set plays analyzed in one part of a football Youth National Championships U-17 game. The development methodology of the observation system adopted the following steps: defining criteria (and their respective categories); selection and preparation of the instrument; improvement and facial validation of the system; Validation of the system and implementation the pilot study. The observation system in the Football competition for set plays (SOCFutBP) was developed and validated presenting ten appropriate criteria and adjusted for the collection and analysis of data within the research focused on set pieces in Soccer, since all the criteria presented values K greater than 0.75 in the intra-observers and inter-observers reliability.
Given the assumed importance of set plays, as crucial elements in the development and decision at football matches, the aim of the study was to construct and validate an observation system in the Football competition for set plays (SOCFutBP), according to observational methodology and supported by a set of analysis software (VideObserver). The study, relating to system validation, consisted of a sample of 80 actions of set plays analyzed in one part of a football Youth National Championships U-17 game. The development methodology of the observation system adopted the following steps: defining criteria (and their respective categories); selection and preparation of the instrument; improvement and facial validation of the system; Validation of the system and implementation the pilot study. The observation system in the Football competition for set plays (SOCFutBP) was developed and validated presenting ten appropriate criteria and adjusted for the collection and analysis of data within the research focused on set pieces in Soccer, since all the criteria presented values K greater than 0.75 in the intra-observers and inter-observers reliability.
futebol bolas paradas observação e análise de jogo sistema de observação. football set plays observation and analysis of the game observing system
Teixeira, E., Loureiro, N. & Sequeira, P. (2015).Construção e validação de um sistema de observação em competição no futebol de bolas paradas. Revista UIIPS,3(3), 1-17
Unidade de Investigação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém