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O presente artigo foca um estudo desenvolvido no âmbito do relatório de estágio da
primeira autora integrado na Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico relativo à promoção do
pensamento algébrico nos primeiros anos no trabalho com sequências pictóricas. O
estudo visa compreender como é que alunos do 4.º ano analisam e generalizam
sequências pictóricas crescentes, nomeadamente como determinam termos próximos,
distantes e como expressam as suas generalizações. A metodologia é qualitativa de
cariz interpretativo na modalidade de estudo de caso com três alunos. A recolha de
dados é efetuada através de entrevistas clínicas gravadas em áudio e vídeo e das
produções escritas destes alunos em duas tarefas com sequências pictóricas distintas
que envolvem a descoberta de um termo próximo e um termo distante e uma
generalização para determinar qualquer termo de sequências. Os resultados mostram
que os três alunos utilizam estratégias distintas em ambas as tarefas, revelando a
importância da estrutura dos termos pictóricos nas relações que os alunos
estabelecem. Todos os alunos manifestam dificuldade em expressar a generalização.
This paper focuses on a study developed by the first author in her internship report on supervised teaching practice of the Masters in Pre-school Education and Teaching in primary school related with the promotion of algebraic thinking in the early years in the work with pictorial sequences. The study aims to understand how students of the 4th year analyze and generalize growing pictorial sequences, in particular how they determine near and far terms and how they express their generalizations. The methodology has a qualitative and interpretative nature with the design of case study with three students. Data collection is performed through clinical interviews recorded in audio and video and written production of these students in two tasks with different pictorial sequences involving the discovery of one near term and one distant term and a generalization to determine any sequence term. The results show that the three students use different strategies in both tasks revealing the importance of the structure of the pictorial terms in the relations that they establish. All students presents difficulty in expressing the generalization.
This paper focuses on a study developed by the first author in her internship report on supervised teaching practice of the Masters in Pre-school Education and Teaching in primary school related with the promotion of algebraic thinking in the early years in the work with pictorial sequences. The study aims to understand how students of the 4th year analyze and generalize growing pictorial sequences, in particular how they determine near and far terms and how they express their generalizations. The methodology has a qualitative and interpretative nature with the design of case study with three students. Data collection is performed through clinical interviews recorded in audio and video and written production of these students in two tasks with different pictorial sequences involving the discovery of one near term and one distant term and a generalization to determine any sequence term. The results show that the three students use different strategies in both tasks revealing the importance of the structure of the pictorial terms in the relations that they establish. All students presents difficulty in expressing the generalization.
sequências pictóricas generalização pensamento algébrico pictorial sequences generalizations algebraic thinking
Correia, F., & Branco, N. (2015). A análise de sequências pictóricas por alunos do 4.º ano de escolaridade na promoção do pensamento algébrico. Revista da UIIPS, 3(6), 151-168.