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Este projeto analisa a influência da abordagem STEM (Ciência, Tecnologia,
Engenharia e Matemática) no desenvolvimento cognitivo dos alunos, na aprendizagem sobre
solubilidade e no interesse nas áreas STEM. Para tal, os alunos realizaram uma atividade
laboratorial usando placas de Arduino® ligadas a sensores, para estudar a influência da
temperatura na solubilidade de um soluto sólido em água. O projeto envolveu 35 alunos do
11º ano de escolaridade, de uma escola de Almeirim. Para analisar o impacto do projeto
recorreu-se a uma metodologia mista, que incluiu a aplicação de um teste de associação de
palavras (WAT - Word Association Test) e de um inquérito por questionário, antes e depois
da intervenção pedagógica. Os resultados evidenciam uma melhoria no desenvolvimento
cognitivo dos alunos, mas uma diminuição do seu interesse pelas áreas STEM. Contudo,
foram identificadas dificuldades de aprendizagem que requerem aperfeiçoamento das
atividades, além do estudo mais aprofundado das suas causas.
This project examines the influence of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach on students' cognitive development, learning about solubility, and motivation in STEM fields. To this end, students conducted a laboratory activity using Arduino® boards connected to sensors to study the influence of temperature on the solubility of a solid solute in water. The project involved 35 11th-grade students from a school in Almeirim, Portugal. To analyse the impact of the project, a mixed methodology was used, which included the application of a WAT (Word Association Test) and a questionnaire survey before and after the pedagogical intervention. The results demonstrate an improvement in the students' cognitive development, but a decrease in their interest in STEM areas. However, learning difficulties were identified that require the improvement of activities, as well as further study of their causes.
This project examines the influence of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach on students' cognitive development, learning about solubility, and motivation in STEM fields. To this end, students conducted a laboratory activity using Arduino® boards connected to sensors to study the influence of temperature on the solubility of a solid solute in water. The project involved 35 11th-grade students from a school in Almeirim, Portugal. To analyse the impact of the project, a mixed methodology was used, which included the application of a WAT (Word Association Test) and a questionnaire survey before and after the pedagogical intervention. The results demonstrate an improvement in the students' cognitive development, but a decrease in their interest in STEM areas. However, learning difficulties were identified that require the improvement of activities, as well as further study of their causes.
estudo da solubilidade estruturas cognitivas interesse pelas áreas STEM educação STEM solubility study cognitive structures interest in STEM fields STEM education