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O presente trabalho, intitulado “Abandono escolar em São Tome e Príncipe: uma causa
fundamental na base do subdesenvolvimento local”, desenvolvido no quadro do mestrado
em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, tem como objetivo geral conhecer as causas e as
consequências do abandono escolar na região das Praias em São Tomé e Príncipe,
conhecer a relação existente entre abandono escolar e subdesenvolvimento local, as
políticas locais para promoção de formação extraescolar e diminuição do abandono
Do ponto de vista metodológico, foi desenvolvida uma abordagem mista, combinando
técnicas e procedimentos do tipo qualitativo e quantitativo – análise documental,
realização de entrevistas e aplicação de questionários – tomando como campo de
observação os territórios de Praia Gamboa, Cruz, Lochinga e Diogo Nunes.
Foi possível concluir que o abandono escolar (interrupção precoce do ciclo de estudos) é
uma problemática com múltiplas causas (individuais, familiares, organizacionais e
comunitárias), que afeta negativamente os alunos, os seus familiares, a instituição escolar,
bem como os seus territórios de inserção. Tem consequências ao nível do
desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos indivíduos, ao nível do seu bem-estar
individual e social e, também, ao nível do desenvolvimento comunitário, com projeção
Os resultados a que chegamos permitem evidenciar a necessidade de as entidades
governamentais locais e nacionais, apoiadas pelos parceiros de desenvolvimento,
continuarem a envidar esforços no sentido de erradicar fenómenos de abandono escolar,
constituindo equipas de trabalho multidisciplinares, com a participação das comunidades
locais e nas quais devem ser incluídos técnicos do trabalho socioeducativo, trabalhando
em conjunto na capacitação pedagógica de professores, aumentar e equipar instituições
educativas, melhorar o currículo escolar, desenvolver iniciativas formativas formais e
informais, empoderar e aumentar a autoestima de alunas e alunos.
The present academic work, under the theme School Dropout in São Tome and Príncipe: a fundamental cause at the base of local underdevelopment, developed in the framework of the Master's Degree in Social Education and Community Intervention of the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, has as general objective to understand the causes and the consequences of school dropout in the region of Praias, in São Tomé and Príncipe, to know the existing relationship between school dropout and local underdevelopment, the local policies to promote out-of-school training and decrease school dropout. From the methodological point of view, a mixed approach was developed, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques and procedures - documentary analysis, interviews, and questionnaires - taking as field of observation the territories of Praia Gamboa, Cruz, Lochinga and Diogo Nunes. It was concluded that school dropout (early interruption of the study cycle) is a problem with multiple causes (individual, family, organizational and community), which negatively affects students, their families, the school institution, as well as their territories of insertion. It has consequences on the personal and professional development of individuals, on their individual and social well-being and on community development, with national projection. It has been made evident the need for local and national government entities, supported by development partners, to continue their efforts to eradicate school dropout phenomena, constituting multidisciplinary work teams, with the participation of communities, in which socio-educational work technicians should be included, working together in the pedagogical training of teachers, increasing and equipping educational institutions, improving the school curriculum, developing formal and informal training initiatives, empowering and increasing the self-esteem of students.
The present academic work, under the theme School Dropout in São Tome and Príncipe: a fundamental cause at the base of local underdevelopment, developed in the framework of the Master's Degree in Social Education and Community Intervention of the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, has as general objective to understand the causes and the consequences of school dropout in the region of Praias, in São Tomé and Príncipe, to know the existing relationship between school dropout and local underdevelopment, the local policies to promote out-of-school training and decrease school dropout. From the methodological point of view, a mixed approach was developed, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques and procedures - documentary analysis, interviews, and questionnaires - taking as field of observation the territories of Praia Gamboa, Cruz, Lochinga and Diogo Nunes. It was concluded that school dropout (early interruption of the study cycle) is a problem with multiple causes (individual, family, organizational and community), which negatively affects students, their families, the school institution, as well as their territories of insertion. It has consequences on the personal and professional development of individuals, on their individual and social well-being and on community development, with national projection. It has been made evident the need for local and national government entities, supported by development partners, to continue their efforts to eradicate school dropout phenomena, constituting multidisciplinary work teams, with the participation of communities, in which socio-educational work technicians should be included, working together in the pedagogical training of teachers, increasing and equipping educational institutions, improving the school curriculum, developing formal and informal training initiatives, empowering and increasing the self-esteem of students.
abandono escolar subdesenvolvimento local agentes educativos educação social school dropout local underdevelopment educational agents social education